Whats happening with everyone??

Af got me on Monday mornin (bang on time) xx
Ah nooooooo!! Sorry to hear that good luck for next time me dear xxxx
Hey girlys I am jess 24(nearly)y dh is 27 and I have a dd who is nearly 5!!! We hve been tryig since
dec 09.
I fell pregnant in jan but I had a mmc at 8 weeks. But the baby had
died at 6w 3days and since then my
cycles were messed up it took my body a while to sort it's self out I had a 38 daycycle and then this time round my
cycle had gone
back to 30 days so I hope this is our month dh said it is so I belive him!!!! ( to a certain degree) but it's nice
to know
my dh is for this as much as me!! X x x
Me and oh are in our 2nd month ttc our 1st baby, I'm 22 next month and Hubby is 37. Am hoping his age doesn't impeed things. Am using everything going this month, temps, opks and checking cm and cp. Wanted a baby as soon as we got married but Hubby wanted us to have a couple of years to ourselves 1st (2 year anni in July). So here's hoping it happens quickly for us and for the rest of you! X

wouldnt worry hun me and my ex concieved when he was early 40's and 6 years later he has just had another baby so he is still fertile :) hth
I've loved Reading all these replies!

We conceived our DD first time trying and want to ttc again. DH thinks we are trying in June but so far I've managed to seduce him the last few months lol but we don't talk about trying!

I'm in the 2ww but af will def come, I can feel it getting ready. Can't really be too disappointed though because we aren't trying properly like I won't lie down afterwards etc and haven't really been using opks properly. Hoping to get a bfp soon tho with all these lovely ladies :)
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Hi :wave: We have been trying since sep 09 which is when my OH had a reversal vasectomy. I am 29 and OH nearly 40 he has a 17 yr old D. This would be my first child which I want desperately. His sperm count is quite low but have been told by his urologist that it is poss to conceive naturally if timed correctly so am using OPK. If we dont get caught by dec we are going for a cycle of ICSI.

Good luck to you all xx

Hi Bidsy,

whats ICSI?

Hi,I'm ttc baby number 4! I have 2 boys to a previous partner and 1 to my dh so this is def the last! I'm in my second month of tryin and am finding myself to b v v impatient! Xxx

Hi Emma

so you have all boys then? would you like a girl this time?
I've loved Reading all these replies!

We conceived our DD first time trying and want to ttc again. DH thinks we are trying in June but so far I've managed to seduce him the last few months lol but we don't talk about trying!

I'm in the 2ww but af will def come, I can feel it getting ready. Can't really be too disappointed though because we aren't trying properly like I won't lie down afterwards etc and haven't really been using opks properly. Hoping to get a bfp soon tho with all these lovely ladies :)

haha!! love the bit about what DH thinks but was is actually happening :)

It's been a while since I've been on here so thought this is a good thread to update the info on myself. The OH and I are currently coming to the end of our 5th month TTC.

Currently 9DPO and had pink CM this morning which has got darker with little cramps so I assume the :witch: has arrived and got the tampax out. Sorry for TMI.

I got really excited when I saw the pink CM and started to think maybe this month would be the month but not to be :wall2:

Fingers crossed for everyone TTC :dust:

I very recently got married and me and husband are TTC number 1, except we aren't specifically trying, but we're not preventing either. Its our honeymoon in one weeks time, we're going tot eh dominican republic for 2 weeks and obviously a BFP following that would be great for both of us. Unfortuanately i havent been posting or even :bd: much this month because i have torn a ligament in my knee and can barely walk and the OH is so worried about me...he cant 'perform' at the moment :roll:...sure honeymoon will change that!
Well with my first it took a while about a year and a half and this time round my boyfriend ( a new partner) just looked at me and I was preganant!! I was on the pill and the implant!!

My friend and work mate tried for 2 years and was on clomid and had 3 miscarrages and I am over the moont o say she is now a health 3 month pregnant xx
Hi flossy ICSI is a proceedure for ppl with low SC. ICSI is more expensive than IVF as the sperm is injected stright into the egg whereas IVF the sperm has to do the work itself. They've just got to choose the best sperm to do the job. It often results in multiple births. But I think it may be our best hope but will keep ttc naturally. :)
Hi girls!
I am 27 and my hubby is 39. He has 3 children from a previous realtionship and the Mother doesn't have parental responsibilty for any of the children. She is not allowed access to them and it causes a real strain on our relationship, especially when the girls want to see her. None of our family know we are currently TTC.
I am currently on my 3rd cycle of TTC, after 6months ttc last year I had to go back onto the pill,
I know this is going to mess with my body but already my 2nd cycle felt more like my cycles I used to have before going on the pill. Especially my period - that feels exactly like I remember it when I was 15 before I went on the pill! I even get the same banging headaches for 2 days before AF turns up - I was just putting it down to the weather and then AF showed!

I keep having doubts in my mind that I'm never going to be able to get pg, today is one of them days, hubby says it doesn't matter because we will get there in the end, he doesn't understand that we wont be able to get free IVF.
Hi flossie...I would like a girl but a boy would b a lot easier financially,I live in a 3 bedroomed house so were already a bit short of space but there's enough room for another bed in younger boys room,but havin a girl would mean i'd have to re-jig the sleeping arrangements,which wouldn't please my eldest (11) who's just finding his independance and likes the freedom of his own room. I have 4 nieces so can get my girlu fix from them if I need to lol. xx
im 22 and my OH is 26 and we are TTC are 2nd. i came off the pill in dec 09 and we started TTC jan 2010, so this will be are 5th cycle.
we are using OPK's, im checking CP and CM
we already have a LO who is 2- a right little missy lol
before, i didnt realise how hard it was to get pregnant, and the way you feel when you see a BFN.
at least i have all the knowledge of TTC now,so it will be good when im TTC#3 (hehehe dont tell the OH!!)
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Well af got me a day late.. not sure what all the spotting is about?? going to chill this month i think as its kinda stressing me out a bit. Want to enjoy it a bit more. So CD2 for me! Good luck to everyone else. xxx
Hi Flossie,

I am 26, hubs is 32 and we are TTC #1. Have been casually trying since Dec.

I suffer from irregular cycles, last one was 69 days, so I have just started acupuncture treatments. I had my first one on Saturday and was told I had an energy blockage linked to my fertility, I had a treament for that and my energy is flowing better, I am hoping this helps and my cycles will get shorter and me and hubs will get out bfp soon.

I hope the clomid works for you.
Im 22, OH is 25 and we are in our 12th cycle of TTC. I came of the depo last May and had irregular cycles until the September. Already have a DD so can't complain but i really want brothers and sisters for her to keep her company. Probably because i have such a good relationship with mine.

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