What do you think about..


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2006
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What do you think about camcording the birth...

Its as simple as that just tell me your views...?
If my OH tried I'd do him in! :lol:

Although I think it could be nice for some of us personally I'd rather he didn't - I look bad enough in the mornings.
oh my god id go spare if my o/h tried to do that xxx
I dunno i personally wouldnt want to watch it back and wouldnt wnat anyone to see me like that. If my parents had filmed me being born, I dont think id want to watch it. I think its very personal and should be between those two. But my OH wants to film the birth of our baby, ive had to put my foot down. Id rather have him next to me holding my hand than hold a camera.
Good grief no. It was bad enough my DH taking photos of me right after the birth, let alone during! Besides even if I was ok with it I wouldn't have wanted him filming while I was doing all the hard work, he needed to be at my side holding my hand.
Have you asked your Girlfriend? What does she say?
Dale had the camcorder on when I was in early labour on gas and air, he was talking in the background like "Rebecca this is mummy 3 hours into labour hopefully you will be making an appearance soon.." But there is NO WAY I would let him film down there..

Just to let you know, when they broke my waters he had to immediatley run to the toilet to throw up, he thought the whole experience was revolting! :shock: But was the 1st to hold Becky...

You need to be careful u aint squeamish! :think:
Nooooo way lol it was bad enough my mum taking my pic after i'd just give birth never mind havin a vid of the whole thing :shock:. Even if I did have it filmed I dont think I would be able to watch it back :shock:

Rachel xx
Befiore the first tme I'd say no, but after I woul;d say yes. I was really jealous of OH as he could see her, I could feel the head with my hand but wanted to see.

I really would ask your ex though, it is such a personal thing.
It's bad enough being caught on film when I look decent, let alone when I am having a baby cut from my tum tum.

Not my bag really :lol:
As lovely as the birth of your child is. I dont think it is something that a woman wants to watch over again on a multicolour surround sound wide screen TV. And when the childs older am not sure he/she would want to watch it either.
My o/h THINKS hes going to video the birth. I have told him if he dares then am aranging a colonoscopy with no sedation and poor prep an video that to show himand his friends lol :lol:
SO in answer to your question I wouldnt want it done to me its a messy time and all dignity goes out the window .
pammie said:
As lovely as the birth of your child is. I dont think it is something that a woman wants to watch over again on a multicolour surround sound wide screen TV. And when the childs older am not sure he/she would want to watch it either.
My o/h THINKS hes going to video the birth. I have told him if he dares then am aranging a colonoscopy with no sedation and poor prep an video that to show himand his friends lol :lol:
SO in answer to your question I wouldnt want it done to me its a messy time and all dignity goes out the window .


Well i asked her last night, at first she was like NO, then she was like oo well i dunno, but to be honest she said she wouldn't want to watch it... so it would only really be for my benifit, but i suppose i get to see it in real life anyway so looks like a no
We are going to film the birth.
It will nice for Seris to look at when shes older, she will be like "Hey mommy thats me! Good job"
:dance: lol
Lilli said:
We are going to film the birth.
It will nice for Seris to look at when shes older, she will be like "Hey mommy thats me! Good job"
:dance: lol

and she'll be saying why are you punching daddy? lol
You'll have to get a bleep machine lol
Or "ewww mommy, I can see your tuppence"

The filming of the birth would mainkly be for me so I can see what it looked like. Of course I am going to have hair and makeup so I will look immaculate at all times (and this time my birth is going to take place within 24 hours). No really.....
i have photos right from contractions through to me holding her for the first time (no film, i would hate that)
and yes i look awfull but my god i love these pics!!!!!! there are already moments of the birth which i'm forgetting and the photos help me remember as i never want to forget

if zoé wants to see them later then she will its up to her
i defo recommend photos (also cause she can tell you when to snap)

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