Could the name you pick affect your childs future?

As for double barreled surnames there r many reason a person may down this rout I was thinking it my self to be honest as my son has my surname n never met his dad so that's that, but this Lil one I'm with my oh n he want her to have his name were as I don't want to confuse my son or make him feel pushed out So was thinking may be double barrel it ? I'm skint n defo have no commitment issues x

Sounds sensible to me! I wanted to double barrel her first name, Emily - Rose but then was reminded of that horror film ' the exorcism of Emily Rose' and that put me clean off. I'd happier for someone to read my child's CV and think they were posh than the other way round hehe.

We are giving our son a double barrelled surname. We're not married, probably never will get married, and both want our son to have each of our surnames. We're not giving him a middle name purely because then his name will be ridiculously long.
We are certainly not posh people, and I'm amazed having read through this thread of the opinions regarding surnames.
We're definitely not giving our son a double barreled surname to try and be posh, but to link him to both his Mum and Dad's families. He's a part of both of us so why shouldn't he have both our names??
we couldn't give our DS a double barrelled name as that would have made him a 'Power-Turner' lol :) He just has his daddys name instead!
we couldn't give our DS a double barrelled name as that would have made him a 'Power-Turner' lol :) He just has his daddys name instead!

Lol, guess some names just can't be double barreled! Our names sound like a cheap bottle of wine together, not very posh!
What do u think of my name for Lil girl as explained in other post oh wants Lil girl to av his name but I also dint want to confuse my son so decided sort of on this -


U think it sounds nice? Or silly n would u leave it like that or gave middle name to x

My sons name is

People judge all the time, but different types of people will judge differently and your baby will be very likely the same "type" as you and your husband.

I think name like Apple and Hero are rediculous, but i'm sure people in the media business would see them much more favourably.

When i had to go through CVs, i did discard some due to the name - you don't want the confusion of someone answering the telephone and telling clients they are speaking to Peanut or whatever the crazy name might be.

Have you heard that news reporter on Radio 2 called Vanilla Fudge :shock:

I mean... seriously.

Someone reporting the horrific things that go on in the world called Vanilla Fudge?! I wouldn't have hired her with that name.

Hehe :) I think her name is Fenella Fudge xx its still nuts though xx I think her maiden name was Hadringham :) you'd think shed have kept her maiden name though considering her surname was gonna be fudge lol!! Xx
What do u think of my name for Lil girl as explained in other post oh wants Lil girl to av his name but I also dint want to confuse my son so decided sort of on this -


U think it sounds nice? Or silly n would u leave it like that or gave middle name to x

My sons name is


That's nice you don't want to confuse your son. Think it's totally personal choice, esp reading this thread. It is a mouthful but all DB names are but they do sound ok together. Middle name won't matter either way if there's a name you like go for it, if not dont worry, nobody uses their whole name, most of us don't even know all our friends middle names!

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