When you get your BFP...


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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What would you title your announcement post as?

Hope I'm not the only one who's been thinking about this!! :whistle:

I'm due to test tomorrow and keeping with my barrels of PMA, thinking of how I'd title my BFP announcement. Hopefully I'll actually get to do this on Friday morning!!

Has anyone else thought about this?

x x
I've thought about it, so you're not alone..........mine might be something like.....

I'm eating for two now!!!!!!!
I cant even think about it as Im so negative about ever getting a BFP :(
Ah that's a good one Kedi! x x

Cherry - I know what you mean hun but I think about this kind of stuff to keep my PMA going. :)

I think mine might be directed on my birthday cos it's on the 11th and hubby's planned a limo and table at one of my fave places for dinner but the limo company have chucked some champagne in and I'm actually hoping that I'll have to limit myself to a couple of glasses. :) x x
Please stay positive Cherrybinky, It will happen one day I'm sure of it. I've been trying for over 2 years and was really negative at the beginning of the year. This forum has help massively.

How long have you been trying for?

There is a lady on here that had been trying for 3 years and just got her BFP.

Sending you big :hug:
It's not a case of IF I get pregnant, it's WHEN I get pregnant & things will only happen when they are ready to happen, not when we want them to happen unfortunately

Ditto Kezza. Hence why I put 'When' instead of 'if' on the title. :)

Stay positive ladies!

x x
only 3 months so not long but to be honest when I joined here I was excited, symptom spotting and hot on it but now we've decided that if/when it happens it happens so I dont get my hopes up every month, Ive stopped symptom spotting and I just go from day to day. x
Hmm.... ive thought about it also but still havent come up with a good one lol. Still cant imagine me announcing it if im honest, It would just seem to perfect. Amy xx
Cherry - It's probably the best way to go - taking every day as it comes, which is what I do (well...have to with my cycles!) but I try and inject as much PMA as possible so that I even have positives for if it's not my turn yet. It's frustrating but that's TTC eh? :hugs: x x

EldraW - Defo see where you're coming from there! I have been struggling too.. x x
only 3 months so not long but to be honest when I joined here I was excited, symptom spotting and hot on it but now we've decided that if/when it happens it happens so I dont get my hopes up every month, Ive stopped symptom spotting and I just go from day to day. x

I think we've all been there Cherry :)

It was by 3 month that i was starting to feel very anti-climatic too. It's fun and easy to be all optimistic and if you get pregnant while that phase last then great, but typically people are in it for the long haul and it's better to be a bit more realistic for sanities sake.

I think you missing your OV goes to show that you do have other things in your life which is very important :)

I have thought about what i'd put when i read the things the other ladies have put, but mine will be less of a shock i think so something boring like "It's confirmed!" ;)
Louise, your BFP announcement could never be boring my lovely! :) I can't wait to see it. x x
I have thought about it but it changes depending on my mood!!

My Big Beautiful BFP!!

We did it!!

I made a mini me!!

Just call me mum!!
I agree with Louise, Vicky - Just Call Me Mum sounds lovely. :) x x

Louise - Nope, tomorrow is D Day! :faint: x x
:rofl: I would but I have no HPTs....Tomorrow is our big shopping day which is why we're picking up a test. ;) x x
:rofl: I would but I have no HPTs....Tomorrow is our big shopping day which is why we're picking up a test. ;) x x

I'm so jealous, you've got so much self control. I would have p****d on about 50 sticks by now!! LOL.

Good luck for tomorrow...got everything crossed for you xxx:dust::2ww::clover:
Ah thanks Danni. :) Hope I get to announce some good news to you all on Friday! x x

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