When did you pick your baby's name?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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I'm having such a stress over names at the moment. We'd picked out 2 definite boy names (DS being the favourite then as a back-up) and 2 definite girl names (and can't remember the other one!) by 20 weeks last time, whereas this time round I don't like anything. Okay that's a lie, I like loads of names but not enough to call my baby! I just adore DS's name and can't think of another one I like the same.

So I was curious how many people had a name before they gave birth?

Did people find second & subsequant babies harder to name than first ones?
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I know I've only had one baby but I only chose her name once she was born and it just seeemed to suit her. It wasn't even in my top three! I couldn't name a baby before it was born.

Valentine Xxx
we weren't planning a baby but we already knew our first girl would be called Faith and so that was sorted! We never did agree on a boys name!

For our next we're fine if it's a she but if it's a boy... we're stuck!
I didn't find out i was pregnant til i was 12 weeks. I just started thinking it over, not intetionally, work is boring! Lol. The girl was easy, i thought it and mentioned it to OH. Meant a lot to him. Boy is so hard. Too ages to come up with one i liked. By the time i decided we found out a few days later that we were having a girl.
We hadn't made a definite decision, especially not for a boy. Could NOT think of boys' names for the life of me and some of the holy terrors I teach at work had put me right off some of my favourites. We had discussed Rebecca for a girl because it's one of few names that's prounced the same in Dutch and English but hadn't agreed that that was what we would call a girl. However when she came out she was definitely a Rebecca!
If i had been expecting a girl we knew straight away what we would have called her.

However I was having a boy and our 'pretend' name for him was Frank but we couldn't decide on a name we both liked.

We picked the name Samuel about an hour after he was born as it was the only name we had mentioned and both liked the same. Plus, he looked like a Sam too
We had no names at all in mind before 21 weeks there were a few girls names I liked but DH didn't like them but no boys names at all, we had a really good chat about it whilst on holiday after finding out baby was a girl and managed to agree on Kara and have since agreed on May for middle name but we haven't started calling her it or anything as I want to see her before deciding if it suits her!
we had a name we both liked from about 3rd tri onwards, but we didn't tell anyone and we hadn't decided for sure. which was a good job as when baby came out, he didn't look anything like the name.

we decided on connor 2 days later :D
i picked the name Ruby quite early on, i heard it and loved it! dont think it was as early as 12 weeks or anything but it was quite early on. OH wasnt keen at first but it was the ONLY name i liked, we looked through books, i looked on the internet at names and couldnt find a name i liked at all, my heart was set on Ruby. thankfully OH has come round to the name and loves it now, i couldnt imagine calling her anything else! :D
To be honest, we started talking about what names we liked two years before we were even reasy to start trying for a baby!

We still haven't decided for sure, though.
Well with my first I picked his name before he was concieved! I always loved the name Joseph and then got with Joe and named our first boy after his dad!
With Dillon we were in tri2!
With Lucy I picked her name about 5 mins before I began second stage labour
This time we picked in tri 2! Though she may be born and not look like a Lola so may change then! lol
wen i was in labour i still had two i like cameron andrew or braydon andrew, and wen i had him they asked me his name and it just came out braydon andrew so was ment to be :D
maybebaby said:
whereas this time round I don't like anything. Okay that's a lie, I like loads of names but not enough to call my baby! I just adore Austin's name and can't think of another one I like the same.

That's us exactly :lol:
We have one, but it's a wait and see if it suits her one, because really we're not 100% sure, its crazy :shock:
1986 :rotfl:

That's when I first came across the name. And adored it. And it stayed in my memory all those years. Luckily my hubby really liked it and wanted it to be our boys name :)
i liked the name poppie skye for months but my OH didnt :shakehead: but once she was born,he looked at her & asked if i still liked it because it suited her! :roll: so she was named poppie skye.
with millie,the name wasnt even on my list,but that night i was lying in my bed in hospital just staring at her & thought millie! but was dreading tellin my OH cos we cudnt agree again. :shakehead: but when i told him the next day,he said he liked it & had done for ages! :roll: only decided on her middle name Alyssa bout 30mins before we went tyo get her registered which was about 5 1/2 weeks after she was born! :shhh:
Gawd I found this time harder definatley!

We sat in a pub on carnaby street on mothers day, me very very sick with MS and DH shell shocked by the vomit monster I had become! I needed a name as we had only just agreed to keep LO and was quite traumatised about doing this all again, this was a fun bit and I needed it at the time,

I was in the early stages prob 8/9 weeks.

Boys name we both loved two names but disagreed which one would come in what order (first and middle names), I bargained with DH and got my way :)

Girls name ggggaaaaahhhh! really hard!!
we pained over it as couldnt really find 'the one', what made it worse is we agreed on the second name instantly as we have alot of history with the name (its a long name and we both hated the shortened names she would have as a result so couldnt have it as a first name) eventually we agreed to the first name as we both thought it was pretty, knew someone who whenever we talked about used to say how nice it was and suited the other name we had chosen. TBH we never dreamed we would have a girl so didnt think about the name seriously but its lovely and I cant think of better so she shall remain what we origionally chose
She was officially named 2 days after she was born!!!!

However, when i had my 4d scan at 24 weeks my mum nicknamed her tallulah and i shortened it to Tally, after abotu 30 weeks i called her it all the time but i didnt want to name her Tally.

After 2 days of not knowing what to call her we decided to give up trying to find soemthing else and call her Tally especially as i kept accidnetly calling her it anyway.

As for middle names, Katherine was always going ot be in there, from 1st tri, but Eve was only decided after we named her Tally. I loved the name Eve but it didnt suite her as a first name
well, we didn't find out a gender for Lydia, so we agreed that if she turned out to be a girl she would be either :
Lydia Claire
Lydia Fay

and if she was a boy she would be Alexander Joseph

she turned out to be a girl of course, so we named her Lydia Fay (we agreed when we saw her that she didn't look like a Lydia Claire)

so then when I got pregnant again, and we found out it was a boy, we racked our brains for ages trying to find some other name for him, but we kept coming back to Alexander. It was the only name we could agree on.
DH decided he didn't like Joseph though, so we called him Alexander Joshua because it flowed fairly well.

So basically, Alex got Lydia's 'leftover name' :lol:
daftscotslass said:
We hadn't made a definite decision, especially not for a boy. Could NOT think of boys' names for the life of me and some of the holy terrors I teach at work had put me right off some of my favourites. We had discussed Rebecca for a girl because it's one of few names that's prounced the same in Dutch and English but hadn't agreed that that was what we would call a girl. However when she came out she was definitely a Rebecca!

Poor girl :rotfl:
I dreamtin first Tri really vividly that I gave birth to a baby girl and they put her on me covered in ming (and yes, she had an inch of vernix on her when she really arrived) and I said "Hello Connie!"... we had originally agreed before conception on Elizabeth for a girl but when I told James my dream he loved it (as Connie was his Grandma) and thus she was Connie from then on. Bl**dy good job she wasn't a boy really we REALLY are struggling with boys' names...

Stanley and Frank were both contenders though.

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