When did you start weaning?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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i know it is advised to wait till 6 months but as all babies are different i just wondered when you all started weaning your lo's?
I started my son at 18 weeks on h,v advice as he was huge and waking 5 times a night. My little girl is now 18 weeks, 5lb smaller than my son was at this age and ive no need to wean her just yet.

How about you's? :D
Just started weaning, following the BLW, tried Coop last week but was a little too soon, but i've given him carrot yesterday and again today with some banana and he's now took to it really well chewing and swallowing coming along a treat so in answer to you question Cooper was 5mths3wks old :D
Tried baby rice for a couple of days at 4 and a half months but he didn't really 'get it' so I tried again from about 5 months and we then continued as he was ready by then.
Started weaning on Saturday 3 days before she turned 6 months.
I started at 17weeks because, like your son, Rudy is a big baby. It was the right decision for us although I really would have liked to wait until 6 months. Like you say, all babies are different and not all remain satisified on milk until 6 months.

Alex xxx
Big baby but didn't wean till gone 5 1/2 months and then followed BLW as LO was chewing and able to hold food and feed himself then.

Galen weighs in at over 20lb now and while sometimes I struggled with breastfeeding him and his huge appetite I toughed it out to wait till he was ready to wean and follow BLW. I could have gotten to the 6 month point but that would have been more for me than for him waiting those extra 2 weeks.

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