what do you go by?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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When i had my daughter 16 yrs ago i went by the last date i had my period and she was a day early as i was induced.
This time i am told they go by a scan and ow big the baby is and i dont think i go by that myself after what happened with my daughter,
Anyhow.. By my last period he is due 28th may 2008 and the gp gave me this date when i told him my last period.
This time i told the the date, had a scan and they said no its 2nd june. I was well annoyed.
How can they tell the date by a scan when my last baby was near enough on time by the last period?
What do you go by?


Sounds very confusing to me! Fortunately my LMP and my scans correlate to exactly the same day which is handy so I've not had this problem - I think I'd probably go by the scan though as isn't it supposed to be more accurate?

Failing that go for the LATER date because then you won't be disappointed at going overdue :rotfl:
your periods arent as reliable cos you can ovulate at different times, im sure your cycle is a bit different to what it was 16 yrs ago

all babies develop at pretty much identical rates very early on which is why they can be dated so accurately from a scan

but even tho they can date them accurately it doesnt mean they will come bang on 40 weeks!
Well they tend to go by LMP date these days.

But if you do as debecca suggested then you may well be a bit early :)
I didn't really understand how they came up with a period date for me - i was on for about 2 weeks in one go whilst not actually supposed to be on a period at all - i was on the pill. And so i wasn't sure what happened there really! My scan date is 3 days later than the period date i was given - as they go by size i decided to stick with that one! But in all honesty i have no idea when i really concieved!
I go by the scan date as according to my LMP I should have been due on March 20th not April 2nd- bit of a difference there!
There's only a couple days difference between my LMP and the scan date. LMP said 19th, scan said 21st so midwife said go with 20th :D
If i go by my LMP i would be due on the 28th March, but when it came to my scan they put me back to the 3rd April due to the size of baby.
I have gone by my scan as that is what the midwife/Doctor is going by.

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