What is your OH's most annoying habit?

SarahH said:
Mine would have to be the fact that if I like a song... my hubby changes the words and then I end up singing the made up words!! And his words are usually rude!! :x :roll: :x

yeah mine does that. i completly forget the real words, lol.
he also has his own language that i'm ment to understand :?
he is a bit strange!

that as well - him thinking he is ALWAYS right.

i am right 99.9% of the time, no lies, yet he doesnt know when he is wrong, he is 'right' until i am blew in the face it drives me bloody mad!!!! grrrr

Steph that one made me feel :puke:
Right now i'd be quicker saying the things that don't annoy me about him!
kellie80 said:
SarahH said:
Mine would have to be the fact that if I like a song... my hubby changes the words and then I end up singing the made up words!! And his words are usually rude!! :x :roll: :x

yeah mine does that. i completly forget the real words, lol.
he also has his own language that i'm ment to understand :?
he is a bit strange!

Yeah my OH does that, drives me nuts!!!
He can't drive for shit!

Well he can drive but he just doesnt concentrate!! I hate being in his car, I dont feel safe lol!

Take the other day for example, we're driving along and he sees a new cafe and he has a good look as we go past and tells me 'Ooo look, a new cafe'. He didnt see the parked car at the side of the road in front of him so I had to lean over and push the steering wheel to stop him going straight into the back of it :roll:

And I've lost count of the number of times he 'hasnt seen' the car in fronts brake lights. He nearly goes into the back of people ALL the time :shock:

That really pisses me off :x
lets see...

when im dropping off to sleep he sniffs really loud every few seconds

he leaves skid marks in the toilet and doesnt use the bog brush (it doesnt take much does it??!!)

he loads the dishwasher and expects praise for it (i do bloody everything else)

he moans if i dont shread my bills immediately after opening them

he refused to change the cat litter even tho im pg

he chucks stuff in the bin instead of recycling


but i do love him :D
omg the list is endless!! lol
Leon's main 1s are
ignoring me when the football is on :evil: & wen HE decides what film we watch if its s**t he blames me n says " y u make me watch dat load of s**t 4" :evil:
x sophie x
putting his dirty socks & boxers next to the dirty laundry bin!!! ITS NO MORE WORK TO DROP THEM IN THE BIN INSTEAD OF THE FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!! :x

oh, and the fact that alice is 5 months old and he still has not changed a poo filled nappy :roll:
every time he dries his hands on the tea towel he always screws it up and throws it on the kitchen units and it wont dry off coz its all screwed up :x
i kno its a silly one lol!
trixipaws said:
every time he dries his hands on the tea towel he always screws it up and throws it on the kitchen units and it wont dry off coz its all screwed up :x
i kno its a silly one lol!
Yes .. the same with the hand towel in the bathroom, the other day I made him come back and put it straight
i have a little list too...........

Picks his nose and eats it :puke: makes me not kiss him dont worry!
scratches his legs really really load in bed wakes faith up!! :twisted:
picks his scabs and toe nails in front off me :puke:
forever scratting his balls and arse!! think he has worms and crabs!!

but i do love him and yes i do not know why!! dirty man lol :rotfl:
I dont know why but everytime lately I have gone to do the washing up OH has been glued to me. Stood right behind me giving me a hug. Funny that cos when id ask if he was busy to do the washing up, he'd say he was revising for his exams :x

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