Where are all the June mums to be??

Ahhhhh hun........hope you are feeling much better today. I suffer from migranes so i know how you feel they can be awfull, and can really get you down.

I've found sometimes a cold compress on your head and a warm compress on the back of your neck works.....but mine seem to be triggered with too much cheese or chocolate.....so have to be carefull. Make sure you rest somewhere quiet.

Take care

Amy xx
Hi..........all June mums to be,

Just wanted to check in to see how you all are feeling and how the bumps are growing?

Hope all is well.

Amy xx

Im feeling good at the moment. Still get tired very quickly though, feels like im sleeping all the time :shock:. How are you feeling?

Still havent got much of a bump, im still looking like i've eaten to much :(. Can't wait to get a proper bump so that the whole world knows im pregnant :lol:. Have you got much of a bump yet? You will have to try and post a pic :).

Take care

Rachel xx

How are you all?

I'am good at the moment........feeling really well apart from the heart papultations (sp?) i keep getting, but have been to the doctor's and he said its called taccicardiar and that it's normal in pregnancy, as your heart can actually increase in size to an exta 20-40% to pump all that exta blood around.

Rachel, My bump has popped a little....but i still can't wait to get a proper rounded bump! I'm going to try and post my pics now!

I have my second midwife appointmant on Thursday.......and then not long till my next scan......i cant wait!!! When is your next scan??

Have you felt any movement yet?? I can't wait to feel that first flutter!

I'm still feeling really hungry at the moment and seem to be eating loads!!! Off to get some lunch now.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend

Take care

Amy xx
My 17 week bump pic!!!



Im feeling good, still tired though :shock: need about 10 hours sleep a night lol. Hope your heart paulpitations ease off for you, i havent experinced anything like that yet. Didnt know that your heart increased though :shock: lol.

Lovely bump pic, im jelous lol :lol: . Im getting bigger but it still looks like ive been eating to much and not that im pg :( Cant wait untill it pops out properly(sp?) :).

I had my second appointment a week ago, it was lovely to hear the heartbeat again :D. I might hire or buy a doppler, not sure yet though. I have got my next scan on the 1st of Feb, cant wait :D. Are you going to try and find out the sex when you have your scan?

Ive been feeling movement now for about 3 weeks, but i didnt relise what it was at first. Its getting stronger now and I can feel it everyday :D :D its lovely to feel and i dont have to worry as much about if the babys ok when i can feel him/her kicking :D. He/She seems to be more active during the night aswell.

Take care

Rachel xx
Hi Girls,

Hope all is well with you and the bumps??!!

I feel minging at the moment, i have a bit of flu, have had it since the weekend......really sore throat and blocked nose and feel quite shattered too. Have had non stop hot honey and lemon drinks, hopefully it will be on its way out soon??

I had my 2nd midwife appointment last Thursday, it went well.....checked blood pressure and weight and we heard the babies heart beat too!!!

I seem to have put on nearly 5 kilos already.......which is mad, i have always been a size 8 and used to find it hard putting on a bit of weight and now........i'm piling it on!!!!!

I think my bump has grown a little in the past 2 weeks.....going to try and post my 19 week pic later! Would be nice to see other bumps too.....is everyone starting to pop out??

We got a pre-natel heart listening system for christmas.....that can be used from 21 weeks onwards........looking forwards to trying that, we did try it last night, but could'nt hear anything yet.

I'm still not sure if i've felt the baby move.....i have been feeling really light pops inside.........do you think this could be it??? It's strange because i'm not too sure what sort of feeling it will be.

Well enough of my chatter, off for another, hot honey and lemon!

Take care

Amy xx

Im feeling very well at the moment. Im actually beginning to enjoy being pregnant instead of just feeling ill and tired :D

Sorry to hear you got the flu, I had it when I was about 8 weeks pregnant and it was awful, mine only lasted 4 days though, thank god :lol: lol. Hope your feeling better soon.

Glad your appointment went well, lovely to hear babys heartbeat isnt it :D. I bought myself a doppler off ebay and its nice to be able to listen to baby when ever I want.

Ive got my 2nd scan tomorrow :D :D. Can't wait. Its just a shame for me that its the hospitals policy not to tell you the sex :( abit gutted about that because I wanted to know lol.

I lost weight in the beginning of my pregnancy because of being sick alot, but weighed myself the other day and im back to my original weight before I got pregnant :D.

My stomach is growing but I still dont seem to have popped out, wish it would hurry up, I want a proper bump :lol:.

I think you have felt the baby moving, I 1st started feeling them little pops about 16 weeks but wasnt sure at 1st if it was baby. After I had kept feeling the same thing for about a week then I knew it was baby.

Take care

Rachel xx
Hi Rachel,

I'm still feeling rough today and have a killer headache, so have taken the day of work.

