What I've got (list) and what else do I need?


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2008
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Here is a list of what I've got....and what I think I need to buy...

I'm feeling thick and I've probably missed something totally obvious so please let me know if I need MORE of anything or something that I forgot altogether! :wall:

I will put clothes in the next post.

Moses basket and stand (from mother in law)
Moses basket flat sheets x 4, blankets x 3, fitted sheets x 2
Cot bed (on order)
Pram (on order)
Cot bed coverlet and bumper
Bath towels x 4
Sleeping bags x 2 (2.5 tog)
Room thermometer
Changing mat
Baby monitor

Toiletries etc.
Huggies pure wipes x 72 (2 packs)
Mothercare wipes x 80 (1 pack)
Muslin squares x 8
100 nappy sacks
Cotton buds, cotton balls
Baby powder
Shampoo, lotion, oil, bubble bath, bum cream
Little scissors
2 x dummies (soothers)
For me: 2 nursing bras, 100 disp breast pads and lanolix nipple cream

Bath and bath non slip mat
Nappies (I'm buying biodegradable disposabled newborn and size 1 resusable ones)
Sterilizer with 6 bottles and breast pump
Sleeping bag 1 tog (maybe)
A zillion maternity pads, you will go through them so quick!! :)
(these are nearly ALL 2nd hand!! I love ebay! plus my sister keeps buying stuff all the time from car boot sales ROFL)

Body suits newborn x 8 and 0-3 months x 2

15 bibs :shock:

Sleepsuits Newborn x 4
Sleepsuits 0-3 months x 8

Tops newborn x 3
Tops 0-3 x 3

Hats x 2
Mittens x 1

Cardigans 0-3 x 6

Pants Newborn x 7

Booties x 2
Socks x 2

How does this sound?
I ahve about 30 bibs, when you think you will be going thru 5/6 a day, 15 isnt that many lol
breast pads - check

bibs...why do you use so many when they're not eating solid food? :oops:
did you mean breast pads or other pads like sanitary towels?

Sanitry towels, you will go through ALOT so stock up! :)
Daffodil said:
breast pads - check

bibs...why do you use so many when they're not eating solid food? :oops:

She either spits it out, dribbles or be sick!

I used tonnes of breast pads so if your breastfeeding i'd stock up. Also as others have said plenty of sanitary pads as you go through loads. I bought a load of cheap knickers (from tescos/asda or simular) and just threw them away at first.

Bibs are useful for wiping any sick or anything up, we have a drawer full :)

A few toys? Might not use them straight away but defo will do later on. Also the old favourites like bouncer, swing, playgym... all personal preference but our best buys were defo playgym, she still love it now although tries to destroy it :lol: and swing, great when she had colic to soothe her :)

I'd say plenty of vests/body suits as you can go through loads in a day :lol: we also went through loads of scratch mitts at first too.

Theres lots more thats optional, you defo have the basic's already by the sounds of it and you can always nip out to get extras if you want them... in the first weeks a trip to mothercare was a major outing but was lovely just to get out of the house :D
Wow you're organised - I still don't have any actual moses basket bedding! You may find that depending on your LO you don't use a lot. I have a cover kicker who hates being restrained. Despite best efforts she screams in a sleeping bag and kicks off covers. Don't buy any more than what you have because they outgrow moses baskets VERY fast!

I go through about 4 muslins a day so I have more than I can count so I don't have to wash every day.

Definitely stock up on cheap vests/bodysuits. Have a variety of short sleeve/long sleeve/sleeveless.

Also with regards to the toiletries, just keep them to the side. Most newborns have very sensitive skin so water is best from birth for a while (we're still not using anything but olive oil on her skin). Same with wipes - many people find they cause a rash so cotton wool and water is best for bum. Get one of the big rolls or a plait so you can tear off big chunks.
Cot bed coverlet and bumper - I'd not bother tbh as they recommend you don't use these till past 1 year old (cover) and bumpers are also not recommended at/past a certain age either. IIRC its once baby can roll over but don't quote me.

Sleeping bags x 2 (2.5 tog) - I'd get a 1 tog as if your LO is born in summer or a warm autumn you may well need it. We have 1 x 2.5 tog and 1 x 1 tog.

I've not used the flat sheets at all on my Moses basket. Just the fitted ones and we put LO straight into a sleeping bag and so never needed blankets either.

Shampoo, lotion, oil, bubble bath, bum cream - I'd not use any of this the first few months tbh. Baby skin is sensitive and just plain water is fine until a bit older. I'm not even using Sudocrem or whatever on bottom. Bought a natural product that is very gentle and does a great job if I need it.

