Where are all the June mums to be??

Yes..........it's the weekend again........feel really tired this week and am soooo looking forwards to a lie in tomorrow morning!!

Still missing hubbie, but he's home on Sunday so not long to wait now.

Hope everyone is well!

Tonight, i'm going to chill, watch a movie and maybe be naughty and get a take away as i can't be bothered to cook!!

Enjoy your evening and weekend

Amy xx

How are you feeling? Im feeling good, feeling the baby kick and watching my bump grow is great :D

How was your weekend? I didnt do much this weekend, just stayed round the house being lazy :lol:.

Im not taking any supplements now. I took folic acid for the first 12 weeks but then my doctor said I didnt need to continue with them or anything else :?.

You will have to get a bump pic up soon, and your 20 week scan piccy :).

Take care

Rachel xx

Can't believe it's March already.......the weeks seem to be flying by, not too long for us to go!!

Glad your feeling well, i feel great at the moment too! Baby seems to be moving lots, which is lovely to feel and hubbie felt and saw it for the first time the other night...it was lovely!

Had another midwife appointment on Tuesday, all is well with baby and lovely to hear the heart beat again.......although she was concerned that i'm putting on to much weight..... She was quite rude, and i burst into tears when i came out. iIve only ever been 7 stone and a size 8, even though i eat for england i just never seem to put on weight but since i've been pregnant i've put on about 10 Ibs....which is alot for me, but i don't think that i look any differnt apart from having a bump!

Since my appaointment i can't stop feeling bad every time i eat something naughty.....i have been trying to be good this week.......but at the moment i still seem to be having a craving for sweet things.....i just hope i can controll my taste buds......and that i havent put on any extra weight by the time i see her again in April!

(sorry to ramble on)

I'm glad it's the weekend......planning on pottering about and being lazy, we may go looking for cots sometime tomorrow!!!

What are you up to this weekend??

I still need to post my pics, will do that tomorrow.......just havent got round to it yet.

Take care, have a nice weekend

Amy xx

I know, March already :shock: Before we know it we will be holding our babies :D

Im still feeling great :D Im also feeling baby move lots, its lovely. Think i will miss it when I have my baby lol. Its nice that your husband was able to see and feel it, must have been lovely for you and him to share it together :)

Im glad all is well with your baby. Sorry to hear your midwife was rude, my midwife dosent weigh me so ive never had that. If she did weigh me she would go mad, ive put loads of weight on :shock: I know i should watch what im eating but you dont always fancy eating healthy do you? :lol:

I have got my next appointment on wednesday so im looking forward to hearing the heartbeat again :D.

I dont plan to do much over the weekend, just have a nice lie in and just laze around the house all day :lol: Have you bought any more for baby yet? Im trying to wait untill nearer the time to buy anything else but its too difficult to resist :lol:.

Look forward to seeing your pics.

Take care

Rachel xx
My 23 week 3 days bump pic!!



Amy xx
Thanks...........it's mad seeing how much it's grown since 2 weeks ago.

How are you??

Hubbie and i went shopping yesterday, bought some cute babygrows and a couple of toys.....we also went looking for cot's and found the perfect one, which is a 4 in 1 it changes from a cot, to playpen, to seat and a desk....and it has a matching chest of draws with changing unit and bath....mother-in-law has kindly offered to pay for it so we are going to order it next week......i can't wait!!

Today we are having a lazy day.......pottering about.....and a roast dinner to eat shortly!!

Baby still moving lots, sometimes my bump goes really hard and tense, does yours do this??

Hope your having a good weekend........enjoy

Take care

Amy xx

Im good thanks, starting to get tired again easily though. How are you?

That cot sounds great, it does everything lol :lol:. I went shopping yesterday aswell and couldnt resist buying some cute baby outfits. Got all babys clothing sorted now for the 1st few months, might just buy a few more babygrows yet.

Ive not done much today either, just stayed around the house mostly watching tv lol.

I have noticed my bump doing this aswell, thought it was just me. Its not painfull, just something i notice now and again. Baby has started moving around alot more in the past 2 weeks or so :D

Have you thought of any names yet? Ive decided on Nathan Michael now when hes born :).

Take care

Rachel xx

How are you?

I'm good, but have had a really busy and hectic week at work....so glad it's the weekend........it's been extra hot here in spain the past 3 days 27 degrees.....so today has been lovely pottering around in the garden, i even cut the grass which took me forever!

Well the cot we liked -we ordered on Friday as well as the draws-changing unit too.....it can take up to 60 days to be delivered so should hopefully have it by the middle of may or before!!!!!

I love the name you have choosen...we still have'nt decided on a name, although possiable choices are Mia Rose or Ellie Rose........to be honest i didnt think it would be this hard choosing a name!!

Have you bought anything more? I'm flying back to England on the 30th March so going to get moses basket, avent bits and a few more clothes then!!! The thing is i could just keep on buying!!!

Hope your having a nice weekend??

Take care

Amy xx

Im good. Had my midwife appointment on wed, she said babys fine and that im measuring right and I got to listen to the heartbeat again :D.

