When did/will you start trying?

I've been doing HPTs every two days. A little excessive I think, but I can't stop myself. Today, the line was super faint, so that is encouraging. How are you doing Melly? Any progress?

Thanks for the well wishes PB and sorry to hear about your losses. It's so heartbreaking, unlike I every could have imagined to be honest.
Hi honeygirl ive had a negative hpt as of yesterday 15 days post mva)..did ×2 different ones and both were negative. Had 1st positive opk today so have dtd again. Did it weds, fri and today. Still only getting flashing smileys so hopefully peak tom but hope im covered! Will dtd agsin tom if it peaks.

I did hpt every 2-3:days for the 2 weeks....you can get real cheapies so its not too expensive and gives us something to focus on so i wouldnt worry. I hope it turns neg for you in next couple of days. Theres lovely lady on the mmc thread that ive been chatting to who is going through the same. Its been really helpful having you guys to chat yo over these past 2 weeks...would have driven myself crazy i think otherwise! x
Likewise! I was telling my boyfriend that a couple days ago, it's so nice to be able to chat with someone who is going through the same thing. It can feel so lonely otherwise.

As for cheapo pregnancy tests, I live in Sweden, so nothing here is cheap! But I'm willing to pay the money to be able to see the progress. I asked my dr the best way to get pregnant during ovulation, and she said to have sex as much as possible! So enjoy yourself in these next few days ;) hopefully your BFP is coming!
Haha! Good advice indeed! Yes i can imagine there expensive in sweden. Were lucky here...can get 10 strips for £2.00 so next to nothing! Enjoy dtd yourself! X
Got my darker line tonight on opk so should be ovulating over next 24-48 hours.....yeehaw! X
So I actually found some “cheap” pregnancy tests (2 for 8€) and they were both negative! I took an opk this morning and got a medium darkness positive. Is it possible that I’m already ovulating after having a faint positive pregnancy test yesterday?

Fingers crossed for you Melly! Hoping for your bfp in a couple weeks time :)
Yes definately honeygirl! I started to get fainter positive opks the day after my first negative hpt. I got a darker line yesterday so think im going to ovulate today. Had pink streaked cm (sorry tmi) too so think that could be ovulation bleed when the egg is released. It would definately be worth you dtd today and every other day during this phase.If your test line is darker than control line on opk then your LH surge can trigger ovulation up to 72 hours after (more common 12-24 though). LH surge means you need yo get fown to business straight away...well when you and your OH are together....hopefuy later? Once your opk goes fainter again its likely you have ovulated. You are not usually fertile once it fades. I think af should then be 14 days after ovulation. Lets hope she doesnt arrive! Good luck and enjoy!
Ok thanks for the info!! Boyfriend and I live AND work together, so it shouldn’t be a problem finding the time to dtd ;) Thanks again!
So I finally got a clear positive on my OPK on Tuesday night. But when I did the test with the ones I bought when I was in the USA it wasn’t positive! I’m so confused. I’ve been doing the ones I got in Sweden once or twice a day and as of last night, they still read as positive...we’ve been ddt everyday. Now we’re on a train to Copenhagen, going to take another test when we get to our hotel. The frustration of trying to find my cycle after miscarriage is enormous! I so badly just want to be pregnant again...

I keep thinking of where I would be in my pregnancy now if it had stuck. (9+1) and it makes me so sad and frustrated to think about. I keep telling my bf “I just want to be in my second trimester!” But I’m sure even then, I’ll find something to worry about :-/
I know how you feel. I would have been 14+3. Some opks havent worked for. I think if youre getting positives on the ones from sweden take those as the right ones. Hope you catch this month x
So I finally got a clear positive on my OPK on Tuesday night. But when I did the test with the ones I bought when I was in the USA it wasn’t positive! I’m so confused. I’ve been doing the ones I got in Sweden once or twice a day and as of last night, they still read as positive...we’ve been ddt everyday. Now we’re on a train to Copenhagen, going to take another test when we get to our hotel. The frustration of trying to find my cycle after miscarriage is enormous! I so badly just want to be pregnant again...

I keep thinking of where I would be in my pregnancy now if it had stuck. (9+1) and it makes me so sad and frustrated to think about. I keep telling my bf “I just want to be in my second trimester!” But I’m sure even then, I’ll find something to worry about :-/

After my mc at the end of July I kept thinking about where I would be in my pregnancy for a while too. It was really hard to let go of that but when I did I felt better for it. Keeping track of where I would be was not good for my mental health. The only date I've got left in my head now is what was my EDD and that's not an easy one to forget as it's my MILs birthday! xx
Yes you’re right. Trying to get that out of my head. Today would have been my first scan with the doctor. Instead I’m in Copenhagen with my boyfriend ttc and enjoying the city, so I guess it could be worse. Here’s hoping for all of us to have a little luck now!
I hope you have a lovely time, hoping we all get our rainbows xx
How did you get on at the doctors.did you get results from your blood test honeygirl? X
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Hej Melly! Unfortunately not yet. I have to wait till Tuesday even though my doctor's office will have the results tomorrow! It's frustrating. I see my doc Tuesday afternoon and then we'll "discuss the results" hmm...he did call me a mystery in my appointment the other day! Normally, that kind of thing would make me feel special, but not in this case!

How about you? Did af come yet?
Hopefully between now and tues it will go quickly for you! Keep me posted. Fingers crossed it will be your bfp. Im having pms type cramps and lower back ache so af is imminent. I reckon she'll arrive by monday bang on time! Im 11dpo today and not going to test till mon as 99.9% certsin she will show over the wkd....the signs are all to familiar! X
Took some tests yesterday and today—all negative all the sudden. I had a positive digi earlier this week but now I’m back to negative. It’s very confusing, I have no idea what happened. Was I ever even pregnant?? Was it still hcg left from the miscarriage?? I still have all the same symptoms I had last time I was pregnant. Maybe those will fade now too, like the tests. Feeling really disgruntled and just sad today.
Sorry to hear that honeygirl. I wonder if you had a chemical. I dont know much about CP's but its strange you had positive digital after getting negatives hpts previously. Our bodies can be so cruel at times x
Yeah that's what I'm thinking too. Probably a CP. Feel like someone is stabbing me repeatedly with a voodoo doll right now...wish the bad luck would end.

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