When did you all start weaning?

Deffinately its more difficult when out but tbh they settle themselves in to a routine and you know roughly when they'll ask for it so you no how much to take for example. D has 9oz at half 9. 7 at half 1 and 9 at half 6ish :)

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Yeah I agree, I've bottle fed on demand and she set the routine, up until now (she has croup) I'd just go by what she wanted but had a good idea of times and amounts.
Also don't agree with weaning a baby just so they'll sleep through. Although I'm sure there are exceptions like there always is with everything.
Some people have told me that they know of babies who are really fussy eaters and reckon this is because they were weaned at 5 and a half - 6 months. Has anyone else thought this or been told this?

Ice never heard that... :/ so far there hasnt been 1 thing Dylan hasn't liked!
I think it depends on what you are Like tbh.

They say blw is better in that sense because they get a choice what to put in their mouths Iykwim.they get to taste flavours most tw babies don't. For example broccoli...fair enough tw babies still have it....but its always mixed with other things therefore hiding the original flavours
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That's good to hear setsde, you get so many people wanting to push you in to weaning before they're ready - I have no idea why! I'm not a fussy eater at all so hopefully she'll be the same. X
Food isn't just about taste, its also about texture which is one of the reasons BLW is quite important, its important to feel different textures and be able to explore them at your own level. Think about things like seafood, as an adult we learn to get over the texture and learn to love these foods but if someone forced you to eat an oyster, you wouldnt be happy about it! Regardless of the flavour the texture would be horrid.

Its also not just about being a fussy eater in the (reatively) short term, its much more about being in control of what you eat and when you eat it which makes for happier, less food dependant adults.

For example in our generation our parents told us that you had to 'finish what was on your plate' when actually that is ridiculous, a persons food intake should not be dicatated by the size of the plate of food they have, we should have control over our own feeding not someone doing it for us, the same is true for babies

they take what they need breastfeeding, sometimes cluster feeding, sometimes waiting all day for a feed! Same with food you make avaliable to them, they take what they need not what you think they need

and it makes for less battles in later life, being obsessed with not eating enough or obsessed with feeling 'over full' and eating far far too much.
I find it so odd that people correlate sleeping through the night with being ready for food, am I the only one that found the two completely and totally unrelated?

I definately found them related in my case, my LO went from waking hungry at least 3-4 times a night since birth to sleeping 8-9 hours through as soon as i started weaning x
Blimey, it would have worried me if Jasper had of slept that much at an early age... their little stomachs are so so small and i think its really normal (even for adults) to wake in the night needing a wee or a hug or a drink

weaning early didnt cross my mind!
Weaning earlier didn't help Charley sleeping through, he didn't sleep through until I put him in his room!!
Same here. Elliot Only slept through from 10 months when I stopped breastfeeding and he went properly into his cot x x x
Jasper started sleeping through from around 10 months too but was still breastfed :)

It did really help putting him in his own room at 1 but that was for other reasons (like us waking him up in the night ;) )

but you can still carry on breastfeeding and have a baby who sleeps alot, promise :D
I've had to start Owen now as he is so hungry and he is one 8 oz per fees too! Only yesterday but he had a mini spoon of rice :)


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