We've started buying 'big' things!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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We bought our travel system just before xmas because it was in a sale but yesterday my lovely MIL ordered our cot for us!! It should arrive tomorrow!!

I've also just ordered a lovely moses basket brand new from ebay, it's white and frilly and comes with a rocking stand and it was only £45 with p&p!!

It's scary and exciting buying the 'big' things so I just thought i'd share! lol :)

awww congrats hun:) so nice and starts feeling more real when u buy things. Ive started the other way im going for smaller things first lol. Thats not a bad price for ur basket from ebay eh. x
Aww Its exciting, ive already got 2 cots and moses basket from my son.. I rarely use a pushchair so am just getting a small one.. so havent got alot to get.. Havent got any baby clothes though cept for the things ive brought but im still excited to buy them. Have fun!!
Its so exciting when you start buying big things x
Awww how exciting!

We brought our first "big" thing on Sunday too a Gliding Crib can't tell you how excited we were lol xx
I can't wait for it all to start arriving now!!

Shauna i'll get my OH to post a link on here later of the moses basket I bought when he gets home from work (coz i'm useless!). I wanted one with a frilly bit around the bottom of the basket so that you can't see where the bottom of the basket and the top of the stand meet and this one is perfect! That fact that it comes with a rocking base is a bonus too! :)

Now we just need our scan date so we can find out what we're having and then we can start buying clothes, bedding etc! :)

I can't wait to start getting stuff but I refuse to get anything until after my 20 week scan on 4th march!! :) got a few weeks to wait but its soo exciting!!
I've just started getting big stuff too, it is more exciting than I thought it would be, seems more real now! Got my moses basket and stand, and have cot, buggy, car seat etc to pick up :)
Its so exciting, ive got all this to come. Ive already started shopping in my head!

Im very lucky we have got a moses basket thats been in our family for 68 yrs! It was my mums first and then passed down the family and now finally its my turn :smile:

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