What is Baby Led Weaning? (BLW)

theres so much "guidelines" out there about when and how you wean your baby I think that they should be options not guidelines as its hard for all the diff things to do and if its a first time mum then it must be really hard
i gave Noa a chip sized bit of banana yesterday and he shoved it in and it was gone!? I will wait to hes 6 month to start properly tho. Now he only gets bits of banana really.

Im nervous about the choking and gagging so i did a 2 hours first aid class for babies tuesday gone and feel alittle calmer about it all now. He gets so excited im scared he will forgett to try n chew n just try n swollow?

Aw bless him :) they do gag at first but it's so rare for them to choke because that's what gagging is there to try to prevent. Good on you for doing a first aid course. I did peadiatric first aid for my last job.
If he's excited he will probably still chew and if he does just try to swallow he'll gag before he chokes.
theres so much "guidelines" out there about when and how you wean your baby I think that they should be options not guidelines as its hard for all the diff things to do and if its a first time mum then it must be really hard

I agree. Unfortunatly 'alternative' ways are either ignored by 'proffessionals' or badly researched. They change the 'guidelines' so often too! Tbh I don't follow guidelines. Take cosleeping-very frowned upon in our society, hv often give out scary and usually incorrect 'facts' about it but in other countries it's encouraged! Same as everything surrounding babies! I think it's important to be armed with both sides and then make an informed choice. I found a blw forum recently. It helped a lot!
Do you put anything on the toast? I tried with some carrot batons earlier and it took forever and he just chucked them (he eats them pureed) but i swapped for a rusk and he knew what to do with it and gone in minutes!! lol!!
I haven't given Seb toast yet or bread. The point when you start BLW is to let them explore the fold, make it fun! Sounds like that's what he was doing with the carrot. :)
I've just found this thread - its great. Question though - my baby goes for his bath at 6 and last feed and then down at 7. We eat dinner afterwards. I can't (and dot want to) keep him up a lot later just so he can eat with us. Does this matter?
you could give him food at his tea time or you could move your teatime to earlier to suit him. they watch you eat and learn from you and are curious to try things that your eating so it is helpful to eat at the same time as them but i guess its what works best for all of you

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