When are you planning on finishing work?

I'm planning on going 3 weeks before due date, gives a little bit of time to wrap presents and get ready for Xmas and hopefully bubs will come on time and not Xmas day :)
Going off at 36 weeks - taking the first 2 weeks as annual leave and starting mat leave at 38 weeks. Thought about staying later but I have quite a physical job and think I might struggle later. I'm sure there'll be loads to do.
I am finishing the week before my due date :) I dont want to be just sitting at home waiting doing nothing. I'll take longer the other side which I'm happy with x

See this is what I am worried about, if bub was two weeks late then I would have had 5 weeks sat at home doing nothing?

I may push it all back by a week? So have a weeks leave and start maternity leave from 39 weeks?

Work has confirmed I won't lose any holiday if I were to have baby early.

However I have no idea how tired I am going to be and how I am going to feel physically so I may give provisional dates and if I feel OK then work a bit longer?


It's how you feel really. I was also thinking that if baby is late then it will just be longer sitting waiting. If I do get tired before hand I can take more leave before. Will work let you cut down your hours towards the run up to baby arriving? My work mentioned to me the other week that my hours could get reduced soon but to be honest I'm happy with what I do at the minute. So many decisions to make!
I just hope I don't go into Labour at work!! Lol
I too am finishing on 31 August. I will be 34 weeks and that's just 4+6 weeks from the planned birth. I've only 29 days to work between now and then as using up AL too. God bless the NHS! I'd go now if I could. Xx

I laughed (well mibbe not quite laughed) at a work colleague when she said she left at 29 weeks. I thought no way id go mental being at home for that long plus Paul would be driven up the wall but the way I feel today at 27 weeks im now starting to realise why she finished that early but gonna keep bashing on through only 39 days to work xxxx
i'm freelance so I won't get maternity pay :( think i'll try and work until I pop!! x
That's quite a few of us on 31st August, celebration day :)
I'm finishing at 34 weeks.
Required by law here in Germany.
Mandatory to not work 6 weeks before the due date.
At least it'll gimme plenty of time to prepare for Xmas slowly !!!
I'm finishing at 34 weeks.
Required by law here in Germany.
Mandatory to not work 6 weeks before the due date.
At least it'll gimme plenty of time to prepare for Xmas slowly !!!


I didn't know that!

How long maternity leave do you get in Germany?

I think i'm very lucky actually, i love having scans every 4 weeks and i'm always in the a full check up and bloodtests every 4 weeks too. They're really thorough.

For maternity leave i get
6 weeks off before the birth (full pay)
8 weeks off after the birth (full pay) or 12 weeks for c-sections and/or twins
and then 10-14 months* (67% pay paid by the government)

* this months, i know it's somewhere between 10-14, still trying to get it confirmed by my HR department, and the hubster and I can split/share this allowance - so it'll be nice to have a few months off with him and bubba in the first year ;)

I can then take another 2 years off after that if i wish (with no pay) and work need to keep my job open for me. I'd do that if i thought we could afford it!
Sound like your all going on long after me! I went to HR asking for my earliest possible date! So I'm going at 29 weeks, it will give me time for a rest before new baby arrives :)

So glad you said that! :wave:

I feel the need to leave as soon as possible, I am finding work uncomfortable and stressful (I work with my husband to boot, need I say more!)

I also need to get my head around starting a family and going from working full time in the same role/company for 8 years and being involved in the business to becoming somebodies mummy and probably working part-time afterwards....

Its a lot to deal with, for me, choosing to start a family was a huge deal for me, not necessarily something I always wanted, felt natural about but something that I have recently yearned for, didnt think I would get pregnant, didnt think it was possible... here I am at 26 weeks and cannot wait for him to arrive, very exciting.

My advice, do what you want to do and are able to do financially and mentally, do not compare your situation with anybody else's, if you can afford it go earlier, don't feel guilty that 'other' mums have to work up till the end and its a bit of extra money (different story if you need the money :shock:)

Still not sure when to leave, probably 32 weeks minus any annual leave, it seems so far away when all I want to do is nest prepare, spend some me time as I have no children yet, there's a million things to do, I am not the sort of person to sit at home and do nothing, so no chance of boredom or feeling cut off.

Hey, sounds like I am trying to convince myself here :roll:
its lovely seeing how varied everyone is. If I can carry a week of annual leave over from this year I might tag that on the beginning of my mat leave, but once timetables come out it will be harder to leave earlier unless there is a medical reason. Germany has really got on the ball with maternity leave! jealous! how is the paternity leave now?
Yikes! Wish I was German, that's bloody good pay!
i'm freelance so I won't get maternity pay :( think i'll try and work until I pop!! x

I'm self employed too hun but I'm going to claim Maternity Allowance from th government - could you not do the same? x
I'm self employed too and get mat allowance x

I'm planning on finishing on 28th Sept, when I'll be just over 37 weeks. My annual leave year starts in august tho so if I'm struggling towards the end I'll just take some hols. Thankfully my boss is being really flexible about it all, and actually suggests to me to go for a sleep in our first aid room at lunchtime if I'm looking tired....god bless him!
I finish really early just before I turn 26 weeks. I only have 3 weeks and 1 day left! This is because I have 20 days holiday owing and I have to do a long haul flight back to New Zealand while it's still safe to fly.


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