everyones gone :( AGAIN!!!

i think JUST think he is coming round lol - dunno y he his moaning coz it means my ex will find out wot it is like to be A full time dad well for 3 nights neway!
neway got Braydon another Xmas prezzie today they have opened one of them build a bear factory shops in colchester and i made one for him i thought it would be one of them prezzies he can keep lol!!

loads a love sez n braydon

How is everyone doing??
Any one have there babies yet lol????, Well whats everyone wanting for christmas, its getting close you know.??
Has anyone have anything interesting happen to them recently???
Well hope to chat with you soon
Bye Katrina
god i am so upset i have spent the whole day crying and i still am never realised i could cry so much ...god this is going to sound really stupid espeically when i have spent the last 6 months slagging him off but my ex braydons dad has got a new g/f and i am totally heart broken i never even considered him getting a new g/f in the last week we have been talking and i thought we were getting on really well he even gave me a hug and a kiss on the check dont sound much but ment loads to me well now ne way , he never even mentioned his girl friend i saw em in town today snogging n i just burst in to tears in the middle of town luckily he didnt see me!!! i didnt realise till today how much i really do still love him - never thought it would properly be over!!!!

i have asked for a panini toaster for x mas sounds sad but i love em lol n it cheaper than going to tesco cafe and buying one!! more worried about Braydons xmas!!

hope everyone is doing well?
hi girls
has anyone eles had/been havin shows/contractions at an 'early' stage in pregnacey?
im only 30+weeks and been having shows for the past 2 weeks and ive also had contractions. the contractions come bout every 20-30 mis and last bout 2-4 mins i havent said anythink to my mw cuz i cant get in toch with her. im so worred my little one may come so early.
any advice would be great
hey i didnt suffer nething till the night before i had B - if i was you call your labour ward they may suggest u go in for monitoring - but it means u get to hear the lil 1's heart beat lol. try not to worry
hey sarah, im sorry that ur ex has got a new girlfriend but do you think it will last? youve got his baby and youve got him for life dont worry yourself over him.

maybe you needed something like this to make you realise that its over. at least now you can try your best to move on, you will find somebody who loves you and braydon to bits sooner or later.

sorry this isnt much help but i know how you feel, my ex has a new girlfriend and i was hurt and felt stupid for some reason but i know no matter how much i loved him i am carrying his baby and if he cant try and make things work then i know hes not worth my tears. here to talk anytime xxx
i dont really expect much for xmas to be honest. baby will be here by then so i want to make it special for the baby even tho he/she is going to be a week or less old :lol: lol (if he/she dont come late!!!) i cannot believe i am 37 weeks today where has my pregnancy gone????? is it going really quickly for anybody else? i think i lost my plug the other day it was green and purpley and a big lump came out and now ive been getting traces for the last couple of days too, ive got an appointment tomorrow so ill see what she says. i saw my gp friday because ive been getting nose bleeds and he just told me how to control them, not why i was getting them or anything :twisted: anyway enough from me today lol xxx oh yeah if im having a girl she STILL don't have a name..any ideas????
i hope ur baby comes in time for xmas how loverly would that be!!

i had a gals name from the start Breigh-anna with the middle name janet after my mum but i did have another just incase ella - louise

ur rights bout my ex just felt so final
ye v final sarah!
i cant wait for xams but i have no idea wat im gonna do coz i have absolutly noooooo money for prezzies :cry: :cry:
an i wanna make it special as its demis 1st xmas
wel it will b special wiv no prezzies wont it!!

u dont need prezzies to have a good xmas as long as u have got each other!!!

braydons dad came round together and i had loads of trouble not crying he says he hasnt got a new g/f but i saw him kissing her how stupid does he think i am - GOD i am jealous!!

how r u going amy hope everything is going well still??

gill how did your scan go hope everything was ok??

lots of love sarah and braydon

PS i cant believe it we have actually got a run of messages going lol!
demi wont have a clue whats happening anyway mary so if i were you id just get kylie a few little bits and try and make it special for her, demi wont care how special you make as long as shes had her food and sleep lol

yeah im fine thanks sarah, saw my mw this morning and everythings good, babys head is engaged 4/5 and my bp and urine are both fine so im happy. babys weight is good now a few weeks ago they were worried that the baby may have iugr but they seam pretty confident that everything is normal now. i have to go in next week and the week after and then every other day after my due date if baby hasnt arrived! so come on baby!!!!!!
awww!! wot was the babys heart beat i used to love that bit lol. in a funny way i miss being preggie but at the time i wanted the baby to come then lol!!!!
every other day blimey i was seeing my GP once a week wen i went over or i was ment to be gave birth the day before i was ment to see him that week lol!!!

amy is right mary - demi wont know a thing about xmas this year!! the only way braydon will know that summit was happening is by the way his mummy is acting like a big kid - well bigger than usual lol

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: I picked the name braydon as it was different i turn the tell on and there was someone with the name braydon on there lol :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
ok amy & sarah i will do that. get a few prezzies for kylie an demi will just wtch the xmas tree!! (i have already put it up. i begged my dad as he is the only 1 with enough money :( )

sarah- i think the name braydon is really nice. it dosent really matterr where you gott it from.
and congrats amy hope baby comes soon.

cya all luv me xxxxxxxxxx
well braydon was the first time iv ever heard it and i love it. its a really nice name and looks like it suits the little man :D

on monday bubs heartrate was 140bpm, it been inbetween 150 and 160 the last few times!whats the thoery about the boy and girl from the heartrate?
well wen i was 3 weeks away from my due date my g.p told me he knew that i was having a boy by his heart beat but u can only find out in the laast 3 weeks of pregnancy and if the heart beat is 140 or under is a boy and over is a girl and it worked with all the people in my antenatal class!!
Braydons heart beat was 150 over before the last 3 weeks

At my last appointement, my babys heart beat was 140 and the one before they didnt tell me, but all the ones in the past have been over 140, so i hope its right, and im having a girl lol, not that its always a good way of telling what your having, maybe just a coincidence???
Well i guess we'll see. So hows everyone doing?? Is any one due soon?
Well hope to hear from you soon.

I just send a message but didnt realize there were two pages so now that im caught up, im sorry about your ex and dont worry i dont know if you want him back but another person i know got back with her ex after their baby was born so he might just come crawling back. And by the looks of things most of you are having your babies before christmas, luckily mine wont come till Jan unless she decides to comeearly lol.
I just aint gonna do much in Dec thats all, cuz i really dont want a christmas baby, not that its horrrible but i know i hated my birthday comin at the very end of the yaer and last one of my friends to be an age.
But anyways im glad everyones doing good, and take care.
no i have made my mind up since he refused me ne money for B i dont want him back so i have gone to a solicitor to get money of him lol! i dont see y i should be the only one paying for OUR son LOL

how is everyone going?
i dont blame you sarah. im lucky that my exs mum has started putting money in a seprate bank account for whenever i need things for the baby.

she also paid out for the cot and half towards the pram.

im good thanks, getting alot more bh's now and some wierd feelings going on in there and i can deff feel that the baby has moved down. getting quite scared now


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