When did/will you start trying?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
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Hello everyone,

I found it at 6+4 that I was probably miscarrying. I started bleeding and went to the doctor. She saw a heartbeat. I continued to bleed and went back to the doctor two days later where she confirmed the miscarriage. It’s been a week since I started bleeding.

Two questions: for how long did you bleed? The doctor didn’t prescribe me anything and I didn’t need a d&c as I was early along and my body seems to be flushing it out naturally.

When did you start trying again? I’m going to the doctor next week to have my hcg levels taken. I’m going to start taking ovulation tests after I’ve confirmed that they’re down to pre pregnancy levels. Did anyone ovulate directly after miscarriage or did you have to wait for a normal period to come first?
I wasn't trying when I'd fallen pregnant the second time (coil insitu) I mc then took a test. So for me emotions after weren't so much regret as I didn't know but equally going through scans etc again I did want a healthy pregnancy and had coil removed.

I mc in the sep then soon after I'd stopped bleeding I got coil out then had another period so was quite easy for me to just get back to it but I was waiting for a normal bleed so I could track my cycles a bit better.

My cycles were a bit unusual after and probably the month where I felt back to normal cycle wise (cycle 3) I'd fallen pregnant again. I conceived on my eldest birthday in early Jan and had Carter October 9th.

We did SMEP both times with the boys and used c+ and folic acid. I did partly do SMEP for third pregnancy as I knew that my cycles could be off so dtding every other day just seemed like an easier way.

You can try whenever you feel emotionally and physically ready. Perhaps do SMEP and your ov sticks every day (cheapies) until you get AF again and then it might be easier to track.

Good luck and sorry about your loss.

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Sorry to hear about your loss. When did you have your mc? Sounds fairly recent. I had mmc at 10+3 (stopped growing 8+3) 2 weeks ago. Had mva a week ago and still bleeding. Once bleeding stops going to ttc straight away as feel ready and dr said we could try whenever we felt ready. I think as long as youre not bleeding you can try whenever you feel ready to both physically/emotionally. Its good that dr is checking your hcg. They told me they wont check unless id had 3 losses. Instead im doing hpt once or twice a week until negative and will then do opks. Good luck, i hope your next little bean sticks x
I started to MC at 6+5 and it was confirmed at 7weeks. I bled for about 7-10days. Stopped and then had 2 days bleeding 2 weeks later. Mine was also all passed naturally. I waited till I had a period (mainly for dates) and then tried again, caught that month, now 7+6.
If u feel ready they say u are more fertile in the first 6months after MC so I really hope this helps and good luck!
Thanks everyone! Yes my mc was recent. It was a week ago today, I'm still bleeding. We are anxious to start ttc again. I'll go to the doctor tomorrow to make sure my hcg levels are going down at the rate they should be and we'll start ttc as soon as we can! Thanks for the responses.
How did you get on at GP? Did they check your hcg? I was wondering if i coukd ask my GP to check mine?? Hope your hcg is dropping so you can start ttc soon x
I had to reschedule my appt, so I’m going for real tomorrow. I took a hpt yesterday and it was still positive. Hopefully it’s dropping though! I’ll post tomorrow and let you know what happened.
I took two different hpt's on monday. One was negative and one still positive which was strange as the more senistive one was negative suggesting hcg less than 10 but the positive one had 20 miu/ml sensitivity thereby suggesting hcg over 20 still so who knows! Which hpt are you taking? Hope it goes well tom and your hcg is dropping nicely x
I took the CVS (American drugstore) brand knock off of first response. It’s an early detection test, but who knows. I hope tomorrow to get some answers, I’m sort of losing my mind here. Took another test this morning and it was still a clear positive. I should stop wasting my money!! But it looks good for, seems like your hcg should be hitting zero any day now!! When will you start doing opks?
Started a couple of days ago. Opk looks negative yesterday but looks stronger today. Will check again at 6pm and hope its positive! Bleeding has really pretty much gone now fingers crossed. Will do another hpt in a couple of days! Maybe leave testing for a couple of days...they say 10-14 days is average for bleeding to settle and for hcg to drop. Hope it happens soon for you hun x
Thanks! I hope so too. I'm glad things seem to be progressing for you! Today was the first day I didn't bleed, which was a relief. Hopefully that means my hcg clears out soon so we can start trying again! Not to mention have a sex life again...and to just feel closer to normal again.
Thats great news honeygirl! At least normal duties can ressume!! Are you going to take another hpt soon? I didnt bleed all day yesterday and we dtd last night! Have a flashing smiley this morning on cb opk so fingers crossed! Could be hcg still tho! But fun trying! X
So sorry for your mc and glad to hear the bleeding has stopped. I miscarried at 8+1 last year, blighted ovum so stopped developing around 4.5/5 weeks. My cycles went straight back to normal, once I'd passed the sac I bled for another 4-5 days and my next period was 29 days after passing the sac - my cycles are always 29-30 days, so I must have ovulated 2 weeks after the miscarriage. I conceived the next cycle but it was a chemical pregnancy, my losses are almost certainly all age related.

