Do you shorten it?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Do you shorten your kids names or call them by nick names?

I call Thea "Tea" all the time (Tea is Thea in Hungarian so i suppose technically I'm still calling her Thea lol) Richard call her Tetley lol (Tetley Tea get it :roll: )

We have lots of pet names for her too, my kid is gonna grow up totally confused about her name
Jamie is normally called Jam, although OH thinks its funny to call him Marmalade?! :roll: :rotfl:
Hopey, stinks (bloody men) and i call her chicken pop sum times but i am not sure why, :think:
I never call Stanley 'Stan' although others do and I guess it'll be inevitable as he grows up and gets his own friends.

We have lots of nicknames though, chunky hunky monkey, spud, little man, the usual stuff! :D
Finlay gets called Finn and has gazillion different nicknames - all of which are too embaressing to post here! Most of the time we probably don't know where we get them from!
We sometimes call Arianna "Ash" as thats her intials. Otherwise it's just the usual, tooty or babys, etc
I don't shorten either of my 2'd names although Mason gets called Mace at school.

Mason's nicknames: Spud, spud-doodle, doodle, noodle

Brody: Minky, pookie, pokey, OH calls him pokemon

God looking at that I must sound nuts. :lol:
My girls Louisha and Kasmin are pretty much known as Lou and Kaz now thier a bit older, but Lous nickname was grub when she was a baby, cant remember why lol
We call her Soph for short, not much else we can call her really! Although her gran likles to call her Sophie toffee for some reason :?
Jakob gets called Jay alot...or chunky munky!! :p..never Jake though :?
We call Emma - EM, Emzie, Emmakins, Emmy, wee lamb :lol:
Georgia our DD calls Louie Lou-Lou & i go ape!!!!!
we call Louie little man, bub-bub, hun, can't think of any thing else really!
i wont let anyone sorthen hannah to ann, we do call her H but i hate ann and go mad if anyone does it, i nearly stopped her god farther coming to the house the other week because he insisted on calling her ann :evil:
Jamie gets called Jude most of the time but he also gets called Jamie Joo Joo Head & Little man dude :shock: :lol:
i call keeley keeley if thats makes sense :lol:
i was adamant when we called her keeley-paige that everyone would call her that but now i just call her keeley lol
nic & keeley said:
i call keeley keeley if thats makes sense :lol:
i was adamant when we called her keeley-paige that everyone would call her that but now i just call her keeley lol

Aww that is a lovely name :D

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