When/how often do you wear your baby?

what sort of sling do you have? If i have a wrap type sling on (so the baby is pressed against me) i try and have as little stuff inbetween me and the baby as possible. So i might have a jacket on but not done up with the baby underneath it, and he might have a coat on but not done up either, so we are skin to skin but covered

if done like that, you will find your body prevents the baby from overheating because you act as a thermostat for him (clever bodies arent we!)

I think they are more comfortable when a bit too cold rather than a bit too hot so i try and make sure that he isnt too covered, he is getting my body heat anyway :)

I did put him in a snowsuit when it was really icy the other day but i left it unbuttoned between me and him, was more worried about his legs getting cold tbh! z
At the moment I have a Baby Bjorn which has been passed to me by a friend, but am planning on getting a Moby for comfort and for breastfeeding - it is very difficult (though not imposible!) to bf in a Baby Bjorn.
I have never really thought about carring herbie but now this bloody snow he here im having a nightmare I just cant push the double buggy at all and the school is too far away for dolly to walk in thick snow. so was think of putting dolly in her single buggie and carrying herbie but I have no idea about them I've seen ppl with baby carries are they the same as a wrap? whats best to buy and where from?
he's 10week tomorrow but big for his age xx
i would try a stretchy wrap really, you can find them second hand (which is great because you can only really use them for 4months) for roughly 25/30quid, i bet if you put an ISO on here for one you would find one quite easily...

structured baby carriers arent great, they tend to either straighten the babies back too much or not offer support, a stretchy wrap will curve to the shape of the baby and offer the best type of support :)

then if you really like it a woven wrap is lovely and much, much more supportive, but they are a little more expensive (£50 roughly for a secondhand cheapie one) but great for weightier babies :D
My moby's have been a godsend in this weather! It's so much easier to pop him in there than struggle with his pram x
ive just started to realise Noa stop cryin if i wear him :) he cries aloooot!
when i was in london on friday noa only had 1 shortsleeved vest and a long sleeved, a hat, cotton trousers, thin hat and thick socks and that was it. he was well comfy, im more scared of him bein too hot then too cold
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I think Im going to be wearing Paige for ages. Shes almost 4 months now but around 12lb so I think it will last a while yet :) If I go for a walk somewhere Ill always wear Paige now as I feel shes kept warmer next to me than in the pram. I just put a pair of sock on, a long sleeve vest, a sleepsuit and a hat. I tuck her hands in the wrap. She always looks snug.

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