what to expect now


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2012
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ok, i'm now in my TWW and currently about 4-5 DPO and read to start symptom spotting but what could I expect and when. For example, how soon am I likely to see implantation bleeding (if at all) does that happen about now or closer to when AF is due.

i've been feeling really tired but wondered if that's too soon to be a symptom or if i'm just ready for bed!!!

And what other symptoms could I expect and when, that is if I did hit the jackpot this time?!!

sorry if i'm a pain in asking these questions but so excite about TTC!

I think implantation bleeding happens around the time u would normally get your period, I know mine did with my first pregnancy as mine was very heavy and I thought it was just a period but everybody's is different and can vary from abit of spotting to quite abit, but if it's accomponied by pain I think you're meant to get it checked.

There's many early symptoms of pregnancy, some people feel them right away and others don't for a whole it's all down to how much you know you're own body and how quick the pregnancy hormones develop, tiredness is deffinately one , others could be Cramping, breast tenderness, feeling sick, bloating, constipation or diareaah,Headaches, backache, darkening of your nipples, increased vaginal discharge, mood swings, needing too wee more,Better sense off smell, needing to drink more.. The list goes on lol, but they're all early signs which u could get before your due on but it really does vary.. Some women get no symptoms until there missed period... I will keep my fingers crossed for you, let us know how you get on x
Implementation occurs usually occurs between 6-12DPO (most commenly being between days 8-10DPO) during which time some ppl who are pregnant will experience implementation bleeding, but only some. .. 4-5DPO is probably a little early to be experiencing symptoms, maybe your just knackered? There have been a few months since TTC that ive convinced myself I'm pregnant because of being tired, dizzy, feeling sicky, headaches, cramps etc and its resulted in a BFN :( so you never know - doesnt stop us ladies symptom spotting every cycle thought does it lol.... Think I've learnt to take it all with a pinch of salt recently but I know every month I will still get super excited again if I start to notice certain changes, its so hard not to! You cant win! hehe :) really hope for you it is because of a BFP, what have you experienced today?? xx
well, i've had backache today but that's because of the way I slept no matter how much I try and convince myself it's a symptom!!! Funny thing is though, I now REALLY feel like AF is about to arrive but if I ov'd when the OPK said I did, I shouldnt be due until 9th July, oh i'm so confused!!
A week to wait then eek how exciting.. will you be testing before AF is due or are you waiting to see if it arrives first? xx
I have absolutely no idea, the thought of POAS and getting a BFP scares the hell out of me so I may leave it as long as possible!!! haha!!
I try and leave it until after too but for the opposite reason getting a BFN worries me haha... ;) xx

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