Whats the weather like where you are?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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What's it like guys?

Think we had another snow shower over night to add to the weeks worth that was there already :wall:

On a plus they gritted our road twice yesterday which is absolutely unheard of :shock: so its pretty clear but I still won't drive in it as all it takes is an hours snow so block them again :wall2:

Hope everyone has a safe Xmas, so many accidents around :(

Like that coach one :cry:
god that wasawful...

snowed here, the dog as just been out and wondered where the paths had gone :lol: (and then started to eat it :wall2:
Our two hate going outside at the moment - it's a frozen ice-rink with no snow...poor doggies. It's bloody dangerous, actually, and I don't like driving in it but off I go!
chucking down snow flakes the size of 50p pieces here. Loads have been sent home from work but us 'lucky' few that live near by are stuck here till 11.30 :( xx
it was snowing last night now just in inch of snow no real huge amount of ice except on the road just outside the house coz they dont grit the little road as far as im aware the roads are clear good living in bham the roads are too busy to get too bogged down with ice but black ice in places. hope it dont get too bad im ment to be going to my mums boxing day :shock:
It's stopped here and the roads are clear. Just the drive and cul de sacs that are a mess.
we've got above zero!! first time all weekits not freezing! looks like there could be more snow on the way tho :( lisa there's 4 inches predicted over the hills :shock: hopefully we wont get any more tho, its doin my head in now!
its all snowy here :) on the train today the scenery was like a postcard picture :cloud9:
I think we got that 4 inch this morning. OH is addicted to the weather.....bleeding geography geek....:lol:
we got about that here Lisa, its beginning to thaw now :( so it'll probably freeze overnight now... ho well, dad's taking me to work so at least I don't have to worry about deicing the car and removing it from the drive :yay:
it´s like 2 feet here and the roads are ice i was slipping everywhere and no cars can get up my street funny watching them but not when my ASDA order came lol :)

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