What time to bed?


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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Fin has a bath/feed and goes to sleep about 9 and has since 6 weeks old.I feel this is a bit late but the thing is, he doesn't sleep for longer than 2 - 3 hours at any one time. Is it worth putting him to bed earlier than 9 o clock? Will it make any difference?
Olivia has only now just started going to bed after a bath at 7/730 and will sleep till 10, have a dream feed then wake at 12/1 am and come in with me :D

You can try a bath earlier say around 7/730 feed and then pop him in, do that everyday and within a week he may just start going bed earlier.

Also if he does give him a dream feed after a couple of hours and he may stay sleeping longer :D
We have followed the same routin from birth, she feeds around 5pm then has a play in her bouncer/baby gym. At 6pm, we bath her, baby gro and top her up with a few more ounces. She goes down awake usually in her cot, with no covers and for a little while she coos and kicks around (we watch her on a video monitor)-she looks so happy chattering to her cot mobile and then crashes out!! we wake her at 11pm, change and feed her then tuck her in. She did wake at 3am-4am for feed and go back down, but since 7 weeks she sleeps though after 11pm feed until 6am-7am.
It can be a bit restricting as I always had to be home by 6pm, but it works for us, and we have been late a few times, but she knows as soon as she has her bath and top up feed, its time for bed.

Hope this helps

She is such a conteted baby, and I feel so blessed to have such an angel :angel: xx
I don't think 9 pm sounds to late at his age. Nathan goes to bed about 10-10.30, sleeps till 4ish has a bottle and goes back off till bout 8am. With my girls i've just let it happen on its own and the bed time gradully gets earlier.
We started putting Arianna down at 11pm and then each week putting her down half an hour earlier. She has gone down at 7.30pm and slept right through to 8am(ish) since she was about 2 1/2 mths
madison used to go down from 12 :shock: till 6

then we managed to ger her into bed at 10 till 8

now she is sleeping 8 till 8

i think a nice batch and a dark room gets her to sleep so well :cheer:
Aw, your babies are all so content! I'm getting Fin ready for bed now at 7 pm so we will see how it goes. It sure does change your evenings though in the way that you can't go for those summer walks anymore with the dog! Oh well, there's always granny. :D

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