When you are pregnant do you just "know" regardless of symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2012
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Its quite a weird feeling I guess but I actually think I just "know" when Im pregnant.

I am very lucky and I have 3 healthy children and with all of them within approx 1 week of conceiving I honestly knew I was pregnant, even though the 3rd one was a shock.

At that point I had zero symptoms, I never checked my body temp, I certainly didn't know ovulation testers existed and I have always drank much more coffee than I should.

Im due to test in a few days to see if I managed to conceive this month however I am pretty much 100% sure Im not because I just don't "feel" it. Im already planning what I will do next cycle to up my chances of catching yet my OH keeps saying "we aint even sure if your pregnant this month yet! you might be so stop planning ahead!" and I told him... Im not... I just know Im not.

He thinks Im odd and being daft but does anyone here agree with me?
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I had no clue, i had all my normal period symptoms and was sure she was coming. I didn't test till a week late as i was THAT sure i was going to come on!
I have previously, not this time though!

Ooo Im looking at your sigs and am very jealous! I want mine to look like yours! lol xx
Both pregnancies I just knew! I did have a few symptoms but they were similar to my af symtptoms. Although in saying that I still didn't believe it was happening xxxx

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I've actually been having a think about this and I genuinely didn't know. I remember being so shocked the first time that I didn't believe it until gp confirmed. And with my second I was 6 weeks before I even tested. Its weird. But thank you, cause reading this thread reminded me of that and Im not going crazy symptom spotting now xx

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i have had 6 children and i can honestly say no i didnt and i dont get symptoms either that i know of cos i was checking and even after the bfp ranging from 6 wks to 16 weeks all i realy get is a tiny bit of nausea but with my last one i was exhausted from the start would fall asleep mid afternoon and sumtimes wake just in time to jump up and run to the school for the others xx
I've wondered about this because I've heard a few people say they just knew, and didn't know how true it was.
I could tell 3 days after ov. I always get an itchy tummy, (thought is was a water infection but doc says its hormones!) I have known 3 times before a BFP. xxx
I had no clue about my son, I had all the signs that af was coming..was wearing a pad just in case it came, it never came and was shocked when the hpt was positive! I'm so much more aware of my body this time around, that's not always a good thing all my "symptoms" I look at with a magnifying glass....
First time I fell pregant I felt like Af was coming for about a week, took a whole before I thought to test ( I forgot to restart my pill) but it ended in mc.

When I caught with G, I knew about 4ish days before my period it just wasn't coming. Actually tested the day it was due cos I was sure I was, no idea why cos I felt the complete opposite of the first time. Xxx
Not this time! In fact I only tested because I found a test stick in the cupboard at work and I'm too much of a poas addict to not use it. I took it home and did it with rubbish tea time pee xxx
Well Im just waiting now for my BFN as Im really not feeling it this month.

Although if I come back in a week or so and announce a BFP I'll eat my words lol!

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