what do you guys all do?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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hey ladies!

i was just randomly pondering, and thinking about u forum gals. i thought it'd be nice to know what we all do? whether its SAHM, (which i will be soon wahey) or office worker or chocolate factory or whatever u do!!

i just think its nice to find out more about the people we talk to all day lol! :D

i work in a call centre (not the kind where we call people trying to sell stuff) but we log IT issues. it sounds dead complicated and fancy but believe me its NOT!! :rotfl:

its no wonder im on here all day, im glued to a computer!! teehee!! xxxxx
i work in a clothes shop very very boring :bored: xxxxxxx
i'm a sahm or kept woman as my husband says :rotfl:
Im a housing officer, soon to be a rent officer :)

Im off sick at the moment tho :shhh:
I work for the local city council in the IT dept looking after the applications there. Its not bad (flexi-time) but nothing special lol!
I teach English at university to Dutch students who study Real Estate Management. At the end of the academic year I'll be made redundant due to not having my contract renewed (long story), but I've applied to a training institute to teach English to employees at companies in the region. I have to see if I get that job, though :pray:
i am a peadiatric nurse, specialising in adolescence.
I work in a call centre in sales, no cold calls though :lol: If you call wanting to disconnect its my job to stop you by giving you loadsa freebies :)
I work for the Ambulance Service. I'm a "Blue Suit" which is patient transport. I've got an interview on Monday to see about going into Ambulance Control for a years secondment when I finish mat leave. I'm the only internal one going for it, so it's looking good! :cheer:

I'm just a receptionst for a solicitors - not very exciting!! :)
SAHM - hard work and the pay is crap - very rewarding though :D
i worked in superdrug after finishing my A levels. Im now om maternity leave. i was planning to go to College to study to become a vetrinary nurse when Sophie surprised us! lol so I am hoping to be a SAHM once shes here. But we will have to see how our finances work out.
Im a SAHM studying online for my degree in Counselling, specialising in working with children and adolescents. In my previous life i was a sports physio for a football club.
im a pet and baby photographer and work part time at my mils farm :D
I'm a delivery driver at the moment. Went for something stress free while ttc as had a rough time for 3 years.

Might look at Customs or Transport police when I go back to work properly, basically a job where people have to do what I say :lol: .

Have also been studying Spanish part time for 4 years but that's on hold until next year now :( .

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