Be careful in the bad weather girls xxxxxxx

I'm in Scotland too and its crazy out there just glad i don't need to be anywhere today cosy day in front of the tv sounds good to me :) be safe all u ladies that are out in this ! x
Keep safe everyone from NI - one of my friends jst sent me a msg on fb saying there was 4000 homes without power in NI - get your fones & laptops charged now ladies!! Cant have you missing out on precious PF time tonight!!


Im raging, I need to go and get wee 1 from school. Duno how to get there, trains more than likely cancelled & its 40min walk there and 40min back. Phoned OH for advice and all he said was...either get the train or walk...great. thanks. Useless twat.

I am freaking out about this!!

Apparently Scotland is gonna get it really bad. I've read some things about the top of Scotland getting totally covered in water :shock: i know its probs not gonna happen but its scary none the less.

Its very very windy just now as we speak, hard to imagine it any worse.

Scotland normally gets the tail end of America's hurricanes, so we're kinda used to it.

Good luck everyone. If im not back on tomoz you know it will be bye bye Scotland looool


Sideways rain today and the wind howling around the house. So glad I've got the day off today, really don't want to be going out in that!
I'm in central scotland too ladies! very windy here but not too bad

I'm origanaly from the western isles of scotland and we are used to VERY strong winds in the winter, force 9 and 10 are pretty normal for us (80-100mph). infact 2 winters ago i got blown off my feet into a ditch, hubby had to pick me out.

Take care ladies! xxx
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My los 8ft trampoline has blown over in our garden today, it weight a ton so im not looking forward to tonight xx
Uch my trip to the school & back was terrible.

Had major BH & stitches in my stomach the whole way there & back, was literally in tears at one point, think pushing against the wind was making me worse.

I dont think the wind is all that bad tonight, if its still like this tomoz i'm not taking wee 1 to school or going to work 2moz, they shoved them all out in the playground at break & lunchtime, i'm raging. She said she was really upset and didn't want to go out.

OMG Nurse, that sounds scary!

For those of you who are worried about the snow/ice, why don't you look at this page? All the old ladies in Norway were spikes on their shoes in the winter, so they don't fall. My MIL has also got them and she tells me they really work well! :)

I'm sure you will all be fine! Just remember to walk carefully and don't take any uneccesary risks!

OMG Nurse, that sounds scary!

For those of you who are worried about the snow/ice, why don't you look at this page? All the old ladies in Norway were spikes on their shoes in the winter, so they don't fall. My MIL has also got them and she tells me they really work well! :)

I'm sure you will all be fine! Just remember to walk carefully and don't take any uneccesary risks!


I'm not 100% on this but i'm pretty sure they're illegal in the UK (unless used at a ski place)
Hope everyone got on ok today in the weather, Was really windy here in the middle of England. x

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