What do you think your having?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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A Boy or A Girl?
What does your motherly instinct tells you? :)
I think I'm having a Girl!
I've always thought we'd have boys - don't know why.

That being said, I don't have a strong feeling that this baby is either a boy or a girl yet.
When I was pregnant with my first I thought I was having a boy until I reached 8 weeks then had a strong feeling it was a girl and was right. This time I think I'm having a boy but that may change further on again :hug:
i think im avin a girl!!! im not bothered either way as long as its healthy .....but i think im having girl i dont no y i jst got this feeling 9 weeks till i find out n see if im right !!!!
I'm not bothered either way as long as its healthy too but last time I knew it was a boy! :shock:
I'm convinced it's twin girls, and have been since I got my BFP :shock:

My friend was convinced she was carrying a girl though, and couldn't quite believe it when her son was born, so as long as he or she (or they!) are healthy, I don't care either way.
I don't mind either - healthy baby of any sort is fine by me!

Hubby has been saying forever that he would want a boy first followed by a girl - but now I think he's changing his mind a bit!

Chopsie - do twins run in your family? Do you have twin insurance just incase?!
My Grandad on my Mum's side was an identical twin, but identical twins are completely random, so I don't think this affects the odds of me carrying twins. I really don't know why I think it's twins - I think it might be because by week 6 I had gone from a C cup to a DD, and apparently this can be a indicator :?

And how does twin insurance work? I've never heard of it!

ETA - Just looked it up on google - might be worth the investment!
My friend told me about it as she has a condition which means there is an EXTREMELY high probablility of twins for her when she and her husband finally start trying for kids.

Apparently it covers you for as many pregnancies as you have in a lifetime, and pays out if you have twins so you can afford two of everything! It gets more expensive if you have a high likelihood - but seems like quite a good investment!
I think im having another girl, its not really a strong feeling i have got but i cant imagine myself with a little boy, With my other 2 i was convinvec they where boys. DH says to wait untill after xmas when im a bit further then he'll be able to tell me what it is. With Olivia he woke up one morning and said "your having a girl" he said it was just a strong feeling he had and he was right.

Like the others have said as long as its healthy it doesn't matter what sex it is
I think mine is a girl. I don't know why :think: I definately want to find out the sex at my second scan.
I never thought I'd want to know before the birth - but now I think we've decided that we do want to know. Think it will be much easier to get things ready that way!
I have 100% record of guessing wrong with genders. Which perversely means I should be able to guess (it'll be the opposite to what I think) but I'm not sure at all. I'd be totally made up with a healthy bubba. Somedays I think pink, other days blue. I'm also asking EVERYONE what they think I'll have, as if others have the answer :lol:

we are hoping for a suprise this time. We found out with Stanley and I just want a go at doing it the other way. We both have zero willpower though so I'll have to see if we hold out!
Good luck Minxy in not knowing :rotfl:
I can't wait to know!! I feel it will prepare me mentally in a way to know what I'm having LOL!
It's strange - I always thought I'd want to know the gender beforehand, but now I'm pregnant I'm not so sure! I've got another 12 weeks to decide yet though - unless it IS twins, in which case I'll definitely want to know as I'll have even more to prepare for!!
With Zachary, everyone said I was having a girl, but I really wanted a boy and he was a boy!

I dont think I really knew what I was having though!!!

I havent really got a clue what im having this time and dont mind either way but my symptoms have been so different. I think I was a lot more tired with Zac, and didnt feel as sick and with him and I had such bad spots!!!! This time ive had none.....it could all be coincidence though, they say every pregnancy is different. :think: The nausea has been horrendous this time!

Not sure whether to find out or have a suprise this time!!! :think:
I think we're having a girl but I just told my mum and stepdad this afternoon and my stepdad said 'I think you'll have twins' :shock:
ejjie said:
I think we're having a girl but I just told my mum and stepdad this afternoon and my stepdad said 'I think you'll have twins' :shock:

That would be awesome! Scary, but bloody awesome!
yeah my mum said you don't want that an I said that at least that way I only have to go through birth once!!!!
ejjie said:
yeah my mum said you don't want that an I said that at least that way I only have to go through birth once!!!!
I totally agree, having 2 at one is worth it LOOL one pregnancy, one birth and 2 babies! Great Job!

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