What is your OH's most annoying habit?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Thought this would be a fun post. Now we all know men fart and burp and all that yucky stuff... but what REEEEALLLY annoys you?

Mine would have to be the fact that if I like a song... my hubby changes the words and then I end up singing the made up words!! And his words are usually rude!! :x :roll: :x
SarahH said:
Alfiesmummy said:
breathing? :twisted:

hahah!! Awwww poor iain!!

Lol just kidding haha, his worst habbit ... gosh theres so many ... ummmmm ... he doesnt clipo his toenails and lets them grow long and they scratch me in bed
Alfiesmummy said:
breathing? :twisted:


Mine ...
can I have a little list?
He does this whistling not whistling thing which is just like annoying heavy breathing through his teeth :x
Sneezing v loudly..
Mumbling to himself when he gets up in the morning whilst I am still in bed..dunno what he says..reminds me of the bringing in the sheep song from 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps
SHOUTING down his mobile - I think we should save the money and give him two tin cans with a bit of string :D

I still love him to death :oops:
Mumbling to himself when he gets up in the morning whilst I am still in bed..dunno what he says..reminds me of the bringing in the sheep song from 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps

Oh my god!!! Thats sooooo funny!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sneezing v loudly..

Brian does this... his are kinda animated... he sneezes normally and then adds the "chooooooooooooo" noise in himself at the end!!
my OH doesnt have any habits that REALLY annoy me, but its only been 2 years ask me again in another 5 :rotfl:

I guess it annoys me a little bit when he leaves the toothpaste lid open and then I have to clean his shavings off the toothpaste before I use it :rotfl:
SarahH said:
Brian does this... his are kinda animated... he sneezes normally and then adds the "chooooooooooooo" noise in himself at the end!!

That's it exactly...why??????why would anyone do this???
More importantly why would anyone do this when they know I have raging PMT :twisted: :evil: :D
libs said:
SarahH said:
Brian does this... his are kinda animated... he sneezes normally and then adds the "chooooooooooooo" noise in himself at the end!!

That's it exactly...why??????why would anyone do this???
More importantly why would anyone do this when they know I have raging PMT :twisted: :evil: :D

mine has to be farting (i know you said other than that Sarah) but it is DISGUSTING - he does it everywhere, it doesnt matter where we are, we could be sat in someones house and he will do it, and usually they are either REALLY LOUD or stink so vile i have to move away, him and his brother seem to think it is really funny if they fart in each others face when the other isnt taking any notice :roll: gets me soooo mad its bloody minging!!!!!!! :x
i hate to see him bite his nails.. it disgusts me, cos he doesnt wash his hands after coming in from work and they are so grubby! :think:
MissGobby said:
mine has to be farting (i know you said other than that Sarah) but it is DISGUSTING - he does it everywhere, it doesnt matter where we are, we could be sat in someones house and he will do it, and usually they are either REALLY LOUD or stink so vile i have to move away, him and his brother seem to think it is really funny if they fart in each others face when the other isnt taking any notice :roll: gets me soooo mad its bloody minging!!!!!!! :x
:rotfl: :rotfl: I'm sorry but this made me laugh soo much!

Kev's most annoying habit is taking his socks off in bed and leaving them there :puke: and they really stink :puke:
He also does the sneezing thing he woke Brody up the other day when I'd just got him to sleep-I was not impressed! :x
But other than that he's PERFECT! :lol: :puke:
When he says 'Lets chill out tonight and watch TV or a film' then he falls asleep on the settee and snores leaving me to watch it on my own. He falls asleep ALL the time, it does my head in!

Getting the washing out of the dryer, folding it up and putting it on the bench or kitchen table instead of taking it upstairs. It stays there for days if I dont do it!

Leaving the spoon on the bench after he's made a cuppa. The sink is only about 3 steps away :shock:
leaves his clothes lyin everywhere, then i trip up on them puttin the baby to bed asleep :evil:
wakes the baby up just as iv got to bed to go sleep :evil:
says 'lookin after Jam isnt that hard' - how would u know, uv never had him the whole day?!?!?! :x :x :x
My OH lately has been waking up in the middle of the night and trying to snog me - with tongues and everything!! It comes as such a shock when I am in a deep sleep, and I think he is still half asleep when he does it aswell, the problem is I push him off and he goes back to sleep but I end up wide awake for hours!!!!!
mummykay said:
says 'lookin after Jam isnt that hard' - how would u know, uv never had him the whole day?!?!?! :x :x :x

Grrrrrrr my OH thinks being at home with the kids all day is so easy too, he seems to forget that theres also housework and stuff to do, and keeping a 4 year old entertained all day is hard work in itself!

Im expecting some appreciation when the baby comes and I've got 2 of them to look after during the 6 weeks holiday :eek:
lol where to start

thinking he is right ALL THE TIME - hoenstly the times im right he wont even admit it, thats annoying.
always wanting his own way
not cleaning up after himself
playing guitar ALL THE TIME
thinking im his slave
moaning about wanting to see a film on dvd getting it and then complainin all the way through its shit..

lol.. but i love my baby much<3
he wouldnt be him if he didnt do it. i spose.

lets hope J aint lik his daddy..
Robyn_ said:
lol where to start

thinking he is right ALL THE TIME - hoenstly the times im right he wont even admit it, thats annoying.
always wanting his own way
not cleaning up after himself
playing guitar ALL THE TIME
thinking im his slave
moaning about wanting to see a film on dvd getting it and then complainin all the way through its sh*t..

lol.. but i love my baby much<3
he wouldnt be him if he didnt do it. i spose.

lets hope J aint lik his daddy..

Yeah my OH thinks he's always right :roll: drives me mad :evil:

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