Whatever happened to been a good Samaritan??


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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This weather has really proved that no1 is willin to help any1 anymore. The amount of ppl that have cleared the snow..just in front of their house is unreal,what's the point? Cos now the snow has turned to ice it means there's dips in the road all over and makes drivin worse. Or there's the guy who lives opposite me who has dug 2 perfect tracks from his drive to mine so he can back his car out but is limitin our parkin places cos our drive isn't clear.
This mornin the car wouldn't start so my mum cane and jumped it off,I reversed it off it's 'patch' and because the guy who lives up the road had decided to park 6 doors away from his house (on a street where every1 has a drive) and in my line of reversin I had to veer off slightly and got stuck!! So I'm heavily pregnant wiv 2 kids in the car and does any1 come to help?? No! So I had to dig the front wheels out the ice whilst a guy from up the road came out and gritted his drive,watched me for a bit then decided to offer me a push?!?!

There was a story in the local paper about a guy who slipped outside tesco express and broke his hip,he laid there 45 minutes in the freezin cold and not 1 person asked if he was ok?!

Has the world gone mad?

Sorry 4 the rant and well done if u made it 2 the end! Xx
I have to say that my hubby had to dig the car out our street last Monday at 7:30am and two of the neighbours came out to help - it took them an hour but they got the car out for me to drive to work. Could not thank them enuff!!! I'm only 4 and half months preg but no way was I digging anything and my hubby refuses to let me!!!

I will always remember to appreciate my neighbours as my hubby also helped dig out 4 of the neigbours cars!!! We live in a small cul-de-sac - we did not know all the neighbours b4 but we do now :)

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