What is wrong with nappies


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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The third night in a row Tyler has leaked wee on my bed. He used a different brand and I triple checked it was on ok!

He's been up feeding every hour, do you think he wees more because of this?

Now I have a very awake boy in his cot because of the nappy change!

I'm guessing the more goes in the more comes out! But they shouldn't leak that is pants x
i agree even if he is weeing more they shouldnt leak. which ones have u tried? xx
Albert's wee has increased massively with his increased feeding, am sure the nappy bin will go through the floorboards one day lol
That's pants!!!
Pampers baby dry are supposed to be 12 hr for nights, have you thought about adding a liner (I've never done this but I think I read on here some people who had)
What brands have you tried? X
Is his little winkle pointing in a funny direction?? Sometimes if harrisons is pointing up then we get wee leakage!!
This weeks it's been Asda and tesco. I think I have a huggies one left in my changing bag I might have to try.

Just on about pampers or any others really. If LO hasn't pooped do you always change nappies in the night?
does he wear a popper vest? my lo's nappies leaking at night was always a sign that she needed to go up a vest size? as the nappies expanded they got compressed and leaked?
does he wear a popper vest? my lo's nappies leaking at night was always a sign that she needed to go up a vest size? as the nappies expanded they got compressed and leaked?

Always wears a vest. I hope not, just brought a load! Should I try him in just a sleepsuit tonight and see what happens do you think?

It's happened again :wall: had no vest on him tonight just pjs and he still weed through!

Have you tried inserts? They should help soak the wee up a bit. I'm using cloth so can't really recommend any sposies. They don't take up that much room and if you're only using them for night time you won't need a lot either. It saves having to wash your bedding all the time! :)
We're going to mothercare tomorrow so I was going to look at getting a washable nappy cover. When you say inserts do you mean the sheets that go in washables?

Yea. They're slim too so will go fine inside-although they don't absorb as much as the rest of the nappy but should at least help. Type liners in eBay and you can get some cheap ones there.
I was gonna suggest reusables to, I started on them cos of leaks and we get a LOT less. We don't really have much drying space (or a tumble drier) but I found an extra 2spins in the washing machine, they come out almost dry, just need half an hour on the radiator. Xxx
What size are you using ours leaked so we went up a size even tho twos still fit I put him in 3 have to make sure they are fastened tight but it stopped the leak

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Is the front of his nappy full i have been having this as my son keeps filling them up so i change him just before bed now and give him am ounce less milk which seemed to help x

34 weeks pregnant. Team blue!

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