What is this pram...?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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I was in asda the other night.. and it was selling a Chicco pram.. it had like a car seat that clipped into it, and obv could be detached.. i went onto the chicco website but they dont really have much of one.. i know this is litttttttle info to work from.. but the pram faced like.. the handles.. so backwards.. if that makes sense..

sorry if none of this makes sense.. just trying to find out what it was..

x x
I think it was blue.. Like a navy colour i think.. dark anyways.. =)

omg.. wow.. you legend.. i couldnt find any baby stuff on the asda site..! im such a technophone.. :oops:

its the second one..!

x x
ive justed noticed that it isnt a chicco.. but looks literally exactly the same.. i might be going crazy... lol.. but thats perfect

*Rainbow* said:
omg.. wow.. you legend.. i couldnt find any baby stuff on the asda site..! im such a technophone.. :oops:

its the second one..!

x x
:wink: No probs Hun, its a wierd website that one.

Great price for a travel system especially the first one.
*Rainbow* said:
omg.. wow.. you legend.. i couldnt find any baby stuff on the asda site..! im such a technophone.. :oops:

its the second one..!

x x

:lol: :lol: Sorry that made me laugh. The expression is technophobe but i know its a typo cos the b is next to the n :D
LOL.. just looked back now and saw my typo.. :oops: hehe.. blushing now..!!

x x
If you search for "chicco travel system" in google you are bound to find something like what you saw.

Lisa x
I ended up buying the mamas and papas pliko empire one.. i really liked it.. and it was 185 quid.. so i jumped at it.. =)

did like the chicco one mind.. was quite cheap too..
x x x

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