what do you think of 'US'!


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Ok hi guys, just found this section and thought i would tell you a bit about my relationship to see what you all think.

He is 5 years younger than me but we are both in our 20's. he was my brothers mate so my family have not been thrilled from the start. usually i go for lads with good jobs but this pne has been a bit of a drifter, bit lost in life. he has a good heart in general and is thrilled i am pregnant, i am his world, he is almost obsessed with me, if we argue he goes off the rails as in, if he thinks we are over, he can go into self destruct mode and has got suicidal a few times.

when we are good it is amazing. i am absolutely in love with him. he is GORGEOUS. so much so that i just like loooking at im sometimes (lol that sounds weird, but he is) we have similar views on lots of things. except out families, he comes from a poor type family who swear etc, nd my family although they are lovely are a bit snobby towards him and think because he doesnt work (yet) he is a total waste of space loser an no where near good enough for me. they constantly slag him off and make me feel bad for loving him, and when he has his immature moments it just gives them more amunition.

I have trid breaking up with him following one or two of his bratt moments but i love him so much (as well as trust him loads, and i usually have insecurity issues) and he is my babys daddy, and i really honestly think he will change and be the provier i always wanted. I just hate that so far he hasnt proved it, and also how quick to dismiss him my family are... my step dad even told me to pretend im getting an abortion to him!!!! i would never do that but just so you get the idea of how they feel about him.

its so not ideal and would love anyones opinons or similar experiences or any comments really xx
I think your family sound a bit horrid; recommending you lie about an abortion??

On the other hand, your bloke doesn't sound that mature yet, so he'll eventually settle and end up in a stable job etc I'm sure. I'd focus on what you've got; you're both suitably in love to have a baby together, so be happy you have that and don't try and change him into some sort of "provider."

You may say you always wanted a provider, but by the sounds of things, at least for now, that's not who you're in love with. Someone you love is much more important than someone who can provide, after all, so don't expect him to change.
what that says....

our families want the best for us, but sometimes we dont always fall in love with the best....sods law really and if they love you they should supposrt you no matter what x
Thanks u 2. they are not bad people honestly they just believed he would make me sad / drag me down.

The good news for me is they invited us BOTH to theirs for New years eve and it went really well. so fingers crossed it will start to get better now.

hope he does settle into a job soon still though x
Hi! Glad to hear new years went well. My family havent always approved of my other half either and it really hurts me. Just have to remind yourself that its YOUR relationship and you know what you need. They will just have to respect and accept your decision, hope he finds a job soon, not easy at the mo though, lots of people are out of work so cut him some slack if he's applying you cant ask for more. xxx

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