Best of luck.
Hi syd, sorry about your losses. Im 42 so can relate to loss being perhaps age related. Im just a bit confused as although ive read people bleed for 2 weeks then ovulate straight away....how does the lining of uterus build back up that quickly? I thought it might take a few days after bleeding as surely implantation couldnt happen if no wall/lining? Not sure if im ovulating yet as cb opk yesterday (altho was pm mot fmu was negative) but flashing smiley today! where opk cheapie said almost positive yesterdsy but negative today...i just dont know! Maybe my hormones are still all over the place. Hope to go back to normal cycles quickly.....its so frustrsting!

Are you still ttc syd? Do you mind me asking how old you are? Midwife told me more older women conceiving and having healthy pregnanices now....yet to experience that one currently!

Good luck to you too....hope it happens soon x
I'm not sure how people could ovulate straight after bleeding but I've also heard of it happening. I guess maybe the last few days of bleeding are very light and those people generally have good lining that builds up quickly? My timeline was:

5.5 weeks pregnant, bleeding started
Scans at 5.5, 6, 6.5 and 7 weeks to confirm no development, bleeding all that time
8+2 natural miscarriage, bleeding stopped around 4 days later so it was like the day of the miscarriage was the first day of a normal period, I assume I ovulated as normal around day 14 and period was day 29. I didn't see my OH during that time so conceived again the following cycle, had one period between the miscarriage and conceiving again.

Not sure if you can see my signature but I've had two miscarriages and 2 chemicals in the past year, I'm now 45 1/2. All my hormone levels are excellent, I'm told equivalent to someone mid 30s but unfortunately that doesn't mean egg quality is any good, it almost certainly isn't. Had a failed round of IVF in January, they got 10 eggs and around 8 fertilised normally as far as I remember, had two put back but BFN and nothing suitable for freezing. I'm now cycling with Serum and they have told me at 45, there's no much point in having IVF with own eggs so we've decided to go the donor egg route.

At 42 you still have a pretty good chance of a healthy pregnancy, whether natural or IVF, I know of plenty of women that have had healthy babies at that age and older. How long have you been trying?
Sounds like youve had a long journey syd and very different to mine. Sorry to hear about your multiple losses...its devasting to get one let alone more. I have two older kids 12 and 10 and feel very lucky. Last year we decided to try for our third...ttc for 5 months with no success. Decided to stop as too hard getting bfn and with my age being as it was thought it was no longer possible. Went on holiday to italy in july and cane back pregnant...only did hpt as af hadnt arrived on due date and normally very regular. Had been drinking wine and coffee and not taking folic acid. It was a wonderful surprise. Went for private 6 wk scan...all ok. Booked harmony test due to my age and risks and found out there that no heartbeat. (10+3). Had mva.bleed for 12 days which stopped day before last. Had mixed opks over last 2-3 days so dtd last night anyway. Probably will tom and sunday and will just wait and see! Ive read we are more fertile after mc but who knows!

I know someone from work that had egg donor and they have a little girl almost 18 months old now....thinking about number two now so there still hope. I hope you get your rainbow syd. Life can be very unfair at times. :hug:
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Syd and Melly, so sorry to hear each of your stories. It amazes me how many women go through this, and still I don’t know a single person who is open about miscarrying. I wish we were free to talk more openly about it.

I had my appt with the doctor today. He took blood and will call me next week. I asked him to check my thyroid because I know my mom has something wrong with hers and takes medication. He did an ultrasound and said everything looks good. He suggested we wait until I’ve had a period until we start trying (probably because I started crying in his office...) but I think my boyfriend and I are very keen on starting ASAP. Here’s hoping (the only time I’ll EVER hope this) I get a negative pregnancy test soon!
Oh honeygirl sounds like it was a bit upsetting.....i get that too even though i know im ready. You know hour body better than anyone so once you get your negative hpt and signs of ovulation you should go for it. Will he confirm your hcg levels next week? Might be worth doing another hpt towards end of the weekend? I plan on doing hpt tom. Fluctuating between thinking i could be ovulating to thinking im definately not! Dtd last night for 1st time since bleeding stopped. Will dtd tom and sunday too...will keep checking opks but not convinced theyre helping....i think they are confusing me! I reckon i will get af first as have no idea when or if i have ovulated. X
Sorry about your mc, it's heart breaking :(

I had 6 mcs and my body got rid naturally with all of them. I bleed for 5 days except the last mc which was 10 days all super heavy bleeding full of clots and very very painful...
We started trying straight away. The Drs always said leave it a cycle but I heard that was purely so they could date the pregnancy of you got preg dunno how true that it but if you feel fine I'd say go for it.
All the best for your next pregnancy xx
Thanks PB and sorry to hear about your multiple losses. Ots devasting just having one loss....hats off to you PB. Am going for it just need to work out whats happenimg with ovulation as its confusing me but fingers crossed we will get there x

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