What happens if waters break at work!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2007
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Hi Guys

Starting to have mad "what if" thoughts now!!!

Just say you are at work, I work in a lab full of men (who are actually a mine of info as most young dads themselves) and my waters break...what happens then, do you drive yourself to the hosp? At what point do you ring OH?

Also how long have you got to give birth once that has happened, because surely it's not good for the baby to be in a womb with no liquid about to protect it?

Sorry if I sound really thick...just it's my first time and starting to worry.

ps 25 weeks tomorrow!!!
i think waters are just ment to trickle out so i dont think many people would see :)
not sure on the other things though hun
manda xx
from wat i have heard contractions dnt strat straight after ur waters break (i think) so i wud jst go home and wait for them but i wud call ur oh wen ur waters break lol
To add to Warley's question...

My work is closer to a different hospital than the one I'm supposed to be going to so what the hell happens if I go into labour at work? I guess I'd have to get someone to drive me home in my car would I? Would have to be a really nice colleague to do that :rotfl:
Warley said:
Hi Guys

Starting to have mad "what if" thoughts now!!!

Just say you are at work, I work in a lab full of men (who are actually a mine of info as most young dads themselves) and my waters break...what happens then, do you drive yourself to the hosp? At what point do you ring OH?

Also how long have you got to give birth once that has happened, because surely it's not good for the baby to be in a womb with no liquid about to protect it?

Sorry if I sound really thick...just it's my first time and starting to worry.

ps 25 weeks tomorrow!!!

hello Warley hun, I think you have a long while yet until your waters will be breaking BUT...lets explore your 'what if'...

If your waters break then dont panic. I think only a fraction of ladies waters actually break before you have contractions so you'll probably have contractions first, in which case you definately wont be at work unless you are insane. Mostly waters break in labour at a point when you're well aware your baby is on its way. But if it did happen before you call your midwife. If the waters arent clear and contain meconium (sp) then you should get yourself swiftly to hospital or your babies cord is hanging out :puke: I read all this yesterday. Waters can gush or trickle :D apparently it feels lovely - according to my Mum

debecca said:
To add to Warley's question...

My work is closer to a different hospital than the one I'm supposed to be going to so what the hell happens if I go into labour at work? I guess I'd have to get someone to drive me home in my car would I? Would have to be a really nice colleague to do that :rotfl:

If you go into labour at work I think it should be a long while from your first contraction to when baby pops out. You'd proably have enough time on your hands to get some overtime in :wink:

Panic panic........I am worried that someone would feel obliged to drive me to the hospital and I would ruin their car seats!....What about taxi drivers or can they refuse a woman in full flow?

Debecca, pehaps we should just phone an ambulance...or is it not serous enough for one of those?
I'd imagine you'd be on maternity leave when your waters break, unless your planning on working until your due date :shock:

I had to have mine broken in the hospital so didn't get to experience them breaking on their own last time.
:cheer: :cheer: You'll get to go home early I reckon unless you work for Ebanesa Scrooge...
Warley said:
Hi Guys

Also how long have you got to give birth once that has happened, because surely it's not good for the baby to be in a womb with no liquid about to protect it?


i was wondering this, cos you can be days in labour! how does it breathe? would it get oxygen thru the umblical cord?
If the men you work with are dads themselves then I'd just relax! Talk to one of the nicer ones and explain what you are worried about and ask if he would be on stand-by to drive you to the hospital should the need arise- I'm sure he'd feel honoured! I personally would call OH as soon as waters broke or first contraction happened which ever came first. I would also take a load of old towels (or new ones!) into work in the boot of my car just in case you need to protect someone elses car seats! From what most women tell me waters don't usually break until after first contractions- for some they have to be broken by the midwife.

Try not to worry- and if you do- talk to your OH or a friend it can help sort out what you really want to do :hug:
manda224 said:
i think waters are just ment to trickle out so i dont think many people would see :)
not sure on the other things though hun
manda xx

I wish it was just a trickle mine was a huge gush like mega huge!!!!

muppetmummy said:
I'd imagine you'd be on maternity leave when your waters break, unless your planning on working until your due date :shock:

I had to have mine broken in the hospital so didn't get to experience them breaking on their own last time.

I am planning on working till close to my due date but then I dont get maternity pay so dont really have much choice
midna said:
I read earlier that a drink is enough to replenish some wet in the womb lol ..so I guess as long as you keep drinkin all will be good...

Im sure if squiglet is about she will tell you the more technical details lol.

psssf... :roll: :moon:

Babies don't need the fluid to breathe.. the oxygen is supplied through the cord. But they do need it to keep their digestive tracts in good working order...and it's completely sterile so when it's gone infection can set in.

The water replenishes itself daily as the baby obviously drinks it, then pee's it out so it needs replacing a lot.. which is why your bag pops, your water goes but you will continually have this trickle going on as the water keeps being replaced. Might want to take some industrial sized nappies around with you though.. doubt the standard size panty liners will cut it...

:shakehead: :moon:
ive told my work that if my waters break then please dont get the 1st aider on this floor (they are all men :puke: and are gross) get the ladies upstairs who have had kids and are nice :lol:

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