What do you think of the service you get from your GP?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Cos I think mine is crap :evil:

Josh hasn't stopped crying since I picked him up from school yesterday and I think it's oral thrush cos his tongue is covered in white patches.

Ryan has conjunctivitus and it's getting worse.

The doctor can't fit either of them in cos they shut half day on Wednesdays (I did try getting Ryan seen yesterday but they couldn't see him then either cos the Nurse works mornings only :roll: )

I'm getting them ready and gonna have to drive to the nearest NHS Walk-In Centre just to get them seen :|

Sorry, just a bit of a moan :cry:
ours arnt to bad if you ring at 8.15 in the morning they will usually fit them in that day, having said that if you not first in the queue you dont get seen, hope their better soon :hug:
Just thought, the Walk-In Centre won't see Ryan anyway cos he's under 2. Dunno WTF I'm meant to do :(
It's ok, OH rang from work and told them they had to fit them in cos they're both just kids, and somehow an appointment at 10:15 was available. Funny that :roll:
My local walk-in centre has seen keeley before and she's under 2... my local gp is crap :x
the receptionists at my doctors really annoy me- they won't make you an appointment unless you tell them what's wrong. :x

Kirsty, in future I would take them to A&E and explain you can't get seen by your local GP. That way it is noted that they are not seeing all their patients :wink:
Nic'n'Keeley said:
My local walk-in centre has seen keeley before and she's under 2... my local gp is crap :x

Did they? :think:

I just remember last time I was there, they had notices on the wall saying that no child under 2 years could be seen or treated there :?

Never mind, at least I'm getting them both seen now :)
I was really unhappy with my last doctors and am so much happier with my doctors now if this isn't the first time you have had this problem I would consider changing to a different practise! Glad your getting them both seen now! :hug:
I like my doctors, they are really good, if you call they always say something like "oh Arianna is a infant... we'll squeeze her in" or they get a doctor to call me back.

I have had Arianna to my local walk in before - think she was about 6mths and it was fine.

Hope you get Josh and Ryan seen to and they are better soon :hug:
My previous GP's practice was wonderful. I could phone in the morning and be seen in the afternoon, and if it was urgent, before 9.30am at a sit and wait. They knew me by first name terms and the receptionsists were aware of things like my asthma and that if I called re that it needed attention so would not fob me off.

If it was non urgent I could still get appointments only a few days ahead. Same with nurse and so on. Not a grumble from me about them.

My new one since we moved seems to be good also. I've been in a couple of times at short notice, seen the MW without an appointment twice and its been well run and the people lovely.
My doctors are great when it comes to getting harrison booked in they normally get it done right after school but if its me i have to ring at 8am for about half an hour until they answer the phone and then get an appointment the next day or a few days later.
Ours is great, they promise to get you an appointment same day as long as you call by 4pm, and when I was pg I called at ten to 6 (they close at 6) and they still made time for me! My old one was crap though but that was in a tiny village and the new one is in the town centre.
Mine are great. You ring at 8:30 and always get an appointment for that day you dont have to say whats wrong either. When I registrared Lily I asked to make an appointment for her for the following day and they said because she was a newborn she would be seen there and then.
Mine are ok, but I have to ring in the morning to get a appointment, but usually can get one easily.
Both times I've phoned the docs about Finn (aged 3 mths and 4 mths!) I've had the doc ring me back for a telephone consultation. I feel that tiny babies should be seen rather than just a phone call.
My gp was my mums GP when she was PG with me!!

I adore him! he is talking about retiring and im not happy about it! He couldn't put alice on his lists and they had stopped him taking on new people (what with needing to retire), but he still sees her for me! Ive never taken alice to see her gp (only the nurse).

The only thing i don't like, is that because it is such a small docs, we don't have a nurse.

but when i had my MC, he stayed late to see me, and got me up the hospital for that day!
i love my GP his brilliant
if i ring at 8 i always get an appointment and if i ring for Bray about his chest he will have an appointment within the hour
My docs is brilliant. If I call up in the morning I can always get an appointment on the same day. Sometimes even if I call lete morning/lunch time they'll manage to fit me in. I can also book appointments weeks in advance if I need to.

The HV and MW are in the surgery 1 day a week so I only have to go to one place really.

The only downside is they don't do blood tests in the surgery so I have to go to the hospital - but it's only 5 minutes walk round the corner from the surgery so not a big deal.
I've recently changed Doctors because I would ring up for an appointment for me or Harrison and they'd always be fully booked untill the next week but the new doctors I'm with cover 4 surgerys so if thye havent got appointments at 1 they'll look and see if they have at the other 3 so its rare that we dont get an appointment now days.
Princess_Puddles said:
I've recently changed Doctors because I would ring up for an appointment for me or Harrison and they'd always be fully booked untill the next week but the new doctors I'm with cover 4 surgerys so if thye havent got appointments at 1 they'll look and see if they have at the other 3 so its rare that we dont get an appointment now days.

That's like ours, if we need an appointment and they don't consider it to be urgent there's usually a weeks wait at least.

The thing is, when I actually see the doctor I'm happy with how it goes, it's just trying to be seen in the first place. And they ALWAYS run late, I was sitting in the waiting room with the kids today and it was packed cos 2 doctors were running 30mins late :roll:

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