My gut instinct now says....

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I really don't have any feeling at all towards to sex of my babes.

It feels wierd not knowing :cry:
DF didn't want to know with Damien, but he flashed his bits and it was clear as day! I just knew anyway. We agreed to find out this time so we can prepare by 30 odd weeks. We had barely anything for Damien and only had it confirmed he was a boy 3 weeks before the birth and hadn't bought anything for him! My mum had to go buy him more clothes, bibs, etc.

Only 9 weeks to go!! :cheer:
rusks said:
i had a gut instinct from the beginning it was a boy for me, i think a lot has to be said for mothers instinct.

I would agree with this Lisa, EVERYONE was adamant I was having a girl and I was sure it was a boy and I was right :D
I said you were having a boy!!
Everyone told me Damien was a boy, and this time everyone is telling me it's a girl. Maybe I'm just letting people convince me it's a girl :lol:
I keep calling my baby 'he'. I hate saying 'it' and you can't say 'the baby' every time.

OH thinks it's be better to call a girl 'he' the whole way through than to call a boy 'she'. :roll:
my gut instinct from really early on was girl! and i was right :)
i always wondered why if they can see heart etc at 12 weeks why they cant see if baby has ovaries or not :think: i wonder if they more or less know then but prefer to wait till 20 wk scan to get a clearer view :think: :think: :think:
my consultant was baby this and baby that and then when i had the scan she was saying theres HIS heartbeat and theres HIS little arm moving i wonder can they see more than they let on xxxx
india india india!! :cheer:

I knew eva was a girl, i just sensed it! It's soooo exciting, 9weeks will fly! x
ToriElla said:
india india india!! :cheer:

I knew eva was a girl, i just sensed it! It's soooo exciting, 9weeks will fly! x

Haha presuming that's at me then as I'm sure I'm the only one it will make sense to!

Indiya Lily is the name we have picked for a girl, so if any of you nick it I'll be most upset! :shakehead: :lol:
:doh: hope that wasn't a secret, im sure you have mentioned it on here before!! (please dont say its like Big brother all over again) :rotfl:
rach said:
i always wondered why if they can see heart etc at 12 weeks why they cant see if baby has ovaries or not :think: i wonder if they more or less know then but prefer to wait till 20 wk scan to get a clearer view :think: :think: :think:
my consultant was baby this and baby that and then when i had the scan she was saying theres HIS heartbeat and theres HIS little arm moving i wonder can they see more than they let on xxxx
My friend had her 12 week scan and they woman said she was having a boy!! They confirmed at the 20 weeks scan too! I guess they dont want to say every time on a 12w scan as its more likely to be wrong, so they wait for 20weeks. Logical really! Id be pissed off if i was told at 12w i was having a boy then 20 i was having a girl!!

Anyway, i dont know what im feeling im first i was BOY and that was that! But then i kept thinking, i shouldnt get too attached to a boy when i could be wrong, so i was thinking girl for a while, so now im convinced its a girl!! :? :?
Maybe later on ill know better....or maybe in my 12w scan next week ill find out!! Ill sure as hell be asking!! lol! :lol:
Apparently they cant tell for sure tioll 16 or 18 weeks by scans, but I think I'll ask too haha :lol:
not sure why and i know its a bit early for me to know but i think im having a boy this time not quite sure why i think that just a feeling i have.
my gut instinct since i found out i was pregnant again is BOY!!!
we will c tho lol!!! i was right wiv my other 3 children
JaidyBaby said:
rusks said:
i had a gut instinct from the beginning it was a boy for me, i think a lot has to be said for mothers instinct.

I would agree with this Lisa, EVERYONE was adamant I was having a girl and I was sure it was a boy and I was right :D

*coughs* :wave:

remember me....

12 weeks onwards i sed it was a lad...

shocking jade...

im laura btw :cry:
lozzijane said:
JaidyBaby said:
rusks said:
i had a gut instinct from the beginning it was a boy for me, i think a lot has to be said for mothers instinct.

I would agree with this Lisa, EVERYONE was adamant I was having a girl and I was sure it was a boy and I was right :D

*coughs* :wave:

remember me....

12 weeks onwards i sed it was a lad...

shocking jade...

im laura btw :cry:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

When I say EVERYONE I meant my family, there were two or 3 of you on here that thought id have a boy!
Throughout my whole life ive always thought id have a girl first. DEFFINATLY every dream ive ever had was a little girl. BUT sinse actually being pregnant i have no feelings either way :cry: My boyfriend is insistant that its a boy (and he just 'knows' apparenty) hes got me thinking its a boy now just cos he's so sure.....
Ill be deffo finding out asap! (20 wks?)
altho i didnt know i was pregnant i had dreams about lil boys just thought it was a way in the future thing lol

When i was oregnant with Kiara all my dreams i dreamed of a boy even after i knew i was having a girlk it was very strange.

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