Me and oh are in our 2nd month ttc our 1st baby, I'm 22 next month and Hubby is 37. Am hoping his age doesn't impeed things. Am using everything going this month, temps, opks and checking cm and cp. Wanted a baby as soon as we got married but Hubby wanted us to have a couple of years to ourselves 1st (2 year anni in July). So here's hoping it happens quickly for us and for the rest of you! X
Hi We have been trying since sep 09 which is when my OH had a reversal vasectomy. I am 29 and OH nearly 40 he has a 17 yr old D. This would be my first child which I want desperately. His sperm count is quite low but have been told by his urologist that it is poss to conceive naturally if timed correctly so am using OPK. If we dont get caught by dec we are going for a cycle of ICSI.
Good luck to you all xx
Hi,I'm ttc baby number 4! I have 2 boys to a previous partner and 1 to my dh so this is def the last! I'm in my second month of tryin and am finding myself to b v v impatient! Xxx
I've loved Reading all these replies!
We conceived our DD first time trying and want to ttc again. DH thinks we are trying in June but so far I've managed to seduce him the last few months lol but we don't talk about trying!
I'm in the 2ww but af will def come, I can feel it getting ready. Can't really be too disappointed though because we aren't trying properly like I won't lie down afterwards etc and haven't really been using opks properly. Hoping to get a bfp soon tho with all these lovely ladies