What Pram?

Loving your pram Wilma, would def be on my possible list too! I am a total pram addict! You'll all have to update how you've got on with them once babies are here :)
Thanks Laura,

We looked at loads...tooo many probable but I love them all too hee hee!!

At first I wanted a one that had a seperate carry cot like I had with DD but when we looked at it we needed to be practical and this is great as although its got the carry cot part and folds flat its also great for the boot as we also have to fit my wheels of steel in the boot too so its perfect for us and our needs....excited to get out..although Im a tad jealous I wont get to push it outside lol xxx
Thanks Shauna,
TBH this grew on me coz when I first went shopping I was insistant on not having this, and not having that....but then I though well Im not pushing it, Dh and DD will be so I ended up loveing it once it grew on me and like I said to Laura its preactical and suits our needs perfect...just need little legs to fill it now lol xxx
Aw yeah i was like that at first but thought i am going to have to choose lol. xxx
I know lol, well i wouldn't know about a car but i get what ya mean haha xxx
Lol.....so many to choose all singing and dancing things....too much choice lol lots of fun choosing tho xx
I have the spin and I must say it is excellent. All my mummy friends always seem to be moaning about their prams for one reason or another but I wouldn't change mine- it's light, zippy, petite, faces both ways, manouvers like a dream and you can clip the car seat on instead of the carrycot. Id liken it to driving auto instead of manual! Lol!
Totally fab :)
I've got the Bugaboo Bee in red & black with Maxi Cosi car seat. Lightweight, easy to fold & fits in the boot of my treasured Mini!!! Not many prams do, so that narrowed it down a lot - lol x

Sunnyb xxx
I've got the Bugaboo Bee in red & black with Maxi Cosi car seat. Lightweight, easy to fold & fits in the boot of my treasured Mini!!! Not many prams do, so that narrowed it down a lot - lol x
I love the bugaboo bee!

Wilma your one is lovely too! I have to wait a few more weeks to get.mine. I want it now lol.
Sunnyb xxx

Ive got the bugaboo cameleon special edition pram and pushchair system with black chassis and black fabric i fell in love with it the moment i saw it :love:
I've got the Oyster :-) Love it!

I got it when the only colours they did were Black and Green, Black and Pink and White and Black (mainly white). As we didn't know baby's sex we got the green.

Wish i'd have waited as I much prefered the pink but hey! I bought the grape colour changing pack so it's purple with a green foot muff! Looks quite quirky, like a box of Kandoo wipes! :rofl:
We've just joined mothercare babyplan and gone for the spin, the limited edition black jacquard one
I had an iCandy Apple for Grace and I sold it about 9 months ago for £300, held its value brilliantly! It was like new as I really looked after it (It was 3 years old!). I included the Maxi Cosi Car seat and base so I think they got a good deal. First couple to see it snapped it up, sold within 48 hours of being posted on gumtree. I only paid £399 for the package originally!! Although I did throw in the footmuff and parasol also which was extra to the £399.

I found it to be a very sturdy pram which was very comfortable and spacious, she would still fit in it now easily. I just decided i didn't need something that big and just got a stroller. I drive to most places so a stroller is perfect for that. I use the Petite Star Zia which is great for zipping around shops but it isnt very sturdy as its a three wheeler. The handles are very low, so if your short its great but if your on the taller side, its one to avoid.
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i wanted the Silver cross liner freeway and travelled miles to find a shop that stocked it, went in and tested it out and its way too bulky and complicated and i completely fell in love with the silver cross 3d in skyline.

SOOOOO lush & im getting it in 3 weeks ! :D
We ordered the iCandy peach in sweet pea. Been paying a bit off every payday and now only have like £100 left to go! So exciting, not getting it for a while though, I signed up to a baby club kind of thing in a little local shop where we ordered it and the icandy people send it out 3/4 through pregnancy (which is when they say the full amount should be paid by) and then the shop keep it safe for us until we want to collect it which is handy with inlaws etc saying how it's bad luck yo have it in the house! Also got Moses basket, car seat and isofix base thing stored there too! Xxx
We have been investigating what would fit I'm my polo!! We chose a jane slalom pro. Looked on mothercare website- for pushchair anda matching car seat came to about 600!! Looked on ebay and found an immaculate set- just paid 195 + 20 p + p!! Saved almost 400!! :) well chuffed! Xx
I have the Quinny Buzz 3 in Rebel Red. It was a toss up between the buzz and the bugaboo cameleon, which I love, but needed something all terrain and the bug's front wheels are v small. The buzz looks really cool and the red is gorgeous so really happy with it. Can't wait to use it, but still have a bit of a wait :-(

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