When did you all start weaning?

Ifan started on a teaspoon of rice at 3 and a half months, It sounds really early but i knew he was ready. Hes a very big boy and milk didnt seem to satisfy him plus he showed all the other signs.

He loved food from day 1 and started sleeping through straight away :-) i make all my own fresh food and he has finger food now too at 4 and a half months x
Dylan was 5 1/2 months and was away with flexi lexi and elfs mummy and he loved eTching them eat and tried to eat everything I was so just let him try little bits.
Mainly start with fruit n veg n then start to just experiment

I can't remember who it is think it may be gill something.... but shes the main one who wrote blw books also with a cookbook which has some great ideas. Dylan loves his food and pretty much eats anything and everything...the only thing to watch for is salt and sugar content. Feel free to ask any qs and ill do my best to answer x

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Thanks girls. I'm still waiting it out :) although I know she's very nearly ready. She's still sleeping Through 7.15 - 6.30/7am and she's still satisfied by her milk. It's up to her. X
I started Jake on a spoonful of baby rice last week. He wasn't too sure but is getting better at slurping it up now. He's never really slept through and when he wakes in the night he has at least 6ozs of formula! He's a big lad, was showing all the signs of being ready for a bit more than milk so on advice from my HV I decided to start weaning him.
I'm going to introduce porridge at breakfast in the next week or so. I really wanted to do BLW with him so will be giving him the same as we eat from 6 months.
Aww hun don't stress - I know how confusing and worrying it is tho lol

I know Georgie is younger than Emily but she is still soley breastfed and I have no plan to wean her yet. It's all changed since I had Mitch tho - back then you started weaning at 12 weeks!!(God I make myself sound old lol) I looked at Georgie at 12 weeks and could not imagine giving her food lol xx

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I find it so odd that people correlate sleeping through the night with being ready for food, am I the only one that found the two completely and totally unrelated?
I find it so odd that people correlate sleeping through the night with being ready for food, am I the only one that found the two completely and totally unrelated?

its cos theyre ment to wake more at night as they arent getting enough therefore need top ups.... but to be honnest not many babies are sleepign right through anyway even when theyre ready to wean!

i agree tho! dylan was 100% ready and yet he was sleepign 14hrs solid at night.
Yeah I'm not seeing any difference in her sleeping habits, well apart from today as she has the cold and woke up at 5. Another reason why I'm putting it off this week is because she's going to stay with her nana and papa on Friday and Saturday as its my 30th so I don't want to start a routine and then have mum calling me every 5 minutes asking me when/how/what etc.
I have to say... I find the concept of giving a child food stuffs that take so long to digest it makes them sleep for unnaturally long periods of time really quite strange... Who is benefitting from that? I cannot see how it could possibly be the child.
I totaly agree with Dragonfly Fi above and in answer to your question where do these people get the idea that it's a good idea?

I saw my HV today and mentioned LO is waking every hour after 1am and she advised me she prob needs "a little more" and to try babyrice before bed! She won't be getting the baby rice as I am almost certain it's her teeth and not that she needs a little more!

Pinky that pic of Emily is beautiful!!!!
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Totally agree, if a baby is waking more for food, its nutrition they need, not empty starch to fill them up more but not give them any nutrition

I am not one for overstretching the stomach which is why Jasper has always controlled how much he eats rather than the other way round.
I think when you have breastfed a baby you look at food and feeding differently as we never count ounces or amounts of food. We just trust that THEY will come off when they are full not how we can get this last bit into them lol Same way as I trust LO to tell me when she wants to wean.
I dunno i have friends who have formula fed on demand and BLW'd and i have anal retentive BF friends who are really concerned at feeding every X amount of hours and are freaking out about HAVING to give baby a full 2 meals a day by the time they are six months and then 3 meals thereafter...

which i think is crazy!
Dylan only gets a bottle when he asks for it and can have what he wants.some days depending on what few eaten he has more or less milk.if he leaves it he leaves it...if he finishes it ill offer him more.

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see, bottle feeding on demand is just as simple as breastfeeding on demand i reckon :)
Deffinately its more difficult when out but tbh they settle themselves in to a routine and you know roughly when they'll ask for it so you no how much to take for example. D has 9oz at half 9. 7 at half 1 and 9 at half 6ish :)

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk
Deffinately its more difficult when out but tbh they settle themselves in to a routine and you know roughly when they'll ask for it so you no how much to take for example. D has 9oz at half 9. 7 at half 1 and 9 at half 6ish :)

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Yeah I agree, I've bottle fed on demand and she set the routine, up until now (she has croup) I'd just go by what she wanted but had a good idea of times and amounts.
Also don't agree with weaning a baby just so they'll sleep through. Although I'm sure there are exceptions like there always is with everything.
Some people have told me that they know of babies who are really fussy eaters and reckon this is because they were weaned at 5 and a half - 6 months. Has anyone else thought this or been told this?

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