What time is your LO's bedtime?

missac said:
Calm down guys, in the first half she is referring to Lola and the second half she is referring to her own little boy - jt!!

You guys should be on the bill!!!

That makes soooo much more sence now!! God, I'm a dumbass!
missac said:
Calm down guys, in the first half she is referring to Lola and the second half she is referring to her own little boy - jt!!

You guys should be on the bill!!!

well done missac i got it too!! people are too suspicious on here!! :lol:
rusks said:
missac said:
Calm down guys, in the first half she is referring to Lola and the second half she is referring to her own little boy - jt!!

You guys should be on the bill!!!

well done missac i got it too!! people are too suspicious on here!! :lol:

I'm not suspicious.... just dumb! :rotfl:
I wasn't being suspicious at all I was asking a genuine question :roll: How was I suppose to know she was reffering to Lola, Lola wasn't mention in any of it.
I wasn't being suspicious either - actually I thought it might be some kind of dyslexia or something that makes people get genders muddled up :oops:
I think the eye rolling smiley should be taken off the emoticon board - I find it upsetting that someone would choose to roll their eyes at me, when all I did was clear a matter up for everyone.
well I could be wrong, but I thought PP's eye rolling was in reference to rusks saying that we were being suspicious, not in reference to you clearing up the matter.
Xena said:
well I could be wrong, but I thought PP's eye rolling was in reference to rusks saying that we were being suspicious, not in reference to you clearing up the matter.

Yes it was,
I didnt mean it in a mean way Missac, its hard when writing on here because people cannot see or hear my actual reactions...if that makes any sense :think:
ah I see, silly me! :D It's a tricky icon really, it can be taken in lots of ways!
just wanted to say to Funkylady - my son is also quite young (7 weeks). we put him down at 10-11ish when we go to bed and he sleeps till 5-6ish. He definitely wouldn't sleep properly after his 7 o'clock feed.

I think it's only when they get a bit older that they can sleep through from early in the evening.

KJ said:
just wanted to say to Funkylady - my son is also quite young (7 weeks). we put him down at 10-11ish when we go to bed and he sleeps till 5-6ish. He definitely wouldn't sleep properly after his 7 o'clock feed.

I think it's only when they get a bit older that they can sleep through from early in the evening.


Depends on the baby (size at birth, weight, how much they like their sleep etc!) - mine slept through 12 hours from 6.5 weeks, but I understand that this is rare.

KJ said:
just wanted to say to Funkylady - my son is also quite young (7 weeks). we put him down at 10-11ish when we go to bed and he sleeps till 5-6ish. He definitely wouldn't sleep properly after his 7 o'clock feed.

I think it's only when they get a bit older that they can sleep through from early in the evening.


Thanks KJ... we are actually quite happy with her routine at the moment, and she seems perfectly content :)

Once she starts getting sleepier earlier we will bring the time forward... but not sure how I will change her feeds accordingly, cos I like to put her down straight after her 11pm feed so shes content.

Currently feeding 4oz every 3 - 3 1/2 hours, which seems to be just right for her. She was only 5lb 12oz when boring and currently at almost 9lb.. which everyone thinks is a nice steady gain.


Kiara goes to bed at 8 pm and you know if its past that :lol:
Kadyn anywhere from 730-1130 he doesnt realoly have a set time just depends on how the day went and he sleeps till Kiara comes in and and talks in his ear . :)
until millie was 3 months she was going to bed at same time as us- midnight or 1am. she was fine with that until early september then she became unbelievably grumpy in evenings- just crying loads. we mistakenly thought she was early teething at first, but when we tried a bedtime routine it worked straight away- i was amazed!

she goes to bed at 6.30 now. if we are late getting her to bed and it gets past 7 particularly near 7.30 she becomes so grouchy! and putting her to bed later does NOT make her lie in later (tried it lol!)

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