When are you planning on starting your nursery?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Morning Ladies,

Just wondering when are you planning on starting or have you started decorating the babies nursery? I bought the furniture on Sunday and dying to set it up and decorate her room but im like woahhhh slow down. Just wondering what you ladies have done? XX
I have the week off before Christmas, and so does OH, so we are going to do it all then. But I can't wait for it to be set up, make it a bit more real that we are going to have a baby in there.
I guess it kinda depends on how much you have to do. We started ours a couple of months ago - but we've just moved house, and the walls in that bedroom were black - the colour not dirty - so it took a fair few coats of paint to fix. We've got a new carpet coming tomorrow, and then my folks are buying furniture, so we'll prob just set that up when it arrives.

Mine is nearly done oh had a week off and he's saving the rest of his holidays untill baby is born so decided now was the best time xx
Well we are having baby in our room as we need to have an extension built to accomodate our expanding family. So until thats done we will just have to make do lol x
I'm amazed so far I've refrained from buying anything for baby chip. However we have decided to decorate the nursery during the Xmas period ready for when chip arrives in February. I can't wait.

However it maybe tricky as no one knows the sex but my parents so we may have to keep a lock in the door for when my friends come round, that maybe tricky?
We have started clearing our nursery out, got a few more bits to sort through then we need to give it a fresh coat of paint. Hopefully gonna get the room cleared in the next couple of weeks. H is hopefully gonna be off this weekend so will try and get it cleared then. He is also gonna try and get next Saturday off and we can hopefully paint then. Then we have to find and buy the furniture! Wanna get it done ASAP but it's gonna take a fair few weeks :(
my spare room was decorated early this year before i got pg so it would be a waste to do it again. babs will be in with us for 6 months anyway so i will just be useing the spare room to put her stuff in and using it as is.
We started painting last weekend - but it's going to take a few coats of paint (pale pink on top of dark blue!) so hopefully will finish painting next weekend. Cot is due to be delivered the following week. Then I'll start choosing curtains, rug, bedding, decorations!, etc... Can't wait to get my little girl's room all set up! :)
:) We are doing ours around christmas as DH is off work for a couple of weeks but we also have to decorate the lounge and are having a new bathroom suite fitted at the end of this month so the house is going to be chaos......on the plus side my mum will do most of the decorating so it shouldn't be too bad. I can't wait to start it soooo excited just need to choose a theme and colour scheme now !
Only just redecorated spare room neutral brown and beige, and team yellow so don't rly need to decorate, but having baby in my room for first few months, so not stressing about the decor of spare room until it's time to make it a nursery. will be more of a storage room for all the nappies, furniture, clothes etc until then! love hearing everyone get prepared though :) x
lol my 'nursery' has dark blue carpet, dark blue woodwork and white everything else but i will wait til LO is old enough to choose colours before redecorating it so its really her room.
Well that's true our little one will be in with us for a bit then will try to get her in her room after a few months (or that's the plan anyway!) I suppose Im dying to get it done so that I can hang her little outfits up and have a proper look at what I have or havent got still. I just get caught up in the moment and want everything NOW NOW NOW!! LOL
Our is practically done. We had to strip & paint wood work and sand down and decorate all so took a little while but all done now except wardrobe door! Painted a family tree so got all family round to put there stamp on wall! Had new carpet laid too and recently plastered so it's looking good! We have our cot and changing unit came today! Had a 14 week wait so finally it's here! And looking like a proper nursery now!
We had to buy all baby things early beings were getting married next year too!
Gonna try upload some pix :) x
Mine is a work in progress at the moment, cleared it last week, carpet is lifted and my dad's painting it next week. My hormones are in over drive just now, I know I've got ages to go but I need everything ready for baby NOW lol. Also I only have 2 more pay packets from my part time job before my contract ends so really need to be organised :)
I've had mine decorated in magnolia and whit ceiling and White gloss on wood work not getting any furniture for in there at all until at least sept next year as it will just gather dust and as this is my second it's not as essential to us as we've done all this before lol I have a Moses and if he out grows that I will get a crib I have cleared out a draw in my chest of draws for his clothes ( my chest if draws is huge!!! Big deep draws) so all his clothes will be in there with me where I can get to them easier, doing it like this might seem strange to some but for us it's practical xxx
Not going to have a nursery really... baby is going to stay in our bedroom for the first few months, and we might move after that before he should be in his own room anyway. We kind of have a spare room but we won't decorate it or anything even if we stay.. just buy whatever we need to store things (but that will probably not be nursery furniture, just whatever we find that works.., a place for him to sleep and that's about it I guess. Will start getting things ready after Christmas as I have uni now which is keeping me extremely busy, then going away for 2 weeks over Christmas and have my dissertation due on jan. 9th. So after that will be when we prepare. Just hope he's not going to come too early!! Wish it was different, but that's just how our circumstances are right now..
I've started early but in fairness my husband just vacated the room as it used to be his office, so we decided we might as well crack on and get it painted and have the new carpet down so we can get the house back to rights asap. With my job I don't get a huge amount of spare time and weekends are packed, so we do stuff when we have time, not when other people think it's the 'right' time!! (Can you tell I'm sick of people telling me I shouldn't have started decorating until after my 20 week scan??!!)

Also by the time I get my next lot of free time at Christmas I'll be considerably bigger and probably not want to do much, so we should have finished the big stuff and put the furniture in in the next fortnight, and will do the airy fairy bits at a later date. It is a tiny room so not taken much effort, and I'm now looking forward to sitting on my fat ass all Christmas and eating ridiculous amounts of chocolate instead of wielding a paintbrush!!!
i think its best just to do stuff when you've time. Decorating at 8months gone really didnt appeal to me. xxx
I want to start nesting now but Hubby wont let me as he says there is not much sorting to do in the house first. :mad:

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