I'd hold off on the nursing bras until much later also tbh. Your boobs will grow again once baby arrives and your milk comes in. I went up 2 cups sizes overnight and my nursing bras barely fit me and chances are I'll have to buy new ones.

Dummies - we got ones designed to mimic the nipple so as not to confuse LO sucking on my boobs. And only used after a few weeks of established BF'ing.

Daffodil said:
Here is a list of what I've got....and what I think I need to buy..]

Bath and bath non slip mat
Nappies (I'm buying biodegradable disposabled newborn and size 1 resusable ones)
Sterilizer with 6 bottles and breast pump
Sleeping bag 1 tog (maybe)

Don't see a need for a bath mat tbh but thats your choice. We got a Tummy tub and its been brilliant. Or we take LO in with us and he loves it.

I'd hold off on bottles etc unless you are planning to bottle feed. I'm BF'ing and didn't get anything bottle or sterilser wise. I figured if I didn't have it, I'd be more inclined to stick with BF'ing in those early days. And its recommended to BF exclusively for the first 6 weeks to establish BF'ing. My OH is looking forward to the odd expressed bottle feed now but I am only doing so under advice from HV and MW. Otherwise I'd be waiting till Galen was 6 weeks plus. You can always send out someone to get a couple of bottles etc if you do need them.
1sttimemum said:
I ahve about 30 bibs, when you think you will be going thru 5/6 a day, 15 isnt that many lol

Cripes, I don't use a single one! My LO is hardly ever sick and cetainly never lets a drop escape from my boob when feeding. I have some but they have stayed in the drawer and will see some use when he is older no doubt.

Are you bottle feeding? I can imagine you'd probably get through more bibs then.
Sherlock said:
1sttimemum said:
I ahve about 30 bibs, when you think you will be going thru 5/6 a day, 15 isnt that many lol

Cripes, I don't use a single one! My LO is hardly ever sick and cetainly never lets a drop escape from my boob when feeding. I have some but they have stayed in the drawer and will see some use when he is older no doubt.

Are you bottle feeding? I can imagine you'd probably get through more bibs then.

I didn't use any either until weaning onto solids at 6 months and I breastfeed.

I used hundreds of muslins though - behind her head in the moses basket, stuffing them into my bra and under my boob while feeding etc etc.

Valentine Xxx
Sherlock said:
1sttimemum said:
I ahve about 30 bibs, when you think you will be going thru 5/6 a day, 15 isnt that many lol

Cripes, I don't use a single one! My LO is hardly ever sick and cetainly never lets a drop escape from my boob when feeding. I have some but they have stayed in the drawer and will see some use when he is older no doubt.

Are you bottle feeding? I can imagine you'd probably get through more bibs then.

We use bibs at the moment as she's teething and dribbling alot, they have loads of uses ;) :D
I'd stock up on muslins- you can use them for anything and everything!
rmember to leave some things for people to buy as pressies :D
a bouncy chair!

Evie loves her one and it means I can get on with the housework while she watches just like her daddy! :roll: :rotfl: )
Jade&Evie said:
a bouncy chair!

Evie loves her one and it means I can get on with the housework while she watches just like her daddy! :roll: :rotfl: )
maybe you should get a tv remote and a can holder too :rotfl:
You'll need lots of cotton wool!
Remember you will be changing nappies 10 times a day and if you use 15 balls at each change that soon adds up. We use around 1000 cotton balls a week. You've mentioned wipes but it's not recommended to use them for the first while (a month I think) as baby's skin is so sensitive.

We have loads of muslins - they are great as bibs, blankets, sunshades, mops, changing mat covers, bedding covers (so if she's sick we only need to change the muslin in the middle of the night, not all the bedding) and a million other things.

How much clothes you need depends on how often you plan to do a load of washing. If you are planning on every day, assuming one day time outfit, one sleeping outfit and one outfit in case of need (sick, pee, poo) that's 3 outfits in the washing basket, 3 drying and 3 to wear that day. You need a lot of vests and sleepsuits :D Watch out for newborn sizes - they are all different depending on where they are bought and some are 7.5lbs. Gabrielle was born at 8lb 5 oz so some newborn stuff never fitted her.

I would also add cool packs to the list. Not for baby, for you. I wasn't sure if it was worth buying the feme pad cool packs but day 2 I sent OH to get them and they were a big relief. I've heard that witch hazel on frozen sanitary pads is good so you could prepare that in advance instead.

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