When would implantation pain occur?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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I ov'd on the 6th and today I've had cramping that feels like someone pulling down on my womb. I had itchy boobs yesterday, headaches today, lightheadedness, nausea.

I very much suspect I'm succumbing to symptom spotting lol! I read the imp pain feels like dragging - which this does. I'm not due for AF for 10 days.

Am I imagining things? Xx
And I have backache and bloated tum too.

I'm a symptom spotting mare is what I am.
hey hun
implantation typically occurs 6 to 10 days after ovulation, or day 20 to 24 of a menstrual cycle. However, it can happen a few days earlier or later. In an average, 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on day 14 (the first day of a period is considered day 1 in a cycle). Once fertilization occurs, the egg stays in the fallopian tube for 3 days before entering the uterus and begins to implant to the uterine lining.
You so know your stuff! Thanks for that. Goodness knows what's going on but I really have to try not to spot things. This is hard isn't it *sigh*

I know how you feel. I've been feeling dull crampy feelings ever since Ov this month. I've been so aware of them and then yesterday, nothing! Until the evening when I got a really sudden random AF style cramp and felt all wet. I was convinced I'd come on then and there and dashed to the loo to get a pad. And there was nothing.

All day today I keep going to the loo to check and still nothing. I've had another twinge or two since yesterday but nothing like the others this last week.

I swear it's not been like this before, but I wonder how much of it is that I'm seeing stuff because I'm looking for it.

Fingers crossed for you. :)
Fingers crossed for you too hun - really hoping this is a lucky month for us all xxx

On another note - I'm freezing!!!! Totally random outburst there but it's mad how cold it is!!! Sheesh.
Yeah, I'm sat here shivering too. It's really cold outside and I'm at work without the heater on. Don't suppose sitting here and drinking chocolate milk out the chiller really helped there.

We're holding off putting the heater at work on for as long as possible because it's got loads of junk heaped around it and no one wants to be the one to find new homes for all the crap lol, so we're suffering until we crack. Must remember to wear an extra jumper tomorrow. Had a bit of a random hot flush yesterday afternoon, wouldn't mind another one right now. :lol:

Actually noticed snow on the higher ground by us yesterday! Winter is definitely here.
Extra jumper and mitts for you for sure! And heat the choc milk up in the microwave!

I work in a supermarket on chilled foods - Im either by a fridge or in a fridge. I thought I might be dying earlier *drama*

Hot flush eh? Good sign! Xxxxx
Extra jumper and mitts for you for sure! And heat the choc milk up in the microwave!

I work in a supermarket on chilled foods - Im either by a fridge or in a fridge. I thought I might be dying earlier *drama*

Hot flush eh? Good sign! Xxxxx

That made me giggle...only because I am also such a drama queen.......love it :)


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