Just wanted to say hope your scan goes well for tomorrow!!!! I bet you can't wait to see the little one again!!!

Amy xx

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Had my scan today, it was lovely and everything is fine with baby :D :D.

I asked the sonogropher (sp?) again if he could tell me the sex and he just asked if i was sure i wanted to know then told me im having a little boy!!! :D:D:D:D:D.

Take care

Rachel xx

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Had my scan today, it was lovely and everything is fine with baby :D :D.

I asked the sonogropher (sp?) again if he could tell me the sex and he just asked if i was sure i wanted to know then told me im having a little boy!!! :D:D:D:D:D.

Take care

Rachel xx

Well Sunday is here........back to work tomorrow. I am feeling so much better than in the week, think the flu, is finally on it's way out!

I'm really pleased for you that you found out the sex........how exciting, at least you know what bits you can buy now, have you bought anything???

I have my scan the 14th Feb and can't wait........am getting so excited, and can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl?!!

I am getting impatient now and just want my bump to get bigger at the moment i feel like it's stopped growing. lol How is your bump coming along??

Well hope you are feeling well.....i'm off to put the oven on now.......ready for a big sunday roast! Mmmmmmmmm

Take care

Amy xx

Glad you are feeling better. I have two weeks off work now so im just going to put my feet up and rest :lol:.

I have bought a few things clothes, baby bath, car seat ect. Ive still got quite abit to get. Have you bought anything yet?

Good luck for your scan, its amazing to see how much they have grown since the 12 week scan. So are you deffo going to try and find out the sex? What do you think you would prefer, a boy or a girl?

My bump seems to have got alot bigger in the past two weeks :D Its not noticable to strangers yet but if it carries on growing this fast then it soon will be :lol:.

Rachel xx

Hope your enjoying time off work, and having fun!

I can't wait to stary buying bits for the baby.....we have only bought our 3 in 1 pram so far.....can't wait to start buying more, i have my scan tomorrow morning so will probably start to buy a bit more once we know if it's a little boy or girl?!!!

Hope your feeling well? I feel fine at the moment, just can't seem to find a comfortable sleeping position at night.

My bump seems to of popped some more too in the past 2 weeks, i must post another pic.....you must post one too!!

Take care

Amy xx

Im enjoying my time off, its great :lol:.

Its nice when you start buying things, made it seem more real for me. 1st thing I bought was a sleepsuit and when I got it home I was just looking thinking aww my baby will be wearing this in a few months :D.

How did your scan go? Did you get to find out the sex?

I feel great at the moment, just finding it difficult to fall asleep at night.

I seem to be getting really big now, will have to buy maternity clothes soon. Up untill now ive just been wearing my loosest trackies but even they dont fit now :(. Will try and post a pic soon.

Rachel xx
Hi, Ive finally managed to get my scan pic on to the computer :D


Rachel xx

I love the scan pic, it's lovely and clear!!!!!

I'm getting so excited now.......scan went really well, lovely to see the baby again and we were told that we are having a little Girl!!!! We are both really pleased.....it's nice being able to call it a her rather than it!

My mum, is flying over this weekend as my DH is away snowboarding for a week........so we are going to go and do some baby shopping, i can't wait!!!!

I'm feeling really well, my bump seems to growing everyday at the moment, i really like it!!! I feel really womenly lol!

Hope your still having a good time off work? and your feeling well?

I will try and post my scan pic and a bump update!

Take care

Amy xx

Glad the scan went well and congratulations on finding out your having a girl :D. Have you thought about any names yet?

It will be nice for you to do some baby shopping with your mum :). I've bought all the clothes I need to for him now but no doubt I will buy more, they're just so cute lol :lol:

Im feeling great at the moment :D. My bump seems to be getting bigger everyday aswell, I will have to get some pics of it on here soon.

Im still enjoying my time off. Going to shop for a pram and a few other things tomorrow, can't wait. :lol:

Hope your well

Rachel xx

How are you? Hope you've had a good weekend.

I enjoyed my mum being here, bought some baby clothes......that are just so cute!!!! Makes it feel alot more real! :D My mum also bought all the baby bedding over for us-the jungle range that we got from John Lewis.....can't wait to get a cot and be able to put the nursery togeather!! Not sure wheather to get a moses basket as well, are you??

Nice bump pic!!! You seemed to of popped, must post a pic of mine soon!

I have another midwife appointment next week, i'm hoping i havnt put on too much weight!!

I hope this week goes quick, as my hubbie is away.......and i do miss him and can't wait for him to get back on Sunday!!!

Are you taking any supplements while pregnant cos i'm still taking my vits and folic acid.......just wondered weather i should continue??

Well off to get some dinner now, feeling quite peckish......not sure what i fancy though, and can't really be bothered to cook for just me, as hubbie isnt here?? Oh well.

Take care

Amy xx

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