What's for tea?


Jul 6, 2014
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Not sure what everyone else is like for meal planning, but I always plan before the shop (then it goes to pot there!) and ALWAYS struggle coming up with new ideas or something to shake it up a bit. Maybe we can help each other out a bit!

We're on Pan Haggerty for tea tonight (a new one on us) :)

Will let y'all know if it's worth a try
Our worst habit is planning something and then neither of us fancying it so we get a take-away!

Tonight is chilli which is my favourite! X
Our meals for this week are:

Turkey, bacon and thyme hotpot, Aloo Gobi, cheesy ham and potato hash, oven baked sausages with cauliflower and broccoli in a cheese sauce, homity pie and prawn stir fry.

I always meal plan and write a list of what we'll need.

I've been cooking a lot of slimming world meals recently and they've been delicious and healthy which is always a plus!!

not sure, we started doing a meal plan a few years ago but then it went to pot, keen to start one up again- that can be my aim for this week!
My DH and I have always meal planned, ever since we were students and before we were married :)lol:) but we always meal plan and shop at Lidl which helps control your options more.

We shop from Fri-Thu each week and spend around £45 for 2 of us at the moment. We use the cook once, eat twice method. Basically, we cook for 4 people and eat it over 2 nights. When Baby J arrives I'm hoping to b-feed but when she starts weaning we will wean her straight on to what we eat (pureed obv), so hoping the shop won't go up too much (discounting nappies etc) ofc!.

Evening meals for this week though are -
Sweet chili salmon (1 night) / fishcakes (1 night) with courgette, broccoli and leeks in homemade cheese/white sauce.
Homemade pork meatballs with kale, green beans and cous cous (2 nights).
Slow cooked pork shoulder with sweet potato wedges, baked onion strings & homemade coleslaw (2 nights).
Pizza with rocket and baby leaf salad (1 night).

As we both work FT as well, our lunches consist of cheese salads with celery/carrot sticks and hummus/cottage cheese (although with me being PG I throw in some sliced lean ham and have a jacket potato with mine every other day). DH has yogurt with seeds/nuts for breakfast and I have blueberry wheats or porridge or banana/peanut butter toast depending on my mood!

I found babycentre website to be quite good for meal planning per trimester as well as snacks. Luckily we already eat the majority of what is on there any way.

The other thing we like to do is try a new recipe each week as well so it doesn't get boring. We also have a selection of go-to's meals as well.

It takes practice but you will get there! :D

Let me know if you would like any ideas, more than happy to suggest meals.
I like the mash potatoes, fries and sausages for a tea get together.
I bought some lovely rump steak from the local butchers, so that with mash potato and veg, cannot wait lol x
I forgot to sort anything out so might have a naughty McDonald's! X
Fish pie for us tonight and Turkey stir fry tomorrow.

We've also had turkey, bacon and thyme hotpot and a pasta dish this week too.

For a tea meal, I always prepare some sausages, mashed potato and a pasta together with our favorite tea.
Oh, can make a sweet pink party with only cakes, chocolates and other funny and colourful meal!
Sometimes I pick up some new products just because there is a promotion )
Roast beef and all the trimmings! Can't wait.
Pork chops with wedges and salad probably tonight. Prawn stir fry for lunch x

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