When to start preparing?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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When did/ are you going to start preparing for babies arrival?

Ie put crib/cot up, make sure you know how to work pushchair, make sure OH knows how to fit car chair and wash babies clothes and sheets etc ??

I said to my OH on sat that at 30weeks i want to start putting crib up and working out car chair etc. Then i just realised ill be 30 weeks in 3weeks :oooo: and then there will be 10weeks left but obviously baby could come early so is it better to prepare early or not? Im worried about dust as we are by the beach and a main road the flat gets very dusty and didnt want the baby bits getting dusty. Thanks x
I'm ready now. I wanted to be sorted by 30 weeks and everything is done. Just bits and bobs to get now! I have washed the cot bed sheets but will give them a freshen up a few weeks before my due date. x
Ive been doing things as I go along, so when the crib arrived I built it and have sorted a mattress in it now too. Ive sorted clothes Ive been given into drawers in his room. I dont think having it sorted by 30 weeks is too early at all. You need to make the most of the time now, before long we'll be so pregnant we wont be able to do anything. I like sitting in my rocking chair in his room doing my hypnobirthing relaxation too :)
Oooh thanks :) I think if he had his own room then the stuff would have been up ages ago but where the crib is goin in my room and theres a cot bed to go in my daughters room (but i dont want to put that up till after he`s born as we might not be living here by the time hes 6months lol) plus my daughter is very curious, shes already been thru the baby bags after i showed her what was in them to try and stop her from doing that lol but it failed x
ah yeah I think Ive done it cos we only moved here in Feb so been unpacking/sorting all the rooms as we go along. makes sense to make it baby's room straight away rather than turning into a study/gym for a few months only to change it over again (much to my OH's dissapointment!!!)
any time u like i did things as i went along and got them as if u buy em early and dont put them together til the end they may not work or may be bits missing and gives u time to get them replaced and that x
I'm aiming to be absolutely ready for every eventuality by 35 weeks at the latest :) Still have a few things to get but nothing so important that baby wouldnt have everything he/she needed if an early arrival happened.
Err, We pick our pram/car seat up the second week in June, and my OH's folks are still to order the cot (hopefully this weekend). We only just got the room organised with furniture we already had at the weekend (not decorating just yet as the room is fairly neutral), so the room is pretty much ready for cot and things to be set up once the arrive. But I haven't even started washing baby clothes etc. I have put bits in a bag for me and for bubs but it's nowhere near packed! I sound really disorganised compared to you lot, especially since I'm home all day!!!
The nursery's been done for a few weeks now (must upload a picture, keep forgetting) hospital bags packed, although I plan to wash everything again in a couple of weeks. The car seat and base arrived last week and OH did a dummy run of putting them both in his car at the weekend and says he'll be able to do it within 5 min for when he needs to pick us up. Baby moniter arrived on saturday so we set that up and made sure it all works. The pram's being bought for us from in-laws so thats the only thing we need, oh and a chair for the nursery but we can't agree on one so we are still looking lol x
I started washing babes clothes a few days ago - only done one wash and have loads more to do as i've managed to get lots from different sources and freinds have been handing me loads in last two weeks! Lots f second hand things to wash too like bouncy chair covers and play mats, think i'l just do a load every couple of days until its all done and put away and then think about washing things down and then getting the cot up. Only have the matress to get and a pushchair to pick up.
Oh and i also need to start thinking about getting old sheets and towels for home birth - hoping freinds and family will help me with these too!
Would like to be finished by 36 weeks - so i don't have any last minute panics!
Baby hasn't got a room as yet as we weren't planning on anymore children - so we have to knock through into our annex but have decided to wait until after the babe is born - prob six months as he/she will be in our room until then.
Iv told my OH that we better start preparing soon as im 30weeks in 3 weeks and he looked abit shocked as it seems likes its coming up quicker now. i thought i was pretty much sorted clothes wise but now i dont think i am :( iv got:
7 bodysuits
1outfit and hat
2 joggers
1 jeans
2 pairs of socks

2 pairs of socks
2 hats
2 sleepsuits
1 outfit

Im gonna end up going out at last minete and getting bits as i i dont want loads of newborn stuff then he comes out 9lb and dont fit in any of it :( i aint gonna find out till 38weeks if hes big or not. what do you think i should do? x
Im kinda relying on the fact that everyone gets you clothes for a newborn baby as a present! You've got the basics there, the only other thing you have to take to hospital is scratchmits so your LO doesnt make his/her face when the nails get hard. Do you wanna see my list? Its long lol
I would say you have plenty to be going on with , and like Tiny said, first babies will get stacks of pressies!! If people ask you then start thinking about things you need , or recomend different sizes to different people like 3-6 or 6-9 (even tho in advance)or everyone will assume you won't need or have all the newborn size and all rush out and get stacks of 0-3 then you will be overloaded, and babe will be naked from 3-6 months onwards!!
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Sounds like you've got the basics - i have been getting bits in both sizes and have been given loads - even if babe isn't huge newborn only last a short while so its a better investment to buy bigger.

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