What type of pram / pushchair is best?


Jul 31, 2006
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Just wondering if anyone can advise on what type of pram / pushchair is best? Have been looking at loads and am totally confused. I really like the idea of baby lying out flat, so I've been looking at pram styles that convert to a pushchair. Then there's the option of getting this type in a travel system, or getting just the pram / pushchair, and separate car seat.

Did any of you find it harder or easier to have a separate car seat - i.e. waking baby each time you take her out of the car and into the buggy (and vice versa)? Is it much handier to have the car seat that clicks into the buggy?

I'm also interested in something lightweight, and that folds to a reasonable size, as I have a small car (vauxhall corsa).

I really appreciate all the help :)
the best option would have been the mamas and papas but it dont fould down small :think:

but it has the pram so baby can lay flat then a seperate pushchair that u can click on and a car seat that clicks on. so if you are just popping to the shop then can click the car seat on to the shasey but if you are going out for a while put baby in the pram?? i had a rover 200 when i used my mamas and papas one it just fit in. but i dont think u will get one to fit in a corsa other then a stck buggy? i have the quinny zapp its great but only with car seat not laying out flat???

i much prefer them laying flat good for winter as you can propley swaddle baby in blankets with out straps ect and nice for summer as they stretch out and get air to them
Dionne is right about the mamas and papas hun they are great. I have got the pramette which lays flat for baby but also converts to a pushchair. I have also bought the matching car seat which you can also attach to turn it into a travel system. This is it :D

This is it as a pushchair

i also have the pramette, it does fold down quite small and has an alluminium frame so is really light too :)
That is so gorgeous Dionne i really wanted that but sometimes i have to get on a bus and would have to take it to bits :( ,was still gonna get it anyway :roll: but for the first time ever i have been sensible when it comes to pushchairs :D xx
when working with health visitor she said that leaving a baby in car seat was really bad for posture etc i had seperate car seat and when i get him out he usually goes back to sleep if hes tired it isnt as easy as a car seat you can carry around but...
i went for lightest pushchair i could find(mamas and papas aria argos 99.99) cheap and cheerful everyone i know who brought big heavy one ended up buying a stroller after a few months and wasted hundreds of pounds.
when working with health visitor she said that leaving a baby in car seat was really bad for posture etc i had seperate car seat and when i get him out he usually goes back to sleep if hes tired it isnt as easy as a car seat you can carry around but...
i went for lightest pushchair i could find(mamas and papas aria argos 99.99) cheap and cheerful everyone i know who brought big heavy one ended up buying a stroller after a few months and wasted hundreds of pounds.
Hi I am getting the quinny buzz or freestyle with carry- cot seen this one as an example http://shop.babyworld.co.uk/DisplayDeta ... prodid=613

or I will get the silver-cross one with small wheels or a bugaboo am going to see al three and make my mind up,I want something really sturdy that doesnt look like it is going to snap.
I am with everyone else get the pramette they are great. i got mine just after christmas in the sale for 150.00!!!
the pramette is gorgous and i so so so much wish that i had it but i didnt have the dosh at the time to get it
ive got the same as kim put up but the mothercare version i agree loverly pushchair but doesnt fold as small as the pramette
i have the jane slalom pro system 2000 which has the pushchair,carrycot and car seat.
what i liked about it was the fact the carrycot could be secured into the back seats of the car by the seatbelts,baby is strapped into the carrycot, and in fact was eaiser to use than the traditional car seat so baby could stay asleep and the carrycot just cliped really easy onto the chassis of the pushchair
another good point, my little baby Havana did not seem to like her moses basket so we also used the carry cot for her to sleep in she loved it!!

Ive just bought the graco mosaic. I dont drive so I need to have something light to take on the bus Its really easy to fold and it folds up small too. Only thing is it only comes as a travel system not with a carrrycot. but I ound this to be the best one I found.


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