When did your little one start walking?


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2010
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Hi shan in 16 mths now and still not walking, she stands holding on to something and walks around the furniture but she just likes to crawl, my others started at 12 mths 13 mths and 14 mths, what age did your lo start or are they still like my shan. x
Tegan took first steps at 11 months but didn't start walking properly till 14 months. my friends little boy didn't start walking till almost 17 months xx
My DD was 11-12 months but my niece is 16 months and not walking, guess they are different and do it when they are ready x
Glad shes not the only one, yea i guess its when they feel ready they'll do it, but i dont mine though she fast enough on her hand an knees lol x
my lo was almost 11 months....my friends baby was 16...i think each baby is just different and do it in their own time xx
Lo is almost 18 months, she has taken a few steps on her own but still prefers to hold on to me, they all get there in there own time x
I was thinking about this as-well, as my Lo is a year old next month and doesn't crawl or bum shuffle. He just doesn't want to move. But like you all say they do everything in their own time. I'm hoping he decides to do something which involves moving soon, as hes totally breaking my back:help:!!! But on the other hand I'm not having to run around after him:dance: xxxxxxx
Drake has just stared taking his first steps and he's 15 months. My other boys were 12 months and 14 months.

My friends boy wasn't walking till he was 19 months. She'll get there soon hun x
I really think it depends on who they have around them, you have three other kids, and so everything is all around to look at and toys will be given to her , saving her the bother!

Mine all got later to start walking as they were subsquent kids, eg number 1 was 12 mths , number 2, was 13 mths and number 3 took 16 mths to walk, and Devon has just turned 12 mths and he is nowhere near, he has only been bum shuffling for about 3 or 4 weeks now!! He can step when you hold him up, but there is no weight bearing going on at all!! He cannot cruise or walk the sofa , pull up yet etc, so it's not going to be soon.

Once Shan walks as a later one, prob like my daughter, she will be walking really sturdley, so at leat less injuries to her face from wobbles!
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Alisha is 11months old and has just started to pull herself up she did it today useing the cot i cant wait for her to walk
Alfie is walking on own now and he is 14months, my daughter was only 9 months thought so they are all individualxxx
My 2 year old took her first steps just before her 1st birthday and was walking confidently by 13 months, my almost 1 year old started taking a couple of steps at 10 months and on new years eve she started walking on her own. She is still wobbly but shes getting there. She isnt 1 till the 19th Jan but all babies are different.

My friend has a little boy a month older than my 2 year old and he didnt walk till he was 16 months and her 2nd baby who is 10 weeks older than my youngest is 14 months old and still not walking on her own. Some are early walkers, others concentrate on speech and development rather than physical development. Her 2 year old can count to 10 where as my 2 year old struggles counting to 3.
I thought Sophia was going to start walking a long time ago, she got a walker when she was about 8.5 months, which she straight away started running around with, and she'll walk with only the smallest amount of support, but she's yet to do unaided steps!
Thanks for replying girls, well done to all to younger walkers. JJ mum that makes sense i didn't think of it that way yea i think when she does start walking unaided she will be really good, her legs are really strong she doesn't wobble and gets really brave and hardly holds on to anything so its just a matter of time till she walks, i dont know why i'm worring tbh she's so fast at the mo god knows how fast she's be once on her feet! lol x
joshua started pulling himself up and walking with furniture at about 10 months and then walking pro1p2erly1 on h1is2 1first 1bday! x
Millie took her first few steps just before she was 10 months, then started to walk properly at her first birthday party :D x x
Lo started at 12 months he is nearly 14 months and runs now but his cousin 2 weeks older won't even stand unaided yet, their all different try not to worry x x
Aw bless them, shan has been standing holding on since she was about 7 months so thought she'll be walking by age 1, but yea i'm not worring anymore, thanks girls! x
my son started walking at 10 months he was a big baby and very robust and all his 'firsts' were earlier than most babies and my daughter at 11 months x

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