Who's breastfeeding their baby past the age of one?

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hi ladies,

I was planning to breastfeed for 12 mths (and lucky enougth to manage it this last time round). It's been great in many ways and cost too! , but now it's approaching the 12 mths on the 6th Jan, and I'm having thoughts that maybee I should continue a little longer.

I just watched a programme on tely about extraordinary Breastfeeding, (think it's been on before and caused quite a stir about feeding babies upto the age of 7), but I hadn't seen it. Wouldn't be doing it that long, I'm only feeding first thing and at bedtime so would be dead easy, (not sure how much milk he's getting , boobs really not full any more - but it mentioned that the UK recomeneded age to stop BF is 2 years of age, and 4 in most of the rest of europe. I had no idea that 2 would be the adviced age? thought it would be 1 year

Anyone plan to BF between age of 1 and 2 ?

Anyone got any tips for best way to stop when just doing two feeds?

Thanks, JJ
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:wave: I'm still feeding Toby now. I'm assuming he'll stop on his own quite soon as Sam stopped when I was 13 weeks pregnant with Toby - I think most of my milk had gone. I only feed him morning and night now, or if OH is putting them to bed only in the mornings and he's fine with that so I think I'll just let him stop on his own - I think most do between 2 and 3 anyway and I definitely won't be carrying on until he's 8! x
And no advice on how to stop, sorry :lol:

Thanks Sam's mum - no that's great - you have done really well lasting to 2 years! Well done you - The ladies in the programme were all feeding constantly all day long still which I wouldn't be doing.

The only thing that is making me want to stop earlier is my periods have returned but they are lightg spotting for a week before period, a week of normal period and then followed by a week of spotting again, so only leaveds me with a week off each month, I am assuming caused by still feeding!!:wall2:

So excited your past 12 weeks preg now!!:lol:
Well Oz is gonna be 1 in a couple of weeks and I really wanted to stop then, but he is alll about the boob unfortunately so might take me a while to wean him off. I'm not gonna force him off though, but I am gonna stop feeding him in the day time and if he still need me at night then so be it!

I'm proud that I've done a year, I didn't even want to do it when I found out I was pregnant, and OMG it was the hardest thing I did when he was born, but look at us! We made it!

Oh, forgot to say, my advice on how to stop is to just stop lol I think Oscar willl be fine about not having day time feeds, he has 1 morning and 1 lunch for day time then bedtime and in the night too - still :shock:

Daytimes I'm just stopping. He will get milk in a beaker and if I'm sure he will be fine with this, it's the bedtime and and night time I think is gonna be hard, but it's just gonna be perserverance and gradually him geting used to not getting it!

We expecting alot of tears and tantrums :cry:
And no advice on how to stop, sorry :lol:

Thanks Sam's mum - no that's great - you have done really well lasting to 2 years! Well done you - The ladies in the programme were all feeding constantly all day long still which I wouldn't be doing.

The only thing that is making me want to stop earlier is my periods have returned but they are lightg spotting for a week before period, a week of normal period and then followed by a week of spotting again, so only leaveds me with a week off each month, I am assuming caused by still feeding!!:wall2:

So excited your past 12 weeks preg now!!:lol:

Thank you! I can't believe how fast it seems to be going! I cut down in January last year as I still hadn't had a period since he was born and they came back straight away, and were quite regular from the start so I'm sure it made a difference. I couldn't keep feeding all day every day for years though. Until a few months ago he still wanted me to feed him every time I sat down but he's showing a lot less interest now so I don't think it'll be too long before he stops anyway x
Not sure how long I'll bf for but a year would be really good. I think it's great you ladies have managed so long x
Well we're just over the year mark and I am slowly stopping - have swapped out the night time feed for cows milk and some time in the new year I'll stop the morning feed - not sure when tbh, i'm thinking about 14months. We want to ttc next year so I wouldn't mind a break from feeding/growing babies. Not sure though cos its so easy now, I may sneakiily carry on a bit longer :)
Jasper is 17 months and breastfed, generally just in the morning but quite a long feed, I intend to feed him until he is 2.5 at least, but obviously it depends how pregnancy affects me, last time I got to 14 weeks and it was quite painful to feed him so we will see.

Jasper was feeding quite a lot at one, and getting a lot of comfort and joy from our snuggles, I wouldn't have wanted to take that away from him so no advice on how to stop, sorry! I did start giving him some warm cows milk in a bottle at about 14 months because of the pregnancy so maybe try replacing wi that?
I was planning on stopping when I go back to work when she's 12/13 months, but I think I want to keep going with morning and bedtime feeds even then cos they'll fit around work no problem. No advice on anything, I haven't got a clue yet!
If you're still breastfeeding your first when your second is born doesn't that mean the deck d will miss out on all the colostrum etc?
You still produce colostrum after you give birth x
Yeah people think you only produce a certain amount of colostrum but actually its a timeframe not an amount. So if you have two suckling you will just produce more! jasper only feeds in the morning now anyway x
Yeah apparently colostrum comes back in around 4/5 months gestsation. I'm kinda hoping that if Oz isn't off the boob by then this will get hiim off!
Haha colostrum is like milkshake to them! He will love it... And you'll burn so many calories!
So if you're bf and pregnant and start producing colostrum, do you produce loads like the same amount as you would milk?
I would advise to do it up 2 yrs.... I didnt breastfeed my baby long and regret it..stop at nearly 4 months but next one willingness to do it up 2 yrs..:wave:
Thanks for all your replies, thoughts ladies, and congrats also to Maria, pregnant again! yay well done, you lot are dropping like flies .....
My daughter is 2 in Feb and still feeding I plan to carry on untill she wants to stop.

it mentioned that the UK recomeneded age to stop BF is 2 years of age, and 4 in most of the rest of europe. I had no idea that 2 would be the adviced age? thought it would be 1 year
Thanks, JJ

I think the programme miss quoted the WHO guidelines which state "infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, development and health. Thereafter, to meet their evolving nutritional requirements, infants should receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. " (full guidline can by found by googling "WHO infant feeding guidlines" and it is the first page, I can't post a link because i'm new)
So it is saying 2 years and beyond not recommending stopping at 2.

Those of you who are feeding and having another baby remember colostrum is a laxative so be prepared for a response from your older child.

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