What do you wear when you're at home chilling out?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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I was out last night and stayed with my parents, we went to bed quite late. I've just come home, my OH is wearing a t-shirt and jogging bottoms while watching football on tv. I got changed straight into my PJ bottoms, but kept my tshirt and hoody on.

He's going mental coz I am "wearing my PJs in the middle of the day" !? We're not seeing anyone, not going out anywhere, so what's the problem? How's it any different from him lounging about in jogging bottoms?!
Wtf?! Who stuck a cork up his ass?! When I'm at home chilling I'm either in sweats or pj's. In fact, right now I'm sitting here in pj bottoms and a hoodie.
If my DH was getting arsey at me for that I'd tell him where to go.

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
I wear pj's a lot when just chilling round the house, DH sometimes is like 'still in pj's' so I have bought a few cheap pairs of black pj bottoms from primark which look like joggers.
Can beat pj bottoms and a hoodie though, so comfy :D
I always change in to pjs when I get home for the day!! And I agree, it's no different to wearing jogging bottoms! Tell your OH to shh!! ;) xx
I always used to change into PJ's the moment I got home from work? Who wants to sit around in clothes they've had on all day??

I'd be bathed and in clean PJ's by 6.30pm most nights :lol:

When preggers I loved big, baggy nighties and now my uniform is leggings and a top - I have some leggings that are "PJs" and some that I wear out. Same with my tops.. So effectively I am pretty much always in my nightclothes or I look like I am in my nightclothes!

I love my pj's and I am in them pretty much the entire time I am in the house! I have always been the same, infact I am guilty of driving my kids to school in my pj's so I'm probably a case for Jeremy Kyle lol

Tell him to shush :D xxx
I quite often come home from work and change straight into my PJs, what's the point in getting changed into other clothes, and then getting changed again for bed later?! But that's wrong too. But it's ok for him to come home and put his joggers on!
It's all about pj bottoms and a hoodie for me too! Luckily I have converted my husband too so now the first thing he does when he gets in is put pj bottoms on :D

Definitely nothing wrong with it if you're just chilling at home!
Pjs or jogging bottoms. And my housecoat!! Haha... I used to have a hoodie but it got ruined. I love another one :) xxx
As long as I am at home I wear pjm or my medical scrubs lol as they are so so cozy and i have literally tons...Weird enough I sleep naked lol.
Being home means to be cozy. Now that Amelie is here there is no point even to wear nth more than pjm or joggers lol as the chances to get dirty during the day are like 100% :lol:
Sometimes outside clothes, sometimes loungewear I have bought specifically for being at home, sometimes PJ's.
Trackies and hoodies :) well still in my leggings at the minute but not been in long
PJs or my fleece lounge pants :)

If I have to pop out sometime during day I wear normal clothes then get ready for bed (into pjs) around 7pmish.

Otherwise I wake up and stay in pjs all day. I have a nice collection of pj bottoms and baggy tshirts so can change them lots :P
Pj bottoms ( oh's as they are baggy and soooo comfy we fight over them )

And my fluffy dressing gown

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Oh and a loose vest top NO bra that comes off as soon as I step in the house BEST feeling ever

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
I'm always jn my clothes! Usually get my jimjams on just before I get in bed! Id love some nice loungewear, but I always feel like if someone knocks on they'll think I'm scruffy :blush:
Usually joggers and a hoodie. I want to get some nice lounging trousers actually :)
Oh and a loose vest top NO bra that comes off as soon as I step in the house BEST feeling ever

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:

Lol I do this... I only put one on for school run and whip it off after!! I used to hate it but kow it's the best feeling! I'm weird in that I can't wear jumpers as I don't like stuff close to my neck, so I wear the same, joggers, vest top no bra and a dressing gown :D

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