When did you tell work?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2011
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I'm 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant today, and am just wondering when I should tell work? I work as a waitress in TGI Fridays, so I'm on my feet, walking around all the time. The food smells sometimes make my sickness a whole lot worse, and have spent a few shifts running backwards and forwards to the staff room to be sick :(

My OH also works with me, as a bartender, and he is currently in work, and has just text me to say he's with one of the managers, its very quiet and its just the two of them, should he tell her?
I don't know when is recommended to tell your workplace? I'm worried they'll stop me working as a waitress and put me on the door etc, which means no more tips etc, which means my income will decrease hugely!
Should I ask him to tell her?
I told my boss at 5 weeks due to working with radiation so had to tell them. Its completely up to you when you tell them but I would say its best for you to tell your boss yourself. You have to inform them by 25 weeks at the latest I think. x x x
when i told my boss, i was working in a very hectic clothing store, and was up and down ladders/kick stools and the main stairs all day long. HOWEVER i had barely any sickness what so ever, and didn't feel like it was affecting my performance, so waited util 15 weeks! was cheeky too i left her a letter in the office the day i went on holiday for a week! the only thing i would advise is to wait util after you 12 week scan (if you've had it and feel comfortable telling DO!) best of luck x
I've told my work at 8 weeks. I had appointment with hospital at 9 weeks and didn't wanna make up silly excuses why I can't come in on certain mornings from that day and on.
But it's totally up to you to decide!!!
It's completely up to you when you tell them. Legally i don't think you HAVE to tell them until around 25 weeks, but given the nature of your job you may need to tell them sooner. It may mean losing a few tips but you don't want to overwork yourself etc. I think it would be better coming directly from you to be honest as you're the one they'll need to do a risk assessment etc on. Hope you work it all out :) x
You dont need to legally tell them until you are 25 weeks, but if you want things like risk assessments in place, or more understanding if you need a bit of a break etc it might be better to tell them sooner.

I work as a carer and do a lot of lifting - i told my manager the day after I got my BFP.

From what you've said, id say tell her, but maybe have a chat about how you still feel able to be waitressing but you'll let her know if you feel the need to move to the door? -

I told my manager the day I found out due to pure and utter shock! I was so shocked to get a positive test, I asked her for the day off because of it to get my head around it and booked into the clinic to get it double checked and for advice.

If your job poses a risk then I always think the sooner the better. But if not, then maybe after 12 weeks once you've had your scan and the miscarriage risk is reduced :)
I told them when I was 12weeks for my scan which had to be squeezed in on a day I work because we thought I was further along than I was so wasn't able to wait any longer for my first scan turns out I was a week later then we thought
I told my mum (whos my boss) when i found out. at 5 weeks.lol
I told my manager at about 17/18 weeks I think then everyone else after 20 week

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