Baby Led Weaning - how does it work...


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
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Okay so I've been looking (reading) up on various things about weaning when I stumbled across one of Beanie's posts on BLW, and I think that's the route I want to go down, so where do I start. I know Otis is to young to start at the mo - was initially thinking of starting to wean him around 4 months as he hasn't been sleeping through the night and though that weaning him may help. However I'm willing to wait an extra two months (if that's how long I have to wait).
I know there have been a few other posts on this but can't find them so any advice would be most welcome, ie. what is the earliest I can start with the BLW and what foods should I start with. I did look at the BLW website and may refer to it more come the time....
Ta ladies
I'd really like to know more too! I think the reason its 6 months is that's the time babies lose their choke reflex and can pick things up and put them in their mouth.

Perhaps Beanie or another BLWer could answer a few questions please :) Can you give baby something to chew on before 6 months if its in a safety feeder (one of those net things)? Do you have to start with certain foods or do you go with the flow of what baby might grab from your plate or have something that the rest of the family are eating? Are there any books you can reccommend?

Thanks and sorry Daggers to ask on your thread but sounds like we would both like to know more :)
I have just been reading up on this as well. I have started weaning Ellie at 4 months and over the last week or so, Ellie has been trying to feed herself with the spoon and it has suddenly got a whole lot messier but it is confirming for me that she is ready for it. From what I was reading you can start offering them the finger foods from 4months but they reckon they won't actually eat any until 6months. I am going to offer Ellie a chip size piece of banana and a chip size piece of pear later on and see how she gets on with it. Unfortunately I read this after mashing up a load more sweet potato which she loves. Oh well. I would love to hear others experiences etc as well and will carry on posting.
Nicky_Jones said:
start offering them the finger foods from 4months but they reckon they won't actually eat any until 6months.

I give Ellis finger foods he just sucks them pulling a silly face. Cucumber, carrot and peppers so far

The banana wasn't too successfully as while she was taking it to her mouth she squeezed so hard the end fell off most of the time. She sucked and chewed on everything though and I am sure some of it went down though most of it came back out again. All in all she ejoyed it though. :D
this was te thread from when I few of us started using BLW thread clicky

and here is a good link blw clicky

It is great, you never really need to bother with the puree stage :D
Thanks for the links. We didn't have a good night last night she woke at around 4:30 moaning (not unusual, as she is teething) but that turned to crying off and on until I went in and calmed her. She was happy for a bit and then again was crying so I went in intending to feed her (about 5:20) and she needed a nappy change by then (very unusual) and gave her a feed and then she settled. I am now not sure if it was teething pains or if she had some tummy ache from the fruit she had as finger food. :?
Okay so I get the jist re the food part but when do y'all think is a good time to start with the BLW, I see Nicky has start and her LO is 4months plus, do I need to wait for Otis to be able to sit up first?

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