What is an acceptable age to continue breastfeeding till?


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
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Hi Ladies

I have been thinking about this a lot lately as I am currently tandem nursing my 8 week old DD and 20 month old DS. Most people are rather surprised when I tell them I am still breastfeeding my ds.

Anyway what do you think is an acceptable age to continue breastfeeding till??

I think in general society only think up to a year?? There is a complete lack of support for breastfeeding beyond 6 months I think.

Also at your childs one year vaccination did they ask if you were still breastfeeding? ( Only interested as I was never asked!)

Be really interested to know your thoughts :) xx
I wasn't asked. WHO recommends at least 2 years!!

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
My sons almost two and couldnt imagine breast feeding him personally! He just seems so old. My opinion is probably based in society I suppose and in my eyes id say about 1 but thats opinion only ;)

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Before i.had children, i was thinking 6 months, when i had my son, i thought a year.
My son was BF for 14 months and we only stopped because if me being pregnant. I will feed second for as long as we both want it.
I dont think i want to force weaning of he isnt ready

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My son self weaned just before 18 months but I was expecting him to breastfed up until 2 years x
I asked my husband this the other day!! He would NEVER expect me to give up but I think he was thinking a year possibly 2! My first comfort fed until 11 months, I was pregnant by the time she was 4 and I'm convinced it affected supply. And my second self weaned at 11 months as well. Which felt very strange and not sure I was ready!!! This time as its probably my last I really don't know. Not sure I'll want to give up lol. I alreadyam dreading weaning because she won't be solely dependent on me to provide nourishment. I'm not sure I'd publicly feed a baby over one though!? Although I would NEVER judge anyone else and often see others feeding 2 year olds and I just think good for them xxx
As long as you want to. I have to admit, before I had my son and breastfed, I thought breastfeeding beyond 2 was weird. But now I realise bf is the most natural thing in the world. Cliche but true. I imagine it might be a bit awkward to do in public when they are older, due to the public perception.

I wasn't asked at any of my imms appts whether I was BF. I was asked at my six week check and that was the last time. I'm also an imms nurse and I don't ask. I'm not qualified to give BF advice, I know where to signpost if people want help, but it's really none of my business if they don't bring it up.
I bf DS until he was two and a half. At that stage I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable with it and wanted my boobs back lol so I gently and gradually weaned him off. He was only having one or two feeds a day and he wasn't upset by stopping so I think it was the right time for us. But I don't think there is one acceptable age to feed to, it's up to the individual what they are comfortable with. I will admit before bf DS I did feel differently and probably would have thought that bf past a year was a bit odd but now I don't bat an eyelid at someone bf at age 2 and beyond. Having said that I did cringe a bit at that woman who was still feeding her 8 year old but hey, each to their own! Xxx
I think the UK are one of the few countries in Europe (and further afield) that find BF'ing an older child somehow 'wrong'

There are issues to take into consideration though, for example my friend has gone back to work and still BF's her 18 month old - for comfort - yet this is causing a lot of problems with the child's daycare as she obviously isn't there to offer the boob for 8 hours, 5 days a week and it's a bit confusing for the little one.

Friend doesn't want to stop BF'ing but is trying to limit it to morning and night feeds and stop offering him the boob to pacify him.

It all depends on personal circumstance and what works for you and the child.

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Thank you for the replies ladies :)

Very interesting that some people weren't asked at all at their los immunisations. In the child health book (red book) for each set of jabs there is a box to tick whether you are breastfeeding at that time or not. I was asked at the 2, 3 and 4 month jabs but not at the one year and just thought that was sad as it was like I was expected not to be breastfeeding.

As for not breastfeeding los over 1 in public I guess I'm a little the same - My son would very unlikely want to breastfeed in public any way as there is usually way too much going on but I think its great if you want to do it.

As for breastfeeding an 8 year old...hmmm well each to their own but wow you have to praise the mothers - that's a long time!
I think the UK are one of the few countries in Europe (and further afield) that find BF'ing an older child somehow 'wrong'

There are issues to take into consideration though, for example my friend has gone back to work and still BF's her 18 month old - for comfort - yet this is causing a lot of problems with the child's daycare as she obviously isn't there to offer the boob for 8 hours, 5 days a week and it's a bit confusing for the little one.

Friend doesn't want to stop BF'ing but is trying to limit it to morning and night feeds and stop offering him the boob to pacify him.

It all depends on personal circumstance and what works for you and the child.


That's an interesting thought regarding the 'comfort nursing', I can imagine that being a problem - My son was 18 months when I had my dd and the first night I left him ever was when I gave birth - He always has a morning breastfeed but quite happily went without for a couple of days while he was being looked after by my friend as I was in hospital.

I kind of assumed most 18 month and upwards only feed maybe morning and night or at nap time. Geez I'd hate to look after a child that was only comforted by breastfeeding! xx
My son started part time daycare at 1 year and i found it actually helped with day naps as he got used to falling asleep without breastfeed. He never took a dummy either.

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My son started part time daycare at 1 year and i found it actually helped with day naps as he got used to falling asleep without breastfeed. He never took a dummy either.

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Did he settle quickly without you there? I suppose sometimes away from their usual surroundings they can get use to different things. Neither of mine take a dummy either, its handy isn't it - we don't have to worry about taking it away :)
My son started part time daycare at 1 year and i found it actually helped with day naps as he got used to falling asleep without breastfeed. He never took a dummy either.

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Did he settle quickly without you there? I suppose sometimes away from their usual surroundings they can get use to different things. Neither of mine take a dummy either, its handy isn't it - we don't have to worry about taking it away :)

He did, he really likes being at the nursery - they have a huge garden and so many things to do. I guess they get them so tired they just drop off. At first they were rubbing his back to help him though

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As long as mother and child still want to.
Personally I think about 4 seems 'right' as they would wean before school but I wouldn't judge anyone for feeding longer.
I've been asked at all DS appointments and all parents evenings at nursery too.
Wow 4 seems so old!! I work in a school and some children r 4 when they start school and couldnt even imagine them being breastfed at that age!!! Lol

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
C is 11months and my supply has dropped due to pregnancy but I do want him to self wean. C doesn't have much interest in feeding at the moment and is getting frustrated that let down is so slow.

I don't understand the mentality of NIP over here, or BFing past a year. It is such a natural thing.

If my MIL had it her way I would have stopped at six months and she is pestering me so much to stop at the moment. I just want to be allowed to do what I feel is right forme and my boy xx

My younger sister bf until almost 5 when my mother weaned her before she went to school.
We had so much trouble to start off with that I'm in no hurry for him to give it up, we both worked hard to make it work, and I think I'll carry on and let him self-wean whenever he is ready.

I am very slowly weaning him off his daytime feeds because I'm going back to work two days one week, three days the next at the end of August so he'll be going to nursery two days a week and be looked after by my Mum once a fortnight (he'll be almost 13 months), so obviously it'd be easier if he doesn't expect boob in the day by then. But I'll keep doing the first thing in the morning feed and the bedtime feed for as long as he wants :)
Whenever you ready at home hun, but i got some hassle feeding in public , not down to age of baby but bf in general peoples reactions are not great as most dont do it long . ( Ive bottlefed 3 babies when younger, and so i see their side, shame people cant see how normal bf is too) It would put me off feeding in public longer than i did. My baby was 12 mths before i gave up just after his bday , he wasnt walking then so was still babylike for peoplecwatching.

Well done to any lady that feeds longer, your amazing, i wanted periods back to help me ttc
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