The weather where you are is totally opposite to whats here lol, its snowing :lol:.

Them names are nice, out of the two I think I prefer Ellie Rose but there both lovely :D. I also didnt relise how hard it would be choosing a name but im sticking with Nathan Michael (I think :lol:)

I went shopping this week and got a few more things, Changing bag, nappies, bottles incase I cant breastfeed and a few more outfits :D.

Have you thought about if you are going to bottle or breastfeed? Im hoping to breastfeed.

Also do you know when the third tri starts? Its either the beginning of week 27 or week 28, not sure which one though :?.

Time is going so fast, before we know it we will be holding our little ones :D.

Rachel xx

How are you???

I am of work now till next tuesday, as it's Fiestas here in Valencia.....and we have friends arriving tomorrow, and the weather here is still lovely....so i'm looking forwards to some time off!

I'm good at the moment although i seem to be getting a lot of Braxton hicks the past few days.......going to make sure i mention it to my midwife next time i see her.

I hoping to breast feed too, going to buy my sterliser, bottles and breast pump when i'm back in the uk!

Time is flying, and i am really enjoying being pregnant.......i feel like i have lots of energy at the moment too! As far as i know 3rd Trimester starts at 27 weeks........so not too long to go!!!

Hope your having a good week?

Take care

Amy xx

Im not feeling to good at the moment, feeling faint alot :( How are you?

Its nice that your off work and get to spend sometime with friends. Im really looking forward to finishing work now, finish when im 34 weeks pregnant :D. When are you taking your maternity leave?

I need to buy a breast pump and steriliser, got my bottles sorted though.

Ohh not long at all then before the third tri :D. Its the trimester we finally meet our babies :D :D.

Take care

Rachel xx

Sorry havent been on much since last week, and our friends only left on Tuesday, so have had a busy week.......so glad it's the weekend again!!

Sorry to hear you've been feeling faint, how you feeling at the mo?? Have you mentioned it to your midwife??

I'm feeling well, i still seem to have lots of energy, although been getting quite a bit of back ache recently.

I think i will be taking my maternity leave from 36 weeks, unless i need to finish before, as it will be getting very warm here in Spain then!!

I fly to the UK on thursday, really looking forwards to it, going to do some baby shopping with my mum! I need to buy some bottles, which ones did you buy......theres so many, think i may buy avent but not sure??

Not long till the 3rd trimester!!! although i think the time has started to slow down a bit now.

My hubbie took a pic of my bump tonight, so will get that posted up!

Well take care, have a nice weekend

Amy xx

Im feeling better now, the feeling faint has stopped now :D.

Glad your feeling well. I still have a lot of energy but do get tired quicker therse days. Im getting alot of back pain aswell now, especially when im sitting.

Hope you have a safe journey on thurs. It will be nice to go shopping and spend some time with your mum :).

I bought avent bottles. Alot of people said they are the best ones to buy, so I did lol.

Have you got much more to get now? Ive still got a few things I need to get but not that much now.

Lovely bump pic *Jelous* lol. I will get a bump pic posted soon.

Take care

Rachel xx

Well today was my last day at work untill i go back next Wednesday!!! I feel really tired tonight as i did'nt sleep well last night, just could'nt seem to get comfortable, and my back is really aching at the moment, it seems to ache more if i'm sat down or stood up for a long period of time. Hopefully wont get any worse!

I'm glad the fainting has stopped, and you feel better! How's the bump growing.....can't wait to see a pic!

I'm looking forwards to flying back tomorrow to Essex, where abouts are you in the uk?? Not looking forwards to the cold weather though, as it's been really hot here in spain the past few weeks.

I still have a few bits to get, i'm going to get some bottles, a moses basket, and some vests while i'm home, but i have to controll my spending, because there is so much you can buy and so many cute things!!!! I don't want to be overweight with my luggage on the way home!

I will try and get on over the weekend while at my mums......if not will chat next week.

Take care

Amy xx

How are you feeling? Hope you enjoyed your time off work and your time in the uk. Im from North Wales.

I know what you mean about the back pain, it really gets you down sometimes. Mine is also worse when im sitting or standing.

Over the next few weeks im going to get everything for the baby before I get to tired to be walking around all the shops :lol:. What have you got left to buy now? I've still got a few things but not that much now really.

Take care

Rachel xx

How are you feeling??

I'm feeling realy well thanks.......apart from the back ache still, how is yours? I'm finding it hard to get comfortable at night too, not sleeping that well.

I had a great time in the Uk, caught up with friends and family....and got lots of baby shopping done! I managed to buy a moses basket, an Avent kit with sterliser, bottles, breast pump and dummys as well as some cute outfits and lots of babygrows and vests........the uk does have such a better wider selection than here in Spain, i had to stop when i knew i would'nt be able to fit anymore in my suitcase!

I think we have near enough everything for the baby now.....just waiting for our cot and changer/bath unit to arrive!!! Not long to go for us now!!!!

Great bump pic........i will have to post another of mine.

Take care

Have a good weekend!

Love Amy xx

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