What's everyone up to today?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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I really need to get my ass into gear :lol: This is my first proper day off on maternity leave and i have so many plans in my head but can't seem to get motivated. Kieran is at school and Jacob is still going to the minders for a couple of weeks so i can get organised for Lucas' arrival so i should really be making the most of my time.

I think i will go to ASDA and buy a few things for my hospital bag, then crack on with some housework. Nice easy day to ease myself into the mega tasks ahead, got the nursery to decorate next week :shock:

Whats everyone else up to? xx
I've veen whisked off on a mini break and today will be climbing a mountain :)
You sound organised Toonlass - good on you.

Im disinfecting everything, got windows open and have lit candles - am also praying..my sister showed up yesterday for a meeting with me about the salon, she said she had visited my other sister the day before and that they had all gone down with a sickness bug. Immediately I looked like this :shock: as I always always get that bug. I have had the Norovirus twice and it was vile. Anyway as she left she said she didnt feel well - I didnt think much of disinfecting yesterday as we were going out, then I hear this morning that she has been sick all night :shock::shock::shock: - so I have used up all my Dettol..

Say a little prayer for me, the last thing I need when Im trying to keep anti-biotics down is a bloody sick bug :(
Oh god, i hope you don't get it! I hate bugs and i am also bleach happy when someone with even a hint of illness has been near my home. I have emetaphobia (fear of anything to do with sick) so i totally understand your worries.

Princess, how is climbing a mountain a break!! :shock: a break to me is a day spa, you must be as fit as a lop :lol: xx
I just read that you are contagious when you become ill so Im keeping my fingers crossed that we're safe xx
The bug is passed my spores that are released in vomit and dhiorreah, fingers crossed you won't get it xx
RM i really hope you dont catch it :hug:

jayne, get you on a mini break!! although i have to agree with toon, thats no break goin up a mountain!!

i'm off to john lewis to get one of those phil&teds things you put over the chair to strap your baby in! need to get somethin better to strap katie in! then off to tescos cos my mum wants me to get her some shopping and i need to drop off a prescription for katie, which i'll have to go in tomorrow to get!

and i'm gona ring up about that flat in a bit!!
Go you!! Let us know what its like after you've had a look xx
Alice u sound hectic today!! And rm I really hope u escape the sickness! Climbing a mountain ain't my idea of a break either and I'm totally unfit so I'll be dying - it's o/h idea of a good time and I had a spa day yest so .....
will do! my sister said she just hopes its not like auschwitz (sp?) and dead cold and eerie when you walk in like the walls have secrets :roll:
Toon - Good luck with the cleaning, any day at all you need banning give one of us a shout :rofl:

:yay: You got away then after all Jayne? :love: Is oh away this weekend or next? :(

RM - Hope you don't get the bug :(

Alice - You decided to look then :yay: Hope you get it, can't you copy us the pics and then we won't see the address? :smug:

Me - Housework day, major!

Lots of washing, cleaning, more washing, more cleaning :wall: Need a top to bottom day I think then I can justify going out tomorrow :lol:
Just finishing this coffee before the mammoth task begins :coffee:
Everyone is being so productive! I have just washed the pushchair hood as it was very grubby, taking advantage of the sunny day :)

Hope everyone has a lovely day and is happy and full of love :love: :lol:

Enjoy! Mamfy - get yourself a big cream cake for all that cleaning xx
The chaos will begin again in about 45 minutes when Trouble #1 gets home from preschool :lol:
Everyone is being so productive!

Im not, Im being a lazy cow today, Ive done nothing. Cant bring myself to do anything, need more energy! I wanna go meet my OH for lunch to try and snap out of it but I still havent washed my hair. hmph :wall2:
well i've been to ASDA and got my bits and peices, my toiletry bag is all packed and ready for hospital now, been to Peacocks and got some new Mat jeans as my other ones are horrid and i've cooked and ate lunch (it was yummy :) ) Having a sit down until 1pm then i am going to clean the kitchen and bathroom, maybe the bedroom too if i have time.

Hope all your cleaning goes well mamafy, and you enjoy your lazy day tiny xx
We've just finished Lunch and the kitchen now resembles something out of crimewatch :shock:

Anyway hopefully I'll be back with something constructive done :D
i wish i'd never sat down now. My motivation has gone out the window and the idea of a little kip is way more appealing than cleaning right now. Think i'll just move my ass and crack on coz if i get it done quick i could still catch a nap :) xx
I thought my house was ok then the sun comes through the lounge windows and tells me otherwise..
I hate that RM :(

I've got the Cif out :yay:
Good luck with the cleaning, and to-do lists everyone :lol: I am sitting on my behind, going to get showered, wash hair, do tan, and put my feet up :D Wee man is away on his first trip without me to his other Grannys :)cry: :lol: I promised I wouldn't be weird) was a bit teary watching him go.. But it feels nice that I have a while to myself.. So gonna fix myself up, give my room a quick going over and get the we mans feed sorted for him coming back...

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